T.O. explains tears...


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Ill tell u this,I dont live in Texas but ESPN gets all this news from the Dallas media which in my estimation are terrible lil trouble makers.Even the source i used that DMN blog Tim Macmahon is a real trouble seeker.Negativity is their job.I live in Pittsburgh and after that Steeler game it was all positive about the win,etc... never any haters in the press.I assume a lot of the other markets are like this too,being positiive.


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Tennione72;2316941 said:
@ khiladi I know this is off the subject but this sig is dope.. Who's the Master :bow:



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zrinkill;2316920 said:
I said all week long when he pointed to heaven and did nothing else after the TD that someone died.

People owe him an apology.
I remember that quote, sometimes you're a genius, sometimes. ;)


This is a house of learned doctors
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juckie;2316890 said:
T.O. appeared on Michael Irvin's ESPN 103.3 radio show today for a wide-ranging interview (audio here) that included an explanation of why he weeped into a towel while sitting on the bench after scoring a touchdown Sunday.
He explained that a hectic week for him took a tragic turn when a family member died, news that his mother was hesitant to share with him.
"I was playing with a heavy heart," T.O. said. "Everything that happened on Sunday, I had talked [about with] my pastor Anthony Gardner out of Philadelphia the night before the game. When I got emotional, it was an anointed emotion, is what he explained to me. When it happened, I knew it was going to happen. He told me the night before it was going to happen, so when I went to the sideline, the emotions hit me."
T.O. said his postgame speech/sermon was written the night before the game.
"God was going to put me in a situation to make that statement," he said.

DMN Blog

"Coming up on SportsCenter, TO uses death in the family to focus attention on himself instead of his team. Tom Jackson and Keyshawn Johnson explain why this most recent act is a veiled shot at Tony Romo."


Lucky Devil
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Few things are more irritating than a preachy athlete.


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Joe Rod;2317013 said:
"Coming up on SportsCenter, TO uses death in the family to focus attention on himself instead of his team. Tom Jackson and Keyshawn Johnson explain why this most recent act is a veiled shot at Tony Romo."

This whole thing p***** me off enough that I just sent an e-mail to ESPN, giving it to them with both barrels. I told them to have the guts to sincerely apologize to T.O and get their facts straight before popping off. I ended with something similar to what you just wrote, saying that instead, they'll probably just twist it to make him look bad.

I doubt they read it or do anything, but it made me feel better.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Yea i had a real strong feeling that it had to be someone close to him died the way he was pointing at the sky after the TD for a while and how emotional he looked after that and after the game. Man seriously gotta feel for T.O cause not only does someone in his family die but he cant even grieve the loss because you have a bunch of idiots on ESPN that just use anything he does right or wrong to accuse him of being a selfsh cancerous player on a team. man my hate for espn grows by the second to levels i didnt even know i had lol... and watch them not even report this and nobody on there will be accountable and apologize to the man!

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Tom Jackson owes T.O. an apology. ESPN was exposed again. Everyone knows their agenda.

I think it was one FWST reporter that asked one question that summed up the Dallas media's negativity (not a DMN one like I stated earlier; however they (DMN) didn't disappoint) and agenda during the press conference yesterday. I'm going to look it up, so I have the exact words.

It exposed the Dallas media for what they are.

Haters and adversaries.

Some want to see Phillips fired and Dallas fail, so they can say, "see, I told ya so". Their gotcha game is one of the oldest tricks in the book. There is only one way they lose, and that is a home team Super Bowl victory. They don't have anything to lose, so they attack. Perhaps, they could lose viewership. Hit them where it hurts, and they might change their tune.

It is one thing to be critical, but the negativity creates an atmosphere of non-trust and dislike. People don't like negative reporting for the sake of being negative. The fans don't like it, and the players don't like it, either. I don't blame them.

Like Theebs wrote in another post, this all may backfire on all the Cowboys' enemies. All the haters need to keep talking smack, fabricating stories, and piling on, because we'll see.

We'll see!


The Duke
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I don't know how anyone could imagine anything different when you see him pointing at the sky after the TD. That includes ESPN. Some of those guys are former athletes themselves. What has that always meant? What did it mean when Brett Favre did it on MNF?

You have to be one of two things not to have known right away that someone he loves died. You either have to be stupid or myopic. There are no other choices.


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juckie;2316890 said:
T.O. appeared on Michael Irvin's ESPN 103.3 radio show today for a wide-ranging interview (audio here) that included an explanation of why he weeped into a towel while sitting on the bench after scoring a touchdown Sunday.
He explained that a hectic week for him took a tragic turn when a family member died, news that his mother was hesitant to share with him.
"I was playing with a heavy heart," T.O. said. "Everything that happened on Sunday, I had talked [about with] my pastor Anthony Gardner out of Philadelphia the night before the game. When I got emotional, it was an anointed emotion, is what he explained to me. When it happened, I knew it was going to happen. He told me the night before it was going to happen, so when I went to the sideline, the emotions hit me."
T.O. said his postgame speech/sermon was written the night before the game.
"God was going to put me in a situation to make that statement," he said.

DMN Blog

just what i said...he talked to his pastor and decided to say what he said, props to me, check my record and you will see it

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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WoodysGirl;2316935 said:
I asked Watkins in his chat on Monday and he said, nothing was wrong with him. That it was frustration about not getting the ball enough.

Calvin Watkins doesn't even know what the term "shameless plug" means.:cool:


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YoMick;2316928 said:
Something looked different. I dont ever remember him point to the sky. So I knew it was different.

Feel bad for the guy. THAT pain sucks.

As far as the media... they wanted to create a "beginning of an emotional meltdown"..... via the crying
Thats where slick Tom Jackson was going

POS media

41gy#;2317049 said:
Tom Jackson owes T.O. an apology. ESPN was exposed again. Everyone knows their agenda.

and I quote Tom Jackson re: Terrell Owens and his PC after the Bengals game,
Tom Jackson: "its a little disconcerting"


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Hostile;2317073 said:
I don't know how anyone could imagine anything different when you see him pointing at the sky after the TD. That includes ESPN. Some of those guys are former athletes themselves. What has that always meant? What did it mean when Brett Favre did it on MNF?

You have to be one of two things not to have known right away that someone he loves died. You either have to be stupid or myopic. There are no other choices.

Thats what I was thinking.

Did not understand how everyone did not pick that up.


New Member
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YoMick;2317107 said:
and I quote Tom Jackson re: Terrell Owens and his PC after the Bengals game,
Tom Jackson: "its a little disconcerting"

This is nothing new. TJ *always* has something negative to say about us no matter what.

OTOH-even AFTER an Eagles LOSS, he'll always find something to PRAISE them.


Makin' It Rain
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Not surprised, actually. When he scored the touchdown, he appeared to point the ball/his hand to the sky, as if to recognize someone.

I took the leap at the time and assumed it wasn't to thank God for finally getting him the ball.


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Boysboy;2317113 said:
This is nothing new. TJ *always* has something negative to say about us no matter what.

OTOH-even AFTER an Eagles LOSS, he'll always find something to PRAISE them.

True, very true.

But my point is that he got real serious about and his tone was one that he was acting concerned that Owens was melting down.... while laughing inside that the Cowboys would be torn apart.

He went there and he shouldnt have.

How can we get a message to this guy?