Terrance Williams preferred Romo over Dak

We had a passing game that defenses feared with Romo.
These days (as even the Niners said so) defenses play STOP the run and have Dak beat you.
He can't unless its some dog team.
They feared it so much he lost to the Giants in 2007 who barely made the playoffs. Only one who believes this is Romosexuals….
It's frustratingly embarrassing to see them call themselves Cowboys fans! They are no Cowboys fans. They are Dak haters who forever are out to protect their player idol, Romo. We all see it.
Then they created this Dak over Dallas mantra that just sounds stupid. I saw some idiot on here say “They want to see Dak do well but the Cowboys do bad” in what world is that even possible lol? It typically goes hand in hand.
One thing that has never been verified but I suspected was I really believe the Joneses liked Romo a lot and his health came first.

I said at the time, I hope they do not let him compete. He'd lost that advantage of avoiding tacklers and I thought it was a when not if on another injury. I was really tired of seeing him on the turf. He would, admirably, sacrifice his body to make a play but that eventually caught up to him.

They let him in on that last game out of respect but if he'd taken a really hard hit, he would have been out of there.
One thing that has never been verified but I suspected was I really believe the Joneses liked Romo a lot and his health came first.

I said at the time, I hope they do not let him compete. He'd lost that advantage of avoiding tacklers and I thought it was a when not if on another injury. I was really tired of seeing him on the turf. He would, admirably, sacrifice his body to make a play but that eventually caught up to him.

They let him in on that last game out of respect but if he'd taken a really hard hit, he would have been out of there.
I use to think that too but then I could never explain why they put him in the Philly game. To me it was to give him a nice send off but why would you risk his health against a bad Eagles team?
Cause he was old and done by then? Twill was an excellent 3rd round pick and covered for the miss on the Escobar pick rip

6 years in the league and he was too old?

He was a solid pick and served his role. I believe we hoped he'd improve, but he didn't reach the ceiling we wanted so we moved on.
How did this become a Dak v. Tony debate?
Williams was asked who his favorite is. He said Tony Romo. Most of his career was playing with Tony Romo.
That's not a slight on Dak.
I'm sure Jerry Rice likely preferred Montana over Young. That wouldn't be a slight on Young or even Montana if it were the other way around.
Say whatever you want about T Williams,but (and no I didn't watch the video, just basing this off statement) I agree.
I would take Romo with this team any day over Dak. I don't hate Dak,so don't label me a hater,just feel that Romo had a better handle of the game and was basically a better QB. this team neglected Romo until it was too late in his career when they finally decided it may be a good idea to get a good oline so that the QB don't get killed.
As much as I agree with you it's very very close we're talking about a tie basically but the tiebreaker goes to Romo however please do not bring the offensive line in here and act like Prescott had a great offensive line his whole entire career last year we have a bottom 10 in pass rush win rate he was having his jersey grabbed his hand broke he was having to take off early throw the ball under pressure guys weren't open this happens to Prescott as well we have no run game and no offensive line going into the last three playoff games it was a shell of itself from the middle of the regular seasons where they were ranked better. So don't bring in the sacks or all that stuff the pass rush win rate was not good for this line and then the line loses Terrance steel and was being shuffled at other positions it definitely is feeling very similar to those Romo days sure 2016 maybe 2017 was a little bit better but once we lost are great center and shuffling that left guard position Tyrone Smith not staying healthy I mean you trying to sit here and tell me that Prescott's playing with a great line? And by the way just as an example Romo did have three or four years of good lines like back in 2007 to 2009 that was a pretty good offensive line at times yes he had years with bad lines just like Prescott is right now so if you're using that and the whole Romo friendly offense well Prescott needs a Prescott friendly offense right now in the playoffs because we don't have that.. IMHO it's been the offensive line,the lack of a run game, the lack of a creator from the play caller perspective , the last three playoff games have been lost in that fashion..

So Prescott felt a lot of what Romo had to feel with the offensive line the lack of a run game the play color becoming pass happy I mean the fact is from 2021 to 2022 they got rid of Blake jarwin Collins Connor Williams Cedric Wilson Turner and of course amari Cooper it came into 2022 with Noah brown as the number two wide receiver and gallop not even a shell of himself and the offensive line being shuffled around and as well as I just mentioned the pass rush win rate was not good against the better defensive lines they were getting their butts kicked. Select please use that same empathy for Prescott as we are for Romo when it comes to that kind of thing.
I can see both sides of the argument.

Romo side -Tony should be put back in, he's the vet, better arm talent, knows the O like the back of his hand...

Dak side - Great poise for a rookie, rattled off a bunch of wins, better legs, got us to the play-offs and Romo had his chances, maybe this kid can do it.

Funny thing - you can almost run the same scenario if Dak got hurt in the pre-season and we had a rookie come in and did what Dak did his rookie year.

Would you wanna go with the vet Dak, who has had his chances or do you go with the new blood.
I was in favor of keeping Dak as the starting quarterback because he was doing so well, and you don't want to disrupt momentum.
But, I think we advance to the NFC Championship Game against the Falcons if Romo is behind center. I don't know if we win, though.
I definitely don't think we would have beaten the Patriots. Brady plus Belichick vs. Romo plus Garrett?
Uh, yeah.

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