T NEW needs to keep his big mouth shut... recap added


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Alexander;2483894 said:
But we have all witnessed what going to New England did to Randy Moss. He actually blamed himself for a horrible showing against Pittsburgh. I do not buy that Owens is the team wrecker that can't be tamed. It is like the old saying, guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is just a classic example of why this organization has serious issues that go deeper and are more complex than the simple Owens factor. Philadelphia still has the same problems it had when Owens was there too. Leadership, now and always.

And San Francisco has yet to have a winning season since he left, FWIW.


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Alexander;2483876 said:
It certainly speaks to the issues. The players don't respect the coaches because they think they do not take responsibility. Funny thing is, I have rarely seen many players in Dallas take much responsibility, save Witten this past week. Too bad his example falls on deaf ears.

You make a good point but in TNew's defense he did accept responsibility for his poor play against the 'Skins in week 4. He is one of the few that actually will take responsibilty in a public forum.

His point of view holds merit with me because of that fact.


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Chocolate Lab;2483905 said:
In other words, even though the same thing has happened to every team he's been on, it's all our fault this time. :cool:

Then why haven't SF and Philly recovered since?


No Quarter
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Boysboy;2483881 said:
Why hasn't Moss polarized the Pats then, like he did with his 2 previous teams? After all, the Pats have a ton of injuries, including Brady, but they're 8-5, and we don't hear anything from Moss.

Belichick... Real Coach.

Plus they have a real GM.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Boysboy;2483912 said:
Then why haven't SF and Philly recovered since?

Dude, no offense, but do you have ADD? You can't seem to stay on the same topic, ever.

What does those teams "recovering" have to do with him being a polarizing personality? And headache does not equal polarizing.


Zone Scribe
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It's both really. TO is a proven lockerroom politician and nutcase who divides teams, and the Cowboys brass are enablers who allow him to do it. Belichick takes on Moss, but also let's Moss know he's completely disposable and will be done away with the first sign of trouble (although that might have changed somewhat now that Moss has gotten guaranteed money). In the exact opposite approach, Jerry gives TO a huge signing bonus from the start to let the player know he's "committed" to him and on his side, and then gets so emotionally and financially attached to his vanity projects that he can't cut ties and objectively step aside and do what has to be done. Worse, Jerry likes to identify himself as such a "outlaw" that he projects his own ego onto the nutjob, so that when the nutjob fails then Jerry feels like he's failed. We saw that with the Pac Man situation where Jerry said he almost blames himself for PacMan getting in trouble again.

Still ... I think Moss is sullen, disobedient and sometimes lacks discipline. TO is just certifiably mentally ill. So I think we're talking apples and oranges here in the comparison. I don't see Moss downing a bottle of pain pills because his position coach was too mean to him.


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Alexander;2483894 said:
But we have all witnessed what going to New England did to Randy Moss. He actually blamed himself for a horrible showing against Pittsburgh. I do not buy that Owens is the team wrecker that can't be tamed. It is like the old saying, guns don't kill people, people kill people. This is just a classic example of why this organization has serious issues that go deeper and are more complex than the simple Owens factor. Philadelphia still has the same problems it had when Owens was there too. Leadership, now and always.

I do agree. This team needs another Jimmy Johnson type coach. Bill Cowher would fit that bill very well. Problem is Jerry Jones would not give up enough power to allow a guy like Cowher to work freely.
I know we had Bill Parcells, but he is old and the game may of passed him by just a little. I think he also allowed Jerry Jones to interfere too much claiming it is what he wanted. We need a coach that will take full control and right this ship. No more "uh well uhhh i don't know" answers, no more 3 days off in a short week, no more letting the kids run the household.
We learn now that is how Jimmy Johnson coached and the players responded. It is time to stop coddling the millionaires, and start demanding they earn it.


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I for one am glad the players are getting mad. I think it is about time. I do not think it is an owens led "melt down". Alot of folks on this board use to complain that the players don't take the game seriously and they think coaches are too soft...etc..etc.

But when they players start to question coaches and play calls and other players then they are wrong for doing so. I think its about time. I hope it makes them stronger in the end.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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ladiewolve;2483891 said:
Well why not?? Maybe it's about time they all get fired up about something! Maybe some of them are tired of pretending to be ok with everything. It's not like they don't have a news mic stuck in their face and someone picking and picking for answers.:banghead:

So they are mad as hell and they are going to complain to the media about it?

What possible good does that do?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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InmanRoshi;2483923 said:
It's both really. TO is a proven lockerroom politician and nutcase who divides teams, and the Cowboys brass are enablers who allow him to do it.

If by brass you mean Jerry Jones, I agree. Wade Phillips is just what he is. Expecting him to put his foot down would be met with laughter. As for dividing teams, I have yet to see teams get divided that did not ask for it. Picking sides is a choice. There is not one player leader here who beats the teamwork drum.

Belichick takes on Moss, but also let's Moss know he's completely disposable and will be done away with the first sign of trouble (although that might have changed somewhat now that Moss has gotten guaranteed money). In the exact opposite approach, Jerry gives TO a huge signing bonus from the start to let the player know he's "committed" to him and on his side, and then gets so emotionally and financially attached to his vanity projects that he can't cut ties and objectively step aside and do what has to be done. Worse, Jerry likes to identify himself as such a "outlaw", that he projects his own ego onto the nutjob.

Again, agreed.

As much as Jerry Jones should have learned from Michael Irvin, it is obvious he did not learn all of it.


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Alexander;2483930 said:
So they are mad as hell and they are going to complain to the media about it?

What possible good does that do?
I don't know..maybe just getting it out in the open to the fans that they are not happy with things. You know fans have a nasty habit of placing fault...sometimes where it don't belong.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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RW Hitman;2483925 said:
I do agree. This team needs another Jimmy Johnson type coach. Bill Cowher would fit that bill very well. Problem is Jerry Jones would not give up enough power to allow a guy like Cowher to work freely.
I know we had Bill Parcells, but he is old and the game may of passed him by just a little. I think he also allowed Jerry Jones to interfere too much claiming it is what he wanted. We need a coach that will take full control and right this ship. No more "uh well uhhh i don't know" answers, no more 3 days off in a short week, no more letting the kids run the household.
We learn now that is how Jimmy Johnson coached and the players responded. It is time to stop coddling the millionaires, and start demanding they earn it.

There is not a head coach alive who could meet these criteria.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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ladiewolve;2483941 said:
I don't know..maybe just getting it out in the open to the fans that they are not happy with things. You know fans have a nasty habit of placing fault...sometimes where it don't belong.

What the fans think about this team's internal strife is irrelevant. But that is a good point. These players certainly like to call out things to the media (hence fans) to show why they aren't getting the job done.


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Its rather annoying seeing a player keep talking to the media only to wonder why people form certain judgments of that person.

The media is basically the only outlet to the public for these players. They know that whatever they say, it will be looked at from a million different angles and will be analyzed to death in figuring out what he meant with those words. So even if there is no bad intentions in some of comments made by these players (especially the ones with a history), if there is a comment that may be misconstrued as something negative, it should not be said.

Every Cowboy player should be forced to say "next question" to any question not involving the upcoming game.

I used to enjoy the week between games to see what the strategies were going to be for the upcoming game, how they were going to defend the pass, etc. But its no longer about that. And its a shame.


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sacowboysfan513;2483956 said:
Its rather annoying seeing a player keep talking to the media only to wonder why people form certain judgments of that person.

The media is basically the only outlet to the public for these players. They know that whatever they say, it will be looked at from a million different angles and will be analyzed to death in figuring out what he meant with those words. So even if there is no bad intentions in some of comments made by these players (especially the ones with a history), if there is a comment that may be misconstrued as something negative, it should not be said.

Every Cowboy player should be forced to say "next question" to any question not involving the upcoming game.

I used to enjoy the week between games to see what the strategies were going to be for the upcoming game, how they were going to defend the pass, etc. But its no longer about that. And its a shame.

I agree with the "heart" to what you are saying , but on the other hand I think "even tho it get turned around by the media"...That it at least shows that this team does have some "heart" and that they are not happy. I hope this makes them play with even more fire and grit.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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slick325;2483911 said:
You make a good point but in TNew's defense he did accept responsibility for his poor play against the 'Skins in week 4.

Saying you were injured and did not play well is not quite the same. I have not heard much of an apology from him about Santonio Holmes.


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sacowboysfan513;2483956 said:
Its rather annoying seeing a player keep talking to the media only to wonder why people form certain judgments of that person.

The media is basically the only outlet to the public for these players. They know that whatever they say, it will be looked at from a million different angles and will be analyzed to death in figuring out what he meant with those words. So even if there is no bad intentions in some of comments made by these players (especially the ones with a history), if there is a comment that may be misconstrued as something negative, it should not be said.

Every Cowboy player should be forced to say "next question" to any question not involving the upcoming game.

I used to enjoy the week between games to see what the strategies were going to be for the upcoming game, how they were going to defend the pass, etc. But its no longer about that. And its a shame.

The problem is at the ownership level.

Our owner lllloooovvveeeessss the spotlight.

And the players take cues from the owner.

Isn't it interesting that as much as fans like to say that all teams have these problems you don't hear about it from the Pittsburghs and Baltimores and the Indianapolises?

Do you know why?

Probably because their owners and coaches try to stay out of the limelight as much as possible.

The other thing is that the Cowboys are Hollywood. And the players like this. So they feel compelled, just like Hollywood celebrities, to keep their names out there in the public's mind.

The Dallas Cowboys are not the Detroit Lions. People care about what our players say. People don't care what the Lions players say.

Therein lies the problem.


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Alexander;2483997 said:
Saying you were injured and did not play well is not quite the same. I have not heard much of an apology from him about Santonio Holmes.

In regard to his performance against the 'Skins, he stated he was injured but also said that is no excuse for his poor play. He also said, if he couldn't help the team he shouldn't have been out there. That is being accountable in my book.

The play he gave up to Holmes hurt and no I haven't heard him say anything about that one play. Again, he has shown that he will hold himself accountable so his credit is good with me.


Mr. Buckeye
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tyke1doe;2483566 said:
Newman said that the coaches need to accept some of the accountability for things going wrong, and that because they don't players don't have respect for them.

That's a pretty bold statement there.

Can't say I disagree with him.


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tyke1doe;2484010 said:
The problem is at the ownership level.

Our owner lllloooovvveeeessss the spotlight.

And the players take cues from the owner.

Isn't it interesting that as much as fans like to say that all teams have these problems you don't hear about it from the Pittsburghs and Baltimores and the Indianapolises?

Do you know why?

Probably because their owners and coaches try to stay out of the limelight as much as possible.

The other thing is that the Cowboys are Hollywood. And the players like this. So they feel compelled, just like Hollywood celebrities, to keep their names out there in the public's mind.

The Dallas Cowboys are not the Detroit Lions. People care about what our players say. People don't care what the Lions players say.

Therein lies the problem.

Actually, the Ravens got tons of negative publicity last year for all the locker room backstabbings they had.