SUV Drivers 50% Less Likely to Die in a Crash

do that and maybe you can get away with using that special diesel that is for off road use. Lot cheaper.
burmafrd;3970514 said:
do that and maybe you can get away with using that special diesel that is for off road use. Lot cheaper.

The insurance situation helps as well.

Know a few people around these parts that have farm use trucks. Legit Farm use trucks I should clarify.:D
Kangaroo;3970310 said:
Or we just quit buying big screen tv's that burn up energy TV's why do we need them we should all just go to smaller models; or pc's surfing the internet burns up power and energy. I mean we can get as stupid as we want about energy :lmao2:

But big screen TVs are the best way to watch the game.
Also, I never said I had a big screen TV.
TheCount;3970396 said:
That's probably because the other 50 percent crahsed into another SUV.

Exactly!! haha

But I would also have to remind you of all the 18-wheelers and company trucks. So are we buying SUVs to protect ourselves from large company trucks or from other SUVs?

I'm not one of those people that went out and got a Smart Car because even those could get crushed by a bigger car.
CowboyMcCoy'sWife;3970615 said:
Exactly!! haha

But I would also have to remind you of all the 18-wheelers and company trucks. So are we buying SUVs to protect ourselves from large company trucks or from other SUVs?

I'm not one of those people that went out and got a Smart Car because even those could get crushed by a bigger car.

Those people with smart cars don't look smart when they get ran over by a big vehicle. Not sure why they are called smart car? if they were smart they would get out of the way. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;3970621 said:
Those people with smart cars don't look smart when they get ran over by a big vehicle. Not sure why they are called smart car? if they were smart they would get out of the way. :laugh2:

I never understood that premise.
Drive a Smart car to save gas money?
To those people,gas money is more important than their own safety on the road.

Maybe they are saving the gas money to afford the casket.
SUV drivers?????
I rarely see SUV drivers on the roads.
I see alot of people occupying SUV's.

The vast majority of them seem to be in the fast lane of interstates, doing 52 mph, with their left hand turn signal flashing. The person who is supposedly driving seems oblivious to the act that there might be other vehicles on the road.

The people doing all the actual driving are the ones avoiding the SUV occupants.
I went from a Mercury Mountaineer to an Infiniti G35 sedan and I feel far more safe in the Infiniti. Mostly because I know I can avoid/get out of trouble spots easier with the faster more agile car than I could with the lumbering SUV. I don't miss the SUV one bit.

As for the SMART car hate, those things are great if you live in a large city where traffic never gets too speedy, but if you take that thing on a road or an interstate you are asking for death.
DIAF;3972175 said:
I went from a Mercury Mountaineer to an Infiniti G35 sedan and I feel far more safe in the Infiniti. Mostly because I know I can avoid/get out of trouble spots easier with the faster more agile car than I could with the lumbering SUV. I don't miss the SUV one bit.

As for the SMART car hate, those things are great if you live in a large city where traffic never gets too speedy, but if you take that thing on a road or an interstate you are asking for death.

That is fine if you see trouble in time to avoid it; or are in a position to avoid it. If not- What then?
DIAF;3972175 said:
As for the SMART car hate, those things are great

Under any conditions they are not "great" at all. If they got better gas mileage they would be OK to run to the grocery store or errands. But their MPG is nothing to brag about.
big dog cowboy;3972348 said:
Under any conditions they are not "great" at all. If they got better gas mileage they would be OK to run to the grocery store or errands. But their MPG is nothing to brag about.

Nothing smart about driving those silly cars and getting hit by a F150.
The advantages lie on the idea that you and the car would fit in a casket,or a cremation furnace if that's how you roll.
big dog cowboy;3972348 said:
Under any conditions they are not "great" at all. If they got better gas mileage they would be OK to run to the grocery store or errands. But their MPG is nothing to brag about.

Hell I had a Geo Metro back in the day that was bigger held 4 people and room for some cargo in the back and got the same gas mileage as the smart cars.

Yea yea it was probably as safe but I find it funny a smaller car gets the same as a car I use to drive back in 1993. (Hey I was poor in college and that was a cheap car that I could afford)
big dog cowboy;3972348 said:
Under any conditions they are not "great" at all. If they got better gas mileage they would be OK to run to the grocery store or errands. But their MPG is nothing to brag about.

the 40-50mpg their owners get is a hell of a lot more than my VQ-powered infiniti gets, that's for damn sure. D:

If you get hit in a Smart by slow-moving city traffic, you probably aren't gonna die or get messed up. Like I said, it's only good for running around in an urban area. Not gonna lie, i'd drive one here in Midtown Atlanta. But I don't think I'd take one anywhere else.

burmafrd;3972325 said:
That is fine if you see trouble in time to avoid it; or are in a position to avoid it. If not- What then?

I'll take my chances. Most major traffic accidents are somewhat avoidable. I'll take the superior handling and braking of my sedan over the go-ahead-and-hit-me defense of an SUV any day.

Edit: Oh, i just read the full article. This study only looks at SUVs from the 2005-2008 model years when they finally started putting Nannies (ESC, VDC, whatever your manufacturer calls it - stability control) on SUVs to cut down on the rollover-prone-ness. So if you've got a pre-2005 SUV, cross your fingers!
MetalHead;3972349 said:
Nothing smart about driving those silly cars and getting hit by a F150.
The advantages lie on the idea that you and the car would fit in a casket,or a cremation furnace if that's how you roll.

Not getting hit by an F150 in any car seems to be a good route to go.
big dog cowboy;3970046 said:
Shut down.

Don't post any in here.

Spintopia got shut down? Is there a replacement? Can someone PM the location to me?
Hoofbite;3972362 said:
Not getting hit by an F150 in any car seems to be a good route to go.

True that...however driving that matchbox only exacerbates the anatomical carnage and skeletal pulverization that would result because you wanted to save a few pennies on gas.
big dog cowboy;3972388 said:
Yes, check here -

hur hur well aren't you a barrel of laughs. A simple "Its not allowed" or something would have sufficed. Nevermind.
My feelings on SUV's and drivers in general are best summed up by the following quote from Dave Despain.......

"I'm asked a lot if I think this or that form of racing (and I've heard everything from rally to motocross) will ever be as popular in America as it is in Europe. My answer is always "No" because there's a big difference between America and Europe. It's the difference between the Autobahn and the Montana Interstate speed limit, which marked the death of common sense in U.S. transportation.

Europe is's the difference between scooters filtering to the front at stoplights then going on their way when the light changes, and road rage maniacs shooting each other in stop-and-go logjams.

...the difference between Italian stuff and most of what we get from Detroit and Japan. The word you're looking for is "passion."

It's the difference between people who can't grasp the "Keep Moving" sign beside the right turn lane, and people who don't need that sign in the first place.

...the difference between parking your bike next to four old men who walk over and comment on the make and model, then drop the name of the '50s GP star who made the brand famous, and pulling into the same spot here and noticing the old men edge away a couple steps (except for the one who yells, "Wow, is that a Harley?").

It's the difference between automotive performance that only exists in TV commercials, and the same thing found every day, in real life - and appreciated, not looked down on.

...the difference between seeing one comin' fast in the mirror and moving right, and not having looked in the mirror since your last make-up job.

In Europe, the majority of people "get" this car and motorcycle thing. The American masses don't. Responsibility lies with a dumbed down, National Nanny, lowest common denominator Transportation Bureaucracy that insures a driver's license to anyone who can fog a mirror, then mandates a bags-and-belts cocoon to protect them when they run into each other, which is inevitable because they have no idea what they're doing out there.

Bottom line...a culture that can't grasp "slower traffic keep right" is not fertile ground for the growth of sophisticated forms of motor racing. If you live here and you "get" it, savor your place among the enlightened few, but don't expect the guys around the water cooler to share your appreciation of the German Touring Car series."
CowboyDan;3972824 said:
My feelings on SUV's and drivers in general are best summed up by the following quote from Dave Despain.......

"I'm asked a lot if I think this or that form of racing (and I've heard everything from rally to motocross) will ever be as popular in America as it is in Europe. My answer is always "No" because there's a big difference between America and Europe. It's the difference between the Autobahn and the Montana Interstate speed limit, which marked the death of common sense in U.S. transportation.

Europe is's the difference between scooters filtering to the front at stoplights then going on their way when the light changes, and road rage maniacs shooting each other in stop-and-go logjams.

...the difference between Italian stuff and most of what we get from Detroit and Japan. The word you're looking for is "passion."

It's the difference between people who can't grasp the "Keep Moving" sign beside the right turn lane, and people who don't need that sign in the first place.

...the difference between parking your bike next to four old men who walk over and comment on the make and model, then drop the name of the '50s GP star who made the brand famous, and pulling into the same spot here and noticing the old men edge away a couple steps (except for the one who yells, "Wow, is that a Harley?").

It's the difference between automotive performance that only exists in TV commercials, and the same thing found every day, in real life - and appreciated, not looked down on.

...the difference between seeing one comin' fast in the mirror and moving right, and not having looked in the mirror since your last make-up job.

In Europe, the majority of people "get" this car and motorcycle thing. The American masses don't. Responsibility lies with a dumbed down, National Nanny, lowest common denominator Transportation Bureaucracy that insures a driver's license to anyone who can fog a mirror, then mandates a bags-and-belts cocoon to protect them when they run into each other, which is inevitable because they have no idea what they're doing out there.

Bottom line...a culture that can't grasp "slower traffic keep right" is not fertile ground for the growth of sophisticated forms of motor racing. If you live here and you "get" it, savor your place among the enlightened few, but don't expect the guys around the water cooler to share your appreciation of the German Touring Car series."

I laugh because what I seen of foreign drivers in the US they are just as terrible if not worse. They have just as many idiot drivers in Europe you can see pictures of there wrecks all over the internet as well. The real difference is the US is bigger, more spread out and has more cars on the road. As you can tell I think the statement is hyperbole

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