SUV Drivers 50% Less Likely to Die in a Crash

In related news, SUV owners 50% more likely to kill someone in an accident......:lmao2:
Hoofbite;3970033 said:
In related news, SUV owners 50% more likely to kill someone in an accident......:lmao2:
This was actually my first thought. haa.
Rynie;3969923 said:
...but 50% MORE likely to be a complete D-bag.

Yeah, like the dipwit who wrote this article. We've known this for how many years now?
Doomsday101;3969997 said:
Well you could say the same about the sports cars out there as well. Hard to holler about being dependend on foreign oil when we refuse to drill our own. But not willing to get into political arguement. Woodygirl might hurt us. :D

Yeah, I have some political views to share. What happened to spintopia?
What's the % difference between less likely to die and more likely to kill?

Probably have to combine that data myself, as 2 seconds of google wasn't much, other than a biased link.

Also have to wonder about a sort of Peltzman effect. With increased feeling of safety/safety regulation, leads to increased risk-taking behavior.
You wusses can have your dinky SUVs. I drive a REAL VEHICLE.

2500 Dodge Diesel. I crush SUVs for lunch.
burmafrd;3970081 said:
You wusses can have your dinky SUVs. I drive a REAL VEHICLE.

2500 Dodge Diesel. I crush SUVs for lunch.

Don't dis my swagger wagon!
CowboyMcCoy'sWife;3970219 said:
I would rather be a more defensive driver than waste money on the gas it takes to power an SUV.

I would rather waste a little extra money on gas for my wife to drive a safer SUV especially considering the cargo she drives around with in the back seat is not replaceable to me.
big dog cowboy;3970223 said:
I would rather waste a little extra money on gas for my wife to drive a safer SUV especially considering the cargo she drives around with in the back seat is not replaceable to me.

Well, you are either someone who has quite a bit of money or doesn't mind being among the first people walking everywhere or hitching rides with friends when gas is outrageously priced and you can't afford it.

You should start saving your money now...
Rynie;3969938 said:
touche'. Still d-bags though. Everyone who owns a HUMMER should just drive it off a cliff. Real talk.

A real hummer or the h2 or h3

There is a difference; a real hummer rocks I only wish I could get a H1 but I want the military style no ac, metal seats etc etc with a diesel engine. Yes I drove Hummers for a better part of 12 years in the military and I had lots of fun in them.

Now the H2 and H3 are stupid they are truck/suv frames with a hummer shell
CowboyMcCoy'sWife;3970246 said:
Well, you are either someone who has quite a bit of money or doesn't mind being among the first people walking everywhere or hitching rides with friends when gas is outrageously priced and you can't afford it.

You should start saving your money now...

Or we just quit buying big screen tv's that burn up energy TV's why do we need them we should all just go to smaller models; or pc's surfing the internet burns up power and energy. I mean we can get as stupid as we want about energy :lmao2:
Kangaroo;3970304 said:
A real hummer or the h2 or h3

There is a difference; a real hummer rocks I only wish I could get a H1 but I want the military style no ac, metal seats etc etc with a diesel engine. Yes I drove Hummers for a better part of 12 years in the military and I had lots of fun in them.

Now the H2 and H3 are stupid they are truck/suv frames with a hummer shell

I was referring to the new hummers...everyone knows REAL HUMMERS are BOSS!
Screw your little dinky cars. I'll take the F-Series Fords over just about anything.

True story on why I won't own another car. I think I've posted it here before as well.

Back in 1999 or 2000 when the F-350 4 door long beds were becoming pretty popular, all Ranch Handed out, my gf and I were headed through San Marcos to eat at Katy Station and passed by Strahan Coliseum. There was a white and silver F-350 that had run into the back of a semi with a low boy trailer. Fluid everywhere, but it didn't look like that bad of a wreck honestly.

We eat, driving back home and see the F-350 on the road there on Sessoms with the brush guard pretty dang beat up. He's driving it home. My girlfriend mentions all the fluid must have been from the windshield wiper reservoir, and I say it was probably him blowing out the transfer case seal for the 4WD and he thought he could drive it over to the dealership.

We get back to the front of Strahan and the police and fire department have the semi-trailer jacked up and are cutting out the car that was smashed to the size of the desk your monitor is sitting on.

My fault, your fault, nobody's fault; physics wins and you die. You get a closed casket and I get a new radiator and paint for the grill guard.

The more massive the vehicle, the more force it can absorb in a wreck. Force = Mass x Acceleration

If you're in the smaller vehicle you're on the losing end of that equation. I'll keep my trucks, and know that you're more likely to see me merging in traffic. I'm safer because I'm more visible. I'm safer because my vehicle is more massive than most minus commercial vehicles.
SaltwaterServr;3970332 said:
Screw your little dinky cars. I'll take the F-Series Fords over just about anything.

True story on why I won't own another car. I think I've posted it here before as well.

Back in 1999 or 2000 when the F-350 4 door long beds were becoming pretty popular, all Ranch Handed out, my gf and I were headed through San Marcos to eat at Katy Station and passed by Strahan Coliseum. There was a white and silver F-350 that had run into the back of a semi with a low boy trailer. Fluid everywhere, but it didn't look like that bad of a wreck honestly.

We eat, driving back home and see the F-350 on the road there on Sessoms with the brush guard pretty dang beat up. He's driving it home. My girlfriend mentions all the fluid must have been from the windshield wiper reservoir, and I say it was probably him blowing out the transfer case seal for the 4WD and he thought he could drive it over to the dealership.

We get back to the front of Strahan and the police and fire department have the semi-trailer jacked up and are cutting out the car that was smashed to the size of the desk your monitor is sitting on.

My fault, your fault, nobody's fault; physics wins and you die. You get a closed casket and I get a new radiator and paint for the grill guard.

The more massive the vehicle, the more force it can absorb in a wreck. Force = Mass x Acceleration

If you're in the smaller vehicle you're on the losing end of that equation. I'll keep my trucks, and know that you're more likely to see me merging in traffic. I'm safer because I'm more visible. I'm safer because my vehicle is more massive than most minus commercial vehicles.

Outside of your sad delusion on Ford Trucks you really got it right.

Laugh at the guy that is whining about saving money- we can put that on your tombstone after you get squashed:

"He saved his money for this tombstone."
The thing that annoys me most about SUVs and the like are the drivers.

Not because of the gas issue, not because of some perceived ego issue.

What annoys me about them is seeing them in a nice SUV but driving like they are afraid a small pot hole, mud hole, bump in the road or other things are going to ruin their precious ride.

You got a darn SUV...Drive it like it is an SUV and not some vehicle you are afraid it is some fragile vehicle.

Same for people in big trucks.

Just irks me to no end.

I remember driving my Hummer Ambulance and the 113 track ambulance in the army and I would put that thing through the ringer. They both were driven up to their abilities.

Now I see some wimp in a nice truck or SUV driving like they are carrying a box of sweating dynamite and afraid the smallest bump will blow them up. Drive that Son of a Gun and quit *****footing around in it.
That's probably because the other 50 percent crahsed into another SUV.

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