SUV Drivers 50% Less Likely to Die in a Crash

50% less likely is no surprise for SUV drivers. Just a guess, but also most likely:

SUV drivers are 50% more likely to tailgate:mad:
SUV drivers are 50% more likely to talk on cell phone while driving:mad:
SUV drivers are 50% more likely to be the only one in their car:mad:
SUV drivers are 50% more likely to be overweight (not that there is anything wrong with being overweight);)
SUV drivers are 50% more likely to drink chocolate milk while driving:)
I don't know about european drivers, but every time I see a car with Canadian plates it's always doing something stupid. Worst drivers ever.

It's hard to imagine the euros driving worse than us, though. The daily commute in Atlanta is a rage-inducing affair.
casmith07;3973065 said:
Did they account for rollovers?


The IIHS study attributes much of the SUV segment's improvement to the widespread availability of electronic stability control (ESC). Before that development came along, top-heavy SUVs were more prone to roll over in collisions, which largely negated their safety benefits of size and weight.

2. The study only looked at vehicles from the 2005 - 2008 model years. The data implies that vehicles from other years may fare similarly well, but only if they have ESC. (By 2008, ESC had become standard equipment on 96% of all SUVs.)

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