Twitter: Terry Bradshaw: Dez worth 3-4 million


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Bradshaw definitely said that for drama, because it has no basis in reality. Is Dez a mental midget? Yes. Is he worth his current salary? Heck no, but to say he's only worth 3-4 million a year when he would have had to be the second coming of Megatron to catch most of the passes thrown to him last season, is just illogical to say the least.


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Dez can run sharp routes, but chooses not to. Drives me crazy.

What Dez should be is a route running field who catches multiple passes in the 2-20 yard range. W/ an occasional fly or post thrown in to keep 'em honest. And lotsa TD's, as he is a major redzone threat. He should be catching 100+ passes/year. But, he won't get his head in the game and run his routes hard. I really don't get it.

I sort disagree with your assessment that Dez can do something he hasn't done in 8 professional years of playing football. I don't think Dez has the mental makeup to do things the right way.

Whether it is just general laziness, mental incapacity, or just plain being belligerent, he hasn't done it in 8 years so what leads you to the conclusion he can do it now?


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I have a laundry list of specific reasons, of which excuses constantly being made for him is high up on the list. Simply wanting Dez to reel in the catchable balls is apparently too high of an expectation to ask without someone coming along and blaming someone else for Dez's drops.

In 2016 we actually had people defending Dez for loafing on a 3rd down play instead of blocking his man while Dak was trying to scramble for a first down on a 3rd down play. That was one of the few times we actually saw Garrett get animated on the sidelines, yet it wasn't Dez's fault. They even defended Dez for arguing with Norman instead of trying to prevent a pick 6. Nothing was ever his fault according to some of his fans.

Nothing is EVER Dez' fault. He always gets a pass because of his "passion" and because "that's just dez".


Taco Engineer
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Bradshaw definitely said that for drama, because it has no basis in reality. Is Dez a mental midget? Yes. Is he worth his current salary? Heck no, but to say he's only worth 3-4 million a year when he would have had to be the second coming of Megatron to catch most of the passes thrown to him last season, is just illogical to say the least.
You mean the ones that bounced off his hands and face mask? Good point. :thumbdown:


Taco Engineer
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I actually don't understand the love for this guy. Dude doesn't put the effort in.

Even w/ his off field issues and scissor attacks, I loved Michael Irvin. Fierce competitor who was all out at all times. Never slacked. Warrior of the first order. One of my favorite players all time. The Dallas D used to complain because Irvin played so hard against them in practice!!!!
That's why he's a HOF. Because every second of every play he went balls to the wall - 120%. Always. It didn't matter if the pass was under-thrown, overthrown, thrown behind him etc...
It didn't matter if he KNEW the play wasn't coming his way, he straight up killed it. On the sidelines he was a vocal leader, not whining he's not getting passes in a game we're freaking winning! Nope, he was great. One of my favorite players. He wasn't really elite IMO, but his effort was through the roof.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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It is funny how some fans give Dez a pass. He has underperformed for 3 year, which coincidentally coincides with his shiny high dollar contract.

One bad year, you can call that a bad year, an aberration or something like that. Two years is unacceptable. Three years? Are you ******* kidding me? That clown needs to move on.

It also coincidentally coincides with the last year that Romo played a full year, the team's decision to concentrate more on the running game and downsize its passing attempts and health issues for Dez that started in 2015.

This comes from a fan who doesn't mind if we move on from Dez if we find a quality replacement but would rather see if he can make our offense more dangerous if you put another top-notch receiver on the field. Which would you rather have out there Dez or Terrance Williams?


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Watkins salary is based on perceived potential. Dez would not get that because I'm sure teams (including the Cowboys) think he has already peaked.
Kind of selective the same logical standard "Some teams with quarterbacks a with strong-arm downfield passing game(which clearly Dak does not have (yet) Would turn Dez back into the 1300 12TD receiver he was with Romo.The fact is Watkins,undrachieving and oft-injured just got 16 million per,Marquise Lee and Donte Moncrief never showed Dez talent or production and just set the second receiver market at 9 million.Sorry kids.... the math counts,"feelings" don't deliver Super Bowls.


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I sort disagree with your assessment that Dez can do something he hasn't done in 8 professional years of playing football. I don't think Dez has the mental makeup to do things the right way.

Whether it is just general laziness, mental incapacity, or just plain being belligerent, he hasn't done it in 8 years so what leads you to the conclusion he can do it now?
Having the potential to do a certain thing in football simply means you are capable of doing. Dez has done it in the past, and he has done it here. For some reason, however, he chooses not to run sharp routes. Just because he hasn't done it here on a regular basis does not indicate he cannot.

And, in fact, several times during the last couple of seasons Dez has made sharp cuts and gotten open. Which makes it even more puzzling why he refuses to do so.


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You need a link to know that? Holy bananas!!!! Nice n cool under that rock?
I honestly think dez Bryant got this reputation out of college and it’s carried on and people don’t know what they’re saying.

What does he average ?

Like 13 games started per season. Maybe 80 catches and 1,000 yards and 10 td’s a season? For the 23rd pick? No arrests. No drama. Huge game changing plays galore. Tons of passion. Tons of entertainment(it is a game after all and he’s been fun to watch)

What’s the issue again? No hyperbole. Someone tell me


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I honestly think dez Bryant got this reputation out of college and it’s carried on and people don’t know what they’re saying.

What does he average ?

Like 13 games started per season. Maybe 80 catches and 1,000 yards and 10 td’s a season? For the 23rd pick? No arrests. No drama. Huge game changing plays galore. Tons of passion. Tons of entertainment(it is a game after all and he’s been fun to watch)

What’s the issue again? No hyperbole. Someone tell me


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Him& his 'crew' seemed to have lifted the license plate off of our wagon at the big round up,,,er,,,a couple of timeso_O

I'd have to lend a great deal of prideful bull headed ignorance out along the periphery ,to NOT Render what that Man is laying down as a qualifier!
Like it or lump it, BRADSHAW is double SB ring wearing BONA FIDE ,, in casting his astute & learnered observations,AT our expense,,,BOYS! :confused:)
I still hate the stealers and bradshaw :espn: