Video: Tavon Austin: "I'm Done Talking About It"


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Bears and Bills are nobodies....?
The bears? Really? lol. And yeah. The bills dont have an offense. At all. Worst 6-3 team in the NFL. IM sorry you want to be taken seriously and bring up the Bears and the Bills to come to the defense of the Eagles. You just confirmed for me that you really are an Eagles fan. Even my friends that are Eagles fans say that the last 2 games dont have them excited.


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Buffalo is 6-3.

What 6-3 team have we beaten this year?

Yeah. Who have they beaten? I have heard that about the Cowboys too. Who has Buffalo beaten? Here you go. Jets, Titans, Dolphins, Giants, Commanders and Bengals. Would you like me to do the math on the overall record of those teams? DURP


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The bears? Really? lol. And yeah. The bills dont have an offense. At all. Worst 6-3 team in the NFL. IM sorry you want to be taken seriously and bring up the Bears and the Bills to come to the defense of the Eagles. You just confirmed for me that you really are an Eagles fan. Even my friends that are Eagles fans say that the last 2 games dont have them excited.

Sigh. I'm an Eagles fan for simply saying the Bills and Bears aren't terrible, eh :facepalm:? Question: If the Bills and/or the Bears go on wins streaks and possibly beat Dallas, will you continue this narrative that they are bad? Or will you change it up and say, "yeah, they're a pretty okay team."?


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Sigh. I'm an Eagles fan for simply saying the Bills and Bears aren't terrible, eh :facepalm:? Question: If the Bills and/or the Bears beat Dallas, will you continue this narrative that they are bad? Or will you change it up and say, "yeah, they're a pretty okay team."?
No. I will say they are bad. I will also say we are worse. I just find it funny that the Bears, who are 6-3 who have literally lost to every winning team they have played (as we have) is the benchmark for the Eagles to be a good team. Funny how that double standard works isnt it?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yeah. Who have they beaten? I have heard that about the Cowboys too. Who has Buffalo beaten? Here you go. Jets, Titans, Dolphins, Giants, Commanders and Bengals. Would you like me to do the math on the overall record of those teams? DURP

Go for it. It certainly won't be worse than the patsies we've been gifted on our schedule. Make yourself look worse.

The Jets beat us, remember?


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See, you're doing the same thing you claim I am doing. How do YOU know what these players are doing and/or thinking? How do you know they don't want to revolt? How do you know the place isn't going to explode? YOU DON'T. I don't either. So STOP. Just because someone hasn't played in a d*m* organized league doesn't mean you don't know anything about that subject, and I have played in an organization, thank you very much. Stop coming for people's personal personas just because you disagree with their opinions and values. That's going too far and doing way too much.

Also, I don't care if more people disagree than agree. I will continue to say what I find valuable and worth speaking of. Have a good day. I guess I'll see you again tomorrow since this appears to be a daily thing with you.
So then stop posting it like it is a FACT. I am not doing the same thing at all. I am simply saying judging by your interpretations of a lot of things you havent played a sport. "oh no they didnt high five him" yeah they are pissed at the situation on the field. "they dont respect him" why because they dont say it to the media? These are comments you have made. After a loss always. After a win I notice your very quiet regarding the inner workings of the locker room. Any ammo you have to prove your point though. You're the first to run on here and post it.


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No. I will say they are bad. I will also say we are worse. I just find it funny that the Bears, who are 6-3 who have literally lost to every winning team they have played (as we have) is the benchmark for the Eagles to be a good team. Funny how that double standard works isnt it?

I never said Philly was a good team, and I never said the Bills were a bad team. I said they were BETTER than you are insinuating they are, and I also said they are on the same level as/above Dallas is because you and a couple of others act like Dallas deserves to be in the Top 10 performing teams this year. Me saying a team is on the rise doesn't mean they are good either, so don't try and use that argument against me. Technically Miami is on the rise as they've had a 2 game win streak. Are they good? HELL NO. You are misinterpreting and twisting my words yet once again.


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Go for it. It certainly won't be worse than the patsies we've been gifted on our schedule. Make yourself look worse.

The Jets beat us, remember?
Yup and the falcons just beat the Saints. Guess they are horrible too. Dallas is the only team NOT allowed a bad game in the NFL. I forgot. I am not doing math to prove a point that Buffalo hasnt beaten anyone. Everyone here in their lucid and right mind knows it. Especially after the list of garbage teams I have just provided you. We beat the Eagles who beat the Bills. What does that say? Nothing.


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I never said Philly was a good team, and I never said the Bills were a bad team. I said they were BETTER than you are insinuating they are, and I also said they are on the same level as/above Dallas is because you and a couple of others act like Dallas deserves to be in the Top 10 performing teams this year. Me saying a team is on the rise doesn't mean they are good either, so don't try and use that argument against me. Technically Miami is on the rise as they've had a 2 game win streak. Are they good? HELL NO. You are misinterpreting and twisting my words yet once again.
No. You said. "bears and bills are nobodies" I said yes and explained my argument. That is all I did.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yup and the falcons just beat the Saints. Guess they are horrible too. Dallas is the only team NOT allowed a bad game in the NFL. I forgot. I am not doing math to prove a point that Buffalo hasnt beaten anyone. Everyone here in their lucid and right mind knows it. Especially after the list of garbage teams I have just provided you. We beat the Eagles who beat the Bills. What does that say? Nothing.

It says exactly what I stated in the very beginning. The Eagles have won their last two and we lost our last game. So the "mess" you referred to has won more consistently than we have. And they've beaten a 6-3 team where we haven't. Once you take those panties out of your crack, and relieve your butthurt, maybe you'll learn something?


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It says exactly what I stated in the very beginning. The Eagles have won their last two and we lost our last game. So the "mess" you referred to has won more consistently than we have. And they've beaten a 6-3 team where we haven't. Once you take those panties out of your crack, and relieve your butthurt, maybe you'll learn something?
They have beaten a 6-3 team that has 5 wins on the year equal to ours. Except for. Philly. Who beat the Bills. Eagles have won more consistently? Arent we both 5-4? I would say thats pretty even. Maybe my math is off.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
They have beaten a 6-3 team that has 5 wins on the year equal to ours. Except for. Philly. Who beat the Bills. Eagles have won more consistently? Arent we both 5-4? I would say thats pretty even. Maybe my math is off.

Clearly your math is off. Logic and reason overcome by fandom.

It happens.


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So then stop posting it like it is a FACT. I am not doing the same thing at all. I am simply saying judging by your interpretations of a lot of things you havent played a sport. "oh no they didnt high five him" yeah they are pissed at the situation on the field. "they dont respect him" why because they dont say it to the media? These are comments you have made. After a loss always. After a win I notice your very quiet regarding the inner workings of the locker room. Any ammo you have to prove your point though. You're the first to run on here and post it.

What real person would interpret it as fact? Why does it bother you so much if you know it isn't a fact?
And I have never been quiet after a win. After the Philly game or NYG game, I commented on the team showing respect back to Dak because they were all fist bumping on the sideline and I said that I was proud of that moment. There, you just stated something as a fact even though it wasn't the truth.

How about I edit my post for you huh, make them phildadon86 approved eh? SHOW ME how to write a post and I might just take up your offer on it. If I edit my post to fit your d**n narrative I better not hear a peep from you complaining about how I post stuff as "fact" and how I don't come here after wins even though I have complimented the good of this team plenty of times.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ya gotta love the attempted damage control from the usual suspects around here:



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What is the Eagles record? What is ours? 5-4 right? Whos math is off? I am pretty sure both those records are identical.

Again, I'll flog you with this fact until you capitulate. Who has beaten that 6-3 team that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge?


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Seems a bit, passive aggressive/hurt/angry here. He's usually a fun guy, so something is up and this is severely bothering him. This team is starting to have drama, which we don't need right now.


Why is that passive/aggressive?
He addressed the issue after the game and the day after.
Is his answer going to change?
He has to move on. I think it was a good response and very respectful.