iceberg said:
oh gee - and *I'M* the one starting fights...
No! Actually, I understand exactely what your concerns are! But there is a BIGGER picture that we need to look at! It's just that you don't seem to look at the overall concept of what the team is trying to do!
These are not the old days, my friend!
I wish it were...the days of when we could sit back and watch a Boyz game, and we knew...that they would win! Those days are gone, friend!
Smart things must be done these sucks! Having to see all of the good players leave...but, chit happens!! You know that as much as I do...and that what's makes us football fans!
Espically DALLAS COWBOYS football fans!
But, yeah, I do somewhat agree with what you are concerned about...however, lets don't live the past...lets look at what might be better coming up!
Do you know? No! You don't!! Do I? No I don't!
But, I will say something...I keep the faith, because there many more people that are way smarter then you or I!