Video: Tavon Austin: "I'm Done Talking About It"


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Can’t say I blame him as the media are pretty much the low of the low for the most part. Car salesman, Realtors and media are all in the same boat of skanks imo of course!

Some are and make the rest of us look bad. The majority of us are just trying to do our job of reporting to our readers about what is happening in their community and keep public entities in check to try to stop power from being abused or expose it when it is.

"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter." — Thomas Jefferson


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You shut your dirty little mouth!
That is Jane Slater and she can ask whatever she wants!
Sounds like a horny teenager ("she's hot chick with bleached hair, 5lbs of makeup, and fake tan, she can ask whatever she wants")


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For those not in the DFW market, the local media is all about feasting on fetid meat. They've been that way regardless of who they replace the reporters with, they know they get more attention the worse the Cowboys play. When he mentioned Wednesday, that should have been their clue. Any coach or player back on Sunday and not with their head in DET is screwed.

The worst I ever saw was the day after the Cowboys beat the Packers to go to 11-1 in the game of the year, so far, they had a very long article on the front page of the DMN sports section calling out Roy OU Williams as the weak link in the defense. They just couldn't stop themselves, had to come up with some negative and the problem with that was no one really knew how sensitive Roy was as a person. Toughest guy on the field but a real emotional and sensitive person off the field.

Later that season, Roy would say something I'd never heard any DB say. He said he feared the ball being thrown his way. The awesome person that wrote that article had done his job, he'd called out the player that made the fans cheer more for him than the QB, the player that lifted the team with his hits and yeah, we all knew he wasn't a good cover S, that's not why he was drafted 6th.

I cancelled that subscription and have never read a word from that worthless rag since then, death to the Dallas Morning News!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

Seems a bit, passive aggressive/hurt/angry here. He's usually a fun guy, so something is up and this is severely bothering him. This team is starting to have drama, which we don't need right now.


I think he's done with it.

Can't say I blame him. His voice probably sounds like that from talking about it.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
LOL at these leeches.

Tavon: *tells 2 different reporters its Wednesday and hes done talking about it

Bimbo Blonde: "uh lets not only talk about it but talk about a private conservation in regards too it" :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Well, that was a different story, and he answered her.


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Someone told him to take a knee, and it wouldn't be typical for the head coach to do something like that so I'm guessing it wasn't Garrett. I do think whoever told him he's protecting, but doesn't like it. Possibly the ST coach, or one of his assistants. He obviously wants that person to come forward and take the pressure off of him.


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Seems a bit, passive aggressive/hurt/angry here. He's usually a fun guy, so something is up and this is severely bothering him. This team is starting to have drama, which we don't need right now.


Oh here is your degree in psychology working again eh? You want there to be something wrong with this team. Go to another board already. P. S Dak and Amari ARENT going to the Patriots


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bill Parcells' 24 hour rule needs to be mandatory.
We actually had the 48 hour rule on posters on the old Wednesdays were all about the upcoming game because some will run this into the ground.

Hey, maybe we should take our lead from Tavon and be done writing about it. If some feel the need, bring up the Jets game again.

Ok, Mr. Austin, I'm with you, I am done on this subject and it's Thursday, kickoff in the Motor City is less than 72 hours away.


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Oh here is your degree in psychology working again eh? You want there to be something wrong with this team. Go to another board already. P. S Dak and Amari ARENT going to the Patriots

I find it weird that you agree with me with times, and then outright call me out for no reason at other times. I don't understand where you're coming from. I'm not the only one on this forum posting threads of melodrama and possible implosion, yet I'm the only one you see in that regard. What about the people here that agree with me, eh? You gonna come for them too? I'm NOT leaving this board because you and a couple others get prissy when I simply state my opinions and thoughts on players and on this team in general.

The Patriots thread was a mere question and speculation. That is all.

Good day to you.


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I find it weird that you agree with me with times, and then outright call me out for no reason at other times. I don't understand where you're coming from. I'm not the only one on this forum posting threads of melodrama and possible implosion, yet I'm the only one you see in that regard. What about the people here that agree with me, eh? You gonna come for them too? I'm NOT leaving this board because you and a couple others get prissy when I simply state my opinions and thoughts on players and on this team in general.

The Patriots thread was a mere question and speculation. That is all.

Good day to you.
A mere question and speculation? Yet conversely your picture is Dak and Amari. lol. Stop. I go after everyone. I just find it comical that because some people " agree " with you, you think its right? Ive seen your threads. A lot more people disagree then agree. This thing you have about impending doom has gotten old. Again I can tell you have never played an organized sport at any level in your life. Frustration happens with losing. Its part of the game. Doesnt mean that the place is going to explode. Do I agree Garrett and the coaching staff need to go? 100 percent. Do i think the players are revolting? No.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
this ain't your eagles,man.
now there is a locker-room that is a complete and total mess.
nice deflection there,philly.

The "deflection" is right here, from you.

You want to project a "mess" on the Eagles, but the fact is, they're riding a two-game win streak while we're dealing with a loss, and these questions.


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The "deflection" is right here, from you.

You want to project a "mess" on the Eagles, but the fact is, they're riding a two-game win streak while we're dealing with a loss, and these questions.
Yup and they have played nobodies to win those 2 games. When dallas plays nobodies. We are garbage. When philly does it. They are on a win streak and should be feared. Makes sense.


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A mere question and speculation? Yet conversely your picture is Dak and Amari. lol. Stop. I go after everyone. I just find it comical that because some people " agree " with you, you think its right? Ive seen your threads. A lot more people disagree then agree. This thing you have about impending doom has gotten old. Again I can tell you have never played an organized sport at any level in your life. Frustration happens with losing. Its part of the game. Doesnt mean that the place is going to explode. Do I agree Garrett and the coaching staff need to go? 100 percent. Do i think the players are revolting? No.

See, you're doing the same thing you claim I am doing. How do YOU know what these players are doing and/or thinking? How do you know they don't want to revolt? How do you know the place isn't going to explode? YOU DON'T. I don't either. So STOP. Just because someone hasn't played in a d*m* organized league doesn't mean you don't know anything about that subject, and I have played in an organization, thank you very much. Stop coming for people's personal personas just because you disagree with their opinions and values. That's going too far and doing way too much.

Also, I don't care if more people disagree than agree. I will continue to say what I find valuable and worth speaking of. Have a good day. I guess I'll see you again tomorrow since this appears to be a daily thing with you.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dude is obviously irritated. He got asked directly if he thought the team threw him under the bus and he gave a non-answer. That's very telling.

I would be too. This team preaches about having each other's backs, but as soon as that involves the coaching, everyone hides. If I was a player getting hung out to dry, I'd be pissed off too.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yup and they have played nobodies to win those 2 games. When dallas plays nobodies. We are garbage. When philly does it. They are on a win streak and should be feared. Makes sense.

Buffalo is 6-3.

What 6-3 team have we beaten this year?
