T.O. to play basketball?? what?


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I saw this scrolling across bottom of ESPN screen...

"T.O. to play basketball" - something to that effect

anyone know?
This guy better have a Kellen Winslow like clause in his contract. :mad:
Don't worry, I'm sure TO will get his act together soon. He's a great team player.
SkinsFan26 said:
Don't worry, I'm sure TO will get his act together soon. He's a great team player.
Is your only purpose here to start pissing contests?
SkinsFan26 said:
Don't worry, I'm sure TO will get his act together soon. He's a great team player.

Once again, a "major" CowboysZone contributor :rolleyes:

How is that murder trial going?
Hostile said:
Is your only purpose here to start pissing contests?

No, I'm reinforcing my opinion that signing TO will ruin Parcells' tenure. Just my opinion. TO is already causing a stir before mini-camp. Most TO supporters said he would be an angel this time around.
if we wanted a skins opinion we would ask for it. When you know where ices over.
SkinsFan26 said:
No, I'm reinforcing my opinion that signing TO will ruin Parcells' tenure. Just my opinion. TO is already causing a stir before mini-camp. Most TO supporters said he would be an angel this time around.
In other words starting pissing contests. Got it.
SkinsFan26 said:
Don't worry, I'm sure TO will get his act together soon. He's a great team player.

You get so angry when I call you a troll :lmao:
SkinsFan26 said:
No, I'm reinforcing my opinion that signing TO will ruin Parcells' tenure. Just my opinion. TO is already causing a stir before mini-camp. Most TO supporters said he would be an angel this time around.

I agree with you and I am a Cowboys fan!
This just in!!!! Terry Glenn to go on easter egg hunt!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! How could Jerry let this happen!!!
theogt said:
This just in!!!! Terry Glenn to go on easter egg hunt!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! How could Jerry let this happen!!!
Seems every time we turn around, el dorado is doing something he should not be doing, or not doing what he should be doing. And to think some of you guys called him a god. Man, with gods like this, who needs devils.

Anyways, this is only the 3rd or 4th item to come out saying that el dorado is up to something again, in a month......WOW. I may not even have to wait for TC to start before we cut him. Keep it up el dorado, your building a 'ding list' and already only been a month or so.

Wonder how many of you guys are still gunna name your first born after him?
Right now if T.O. jaywalks the press will jump on it.
Everything T.O. dose from now forward will be scruntinized and blown out of porportion....
The media wants thing to go bad .It didnt happen with Bill and Jerry , even though they tried fabricating stuff and now they will do the same with T.O.
Thing is Bill is smart enough to keep the media away.
T.O. hopfully can learn something from Bill in this regards.
Ashwynn said:
Seems every time we turn around, el dorado is doing something he should not be doing, or not doing what he should be doing. And to think some of you guys called him a god. Man, with gods like this, who needs devils.

Anyways, this is only the 3rd or 4th item to come out saying that el dorado is up to something again, in a month......WOW. I may not even have to wait for TC to start before we cut him. Keep it up el dorado, your building a 'ding list' and already only been a month or so.

Wonder how many of you guys are still gunna name your first born after him?
I can't tell if you're being serious or not. I hope you're not. Otherwise I have to question your BS-radar. The media is starved for the "TO acting up" story. They'll enflame anything they can get their hands on. I have seen ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that says he's been a problem so far. I'm pretty sure you want to believe that he's a problem and will simply latch on to any story that confirms this belief.
I did not want TO. But we have him and that is that. Get over it people.
The mediots will blather and bluster and generally show themselves to be at best retards. Problem is too many that post on this board want to repeat their garbage.
why is everyone freaking out? i play basketball nearly every day and i seem to be alright...
Yes, lets forget that half the WRs in this league play basketball in their spare time, and lets forget that hlaf the players in football dont show up for these voluntary workouts :rolleyes:

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