Taylor Decker reporting his eligibility to the refs

I agree with all that. If I’m Detroit I’m furious. They have a good and valid reason to be angry. I would be. And I hope the NFL investigates it so we as fans can put it to rest. But my question is about the refs obligation to announce who reported. So let’s work on the premise that #68 and #70 reported. Did the ref botch the call by not announcing #68? Or is the ref supposed to announce every player that reports? I’m asking more about the general rule of what the ref is supposed to do if several OL report.
Yes they are required to announce that and tell the defensive captain of any and all ineligible numbers reporting as eligible.
the correct call is always in the eyes of what fan base benefited from the call. Dez Bryant non catch-catch-Tuck rule-Fail Mary-just another call last night for millions to spend years debating all while the NFL cashes in more money. Bad Calls for the league are just as profitable as correct calls.
Yes of course, but in this case it was the correct call. But yet some fans want to make it a non correct call.
You’re missing the point. 68 was wide open because the defense didn’t account for him, because the ref didn’t tell the defense he was eligible.

If the ref declared 68 eligible. The defense would have accounted for him.
In theory we would have accounted for him but this is our defense we’re talking about. Would we have picked him up? Thankfully…we’ll never know. Lol
For the last time the refs messed up on the eligibility report thing.

But the Lions still lined up with an illegal formation so all the hand-wringing over what Decker said or didn't say is a waste of time.
Actually, it’s not a waste of time. The illegal formation was called based on 70 being the eligible target and not 68.

The officials put out a report detailing the penalties.
In theory we would have accounted for him but this is our defense we’re talking about. Would we have picked him up? Thankfully…we’ll never know. Lol
we will never know.

Shoot we will never know if the cowboys could have gotten into field goal range, had the lions scored the 2 points. Cowboys had 23 seconds, 2 timeouts, and a kicker with a huge leg who hasn’t missed a kick yet.

Even if the lions did get the 2 I was thinking in my head the cowboys still have a chance to win the game.
Ref made the right call....number 70 was the only one of the 3, 58,68 that informed the ref of what he was doing...and the ref let the defense know that number 70 was now able to become a receiver...not the other 2....trying to trick the Boys...
Games are decided by men in the shadows. Vital, head-scratching calls in the final two minutes are far too common for reality to dictate otherwise.
The Lions, their fans, and the media can all go fund themselves.

They didn't think they couldn't beat the Cowboys on the field so they resorted to the deceitful tactic of attempting to confuse the Cowboys by sending three guys over to the ref with one guy reporting eligible.

Instead, they confused the ref and got exactly what they deserved, a big fat "L".
Yes they are required to announce that and tell the defensive captain of any and all ineligible numbers reporting as eligible.
Okay, thanks for the info. So let’s go on the premise the ref messed up. Still the Lions had a 25 second heads up he messed up and could have corrected him. I’m not saying it’s their job to correct him but they did have an opportunity when they heard the announcement about 70 but not 68.
There’s a video on this forum that confirms it was announced for all to hear. Lions had a full 25 second playclock to correct the refs before the play was run.
That’s what I’m saying. That’s what I’m stuck on. As I said in my previous post. They could have corrected the official.
Jazz, the only fans that think the Refs got it right are Dallas fans. You keep saying it was the right call. I have yet to hear anyone other than Dallas fans saying that. Every other pundit or fan of other teams espeecially Lions fans believe differently, (disclaimer, I am not channel surfing to hear every persons response) I am glad the Cowboys won just for the stupidity of Dan Cambell to pull that high school crap and triple down on the stupid call.
Okay, thanks for the info. So let’s go on the premise the ref messed up. Still the Lions had a 25 second heads up he messed up and could have corrected him. I’m not saying it’s their job to correct him but they did have an opportunity when they heard the announcement about 70 but not 68.
Any rational person or persons would have corrected the ref but their intention was to deceive the Cowboys. The official announces who is eligible and that is all that matters. However, the Lions should have said, “Wait a minute ref, we declared 68 eligible and not 70.”
I think one thing that is being lost in this discussion about the 2 point play heard round the world is this was a tense, fun game to watch. I was on edge all game. Pins and needles and we won a game that in the past would have been a soul crushing loss. I respect the Lions’ fan displeasure with the outcome and can see their view. But I’m a Cowboys fan and winning a game like this was fun. My adrenaline was going the whole game.
Any rational person or persons would have corrected the ref but their intention was to deceive the Cowboys. The official announces who is eligible and that is all that matters. However, the Lions should have said, “Wait a minute ref, we declared 68 eligible and not 70.”
100% agree.
You know, defense could have covered differently too. If they were told 70 was eligible, they didn't need to cover 68. If they were told 68 was eligible they could have had him covered. Nothing was clear.

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