Sunday games thread

Some of the fan base here better start getting skeered of the panthers instead if the bucs.
Brady is like a Tardigrade,you can never kill him off.this game will go down to the wire.
Nope, he's probably just excited to prove someone wrong.

Don't know, seems like there are some Cowboys fans on this forum who loves praising the Eagles. So the more the Eagles win, the more they can say "Didn't I tell you how great the Eagles are?"
Don't know, seems like there are some Cowboys fans on this forum who loves praising the Eagles. So the more the Eagles win, the more they can say "Didn't I tell you how great the Eagles are?"
Or maybe, just maybe, they try to be a little bit impartial… You can respect your opponent while the same time hoping that they lose.
I remember Jimmy saying he would’ve never traded Herschel Walker in 89 had the Cowboys had a good team. The Panthers had given up on this season and were playing for next year and the future. I would find it pretty funny if the Panthers make the playoffs and run into San Francisco and McCafferty does a number on them. Lol
Also the Panthers just ran for 320 yards in 1 game without McCaffrey.

As far as them meeting the 49ers in the playoffs is exactly why you don't trade within the division or conference
At this point everyone is tired of the cheating
Pre Madonna Tom Brady. They just want him gone.