Twitter: Terry Bradshaw: Dez worth 3-4 million


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Dez is probably worth $10-$12 million a year if your are being honest................No, he is not worth the $17 he is being paid currently.

The team obviously doesn't think Dez is worth that much either or they would have never waived $15 a year in front of Watkins.

I would imagine WR at 19 is looking more and more like a real possibility.

If our front office offered Watkins 15 million, we are truly the worst in the business. It just says how clueless they are.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bradshaw's opinion is pretty much the concensus beyond the walls of the Star where personal relationships and past performance trumps current market values.


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if dez cleans up his routes and is the playmaker we know he can be then he will be worth his contract....either way, hes still a 8-9 MM+ guy at current production...saying 3-4 is a joke.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I Think bradshaw is just being honest. It hurts but it's true.

I think Bradshaw is just being Bradshaw. If you pay attention to what he says on the Fox NFL show, he often takes over-the-top stances.


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first oiff DUMB, straight up dumb..*** have Watkins and robinson done in this league but have one decent season and injury plague or underperforming in the others? yet they got double digit$$$ cash..Dez earned his contract his first 4 seasons, its how it goes, good or not, he got paid for the records he set over a 3-4 year period and really the hate hes getting is out of control..guys don't control their salary and once earned most wont take cut to stay... he had a down year, not 3 , he was injured but played well when on the field even goiung back to 2016 in which his YPOC were his best ever and the GB playoff game was great.. sure it would be nice if he restructured to team friendly deal but 3-4 mil, scrubs are getting that 2-4 string miney in todays NFL so TB are stuck in the 70sim thinking he should rstructure to 8mil guaranteed and he can earn back 8 mil in incentives built in many ways.. if hes doesn't again Watkins and robionson are NOT better than Dez , sorry they all had one good year and had injuries and very down years, Watkins was in a wide open Rams offense and declined yet hes the new shiny toy that's better than Dez? is Dez elite anymore, no, but hes for sure not a 3-4mil scrib..the entire offense dipped and that plays into all players down numbers..not just numbers guy on our offense IE skilled playe who had a better year than 2016? who earned all of their money last season? none that's goose egg, i don't hear anyone else asking them to take cut or walk...he had bad year get over it..


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if dez cleans up his routes and is the playmaker we know he can be then he will be worth his contract....either way, hes still a 8-9 MM+ guy at current production...saying 3-4 is a joke.
Cleans up? You mean actually runs them?

Hey, Dez has #1 top 10 potential, that's already clear. However, he's not putting in the effort w/o the ball. That's also clear. At present, judging by the last couple years, 3-4 mil seems about right.


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No reason?

Let's see, overpaid loudmouth? I see reasons.

It is funny how some fans give Dez a pass. He has underperformed for 3 year, which coincidentally coincides with his shiny high dollar contract.

One bad year, you can call that a bad year, an aberration or something like that. Two years is unacceptable. Three years? Are you ******* kidding me? That clown needs to move on.


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I would say he is worth about 5-6 million. But at this point he is detrimental to the team. And Dak doesnt like throwing to him, so he is all but useless.


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Cleans up? You mean actually runs them?

Hey, Dez has #1 top 10 potential, that's already clear. However, he's not putting in the effort w/o the ball. That's also clear. At present, judging by the last couple years, 3-4 mil seems about right.

Dez does not have top 10 potential or talent if he does nothing with his physical skills. He is a me first mental midget.


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It is funny how some fans give Dez a pass. He has underperformed for 3 year, which coincidentally coincides with his shiny high dollar contract.

One bad year, you can call that a bad year, an aberration or something like that. Two years is unacceptable. Three years? Are you ******* kidding me? That clown needs to move on.
I actually don't understand the love for this guy. Dude doesn't put the effort in.

Even w/ his off field issues and scissor attacks, I loved Michael Irvin. Fierce competitor who was all out at all times. Never slacked. Warrior of the first order. One of my favorite players all time. The Dallas D used to complain because Irvin played so hard against them in practice!!!!


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Dez does not have top 10 potential or talent if he does nothing with his physical skills. He is a me first mental midget.

Dez can run sharp routes, but chooses not to. Drives me crazy.

What Dez should be is a route running field who catches multiple passes in the 2-20 yard range. W/ an occasional fly or post thrown in to keep 'em honest. And lotsa TD's, as he is a major redzone threat. He should be catching 100+ passes/year. But, he won't get his head in the game and run his routes hard. I really don't get it.


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No reason?

Let's see, overpaid loudmouth? I see reasons.

I have a laundry list of specific reasons, of which excuses constantly being made for him is high up on the list. Simply wanting Dez to reel in the catchable balls is apparently too high of an expectation to ask without someone coming along and blaming someone else for Dez's drops.

In 2016 we actually had people defending Dez for loafing on a 3rd down play instead of blocking his man while Dak was trying to scramble for a first down on a 3rd down play. That was one of the few times we actually saw Garrett get animated on the sidelines, yet it wasn't Dez's fault. They even defended Dez for arguing with Norman instead of trying to prevent a pick 6. Nothing was ever his fault according to some of his fans.