Texas city brings back the paddle for school discipline

BraveHeartFan;3353082 said:
Then are your kids home schooled? I mean if you're worried about what someone might do aren't you worried that some teacher or principle or whatever will eventually take advantage of your kids and abuse their power in other ways?

While you're at it are you planning on keeping your kids at home forever, and support them, cause they probably shouldn't risk getting a job ever either. Just in case some weirdo is out there who might try and abuse their power as their supervisor or boss against them as well.

I understand the worry, all parents do it and do it a lot, but a person would drive themselves nuts if every decision they made revolved around a what if.

I mean what if your kid gets killed by a drunk driver? Are you going to keep from having them in a vehicle for their rest of their lives just in case?

I get it either way though. As a parent we're all going to worry and wonder. I guess in your case you magnify your fears and worries even more and I can't really say there is anything wrong with that.

dude what?

No my kids will not be home schooled. I am not a nutjob. I just dont trust strangers with my kids....


go overboard much?
theebs;3353075 said:
well, your pulling hairs.

The last thing I want is some kid, good or bad, in a room alone with a principal or administrator who is about to spank them!!!!!

I am not sure about catholic schools, I know when I was in school my friends who were in catholic schools still got smacked around by nuns....

My dad went to a catholic schools in the 50s growing up...He tells me all the time about how evil the priests and nuns were in those places......I mean we all know about thier problems, but routine beatings with a ruler were a regular occurrence.

anyway, not a big deal. I just dont spank my kids unless something serious was done...Just my take on it. So for me, being untrustworthy of people I would be extremely angry if I found out someone else did it to them!

But if other people want to slap there kids around, thats there business!
I didn't think I was pulling hairs other than pointing out that in most cases, the paddling was done by an administrator.

Private school is a different matter, but in the catholic schools, I imagine the priests and nuns were the disciplinarians versus the normal administrators.

Either way, you got my point.

CowboyFan74;3353083 said:
What?!! You don't think the percentages of administrators being twisted perves isn't through the roof??? How naive...

/Sarcasm Off
I'm sure the numbers will rise in Temple now that they've given them go ahead to paddle.

BraveHeartFan;3353086 said:
That wasn't the case when I was in school. I got spanked by a principle a couple times and a couple times I got spanked by the science teacher who also doubled as the basketball coach.

I don't know how it is now, like I said above I've been incredibly blessed to have children who are generally very good and don't get into trouble, but when I was in school you could get a whipping from a teacher as well.
I forgot that Coaches sometimes handed out discipline.. The b-ball coach at my school paddled the boys whenever got in trouble at school.
theebs;3353089 said:
relax man.

Its not a big deal.

I see people slapping their kids around nearly everytime I go to a store. Nearly everytime I go to target on a weekend there is some screaming mom yanking her kids around by their arms and threatening them about putting toys back and then spanking them and yelling.

and that is what I am talking about. Not a person who sees their kid doing something wrong and simply spanks them once and corrects them.

I am talking about the whackos who do this stuff in public and take it to far.

again, these kind of people are the reason I dont want other people doing anything remotely close to paddling my kids. Having said that, I am pretty confident my kids wont need that anyway. I dont want some nut who parents this way turning around and treating my kid the same way when he/she is at work.

thats my point here. If you spank your kids fine, I dont care.

and the other thing. I would say 95% of kids dont want to be punished or spanked...etc.....I happen to believe, especially after being home with my two kids for the past few years that Kids act up for a reason.

Sometimes they are tired, hungry, not feeling well, stressed, anxious, sad...etc... And there are a number of reasons for each of those emotions.

Lots of times the parents are at fault. I know I am guilty of occasionally allowing my 4 year old son to stay up past his bedtime causing him to not sleep good because he is overtired which in turn makes him cranky and irritable the next day.

Am I suppose to then spank him for acting up? I am the one who should be spanked in that scenario and anyone who has kids is guilty of causing those emotions in their kids at some point. Kids who have parents who argue all the time are usually anxious and very stressed causing them to act up.

Should they be spanked because they act up in that environment? I dont believe so, the parents should be though and the environment should become more stable so the kids are not exposed to that regularly.

Anyway, to each his own.

Nah I get that. That I agree with actually. I never really understand why a parent yells or spanks their children right in front of everyone like that. It seems to me that it would be very embarressing to do so. Again though I've not really had to encounter that cause my children are well behaved.

Come to think of it though I don't even really have to spank my kids too often, at all, cause they don't want one so they generally begin acting properly very quickly. I'm blessed in that way too I suppose.

theebs;3353091 said:
dude what?

No my kids will not be home schooled. I am not a nutjob. I just dont trust strangers with my kids....


go overboard much?

I was just curious is all. Don't get your underwear, or boxers, or whatever in a bunch.
BraveHeartFan;3353102 said:
Nah I get that. That I agree with actually. I never really understand why a parent yells or spanks their children right in front of everyone like that. It seems to me that it would be very embarressing to do so. Again though I've not really had to encounter that cause my children are well behaved.

Come to think of it though I don't even really have to spank my kids too often, at all, cause they don't want one so they generally begin acting properly very quickly. I'm blessed in that way too I suppose.

I was just curious is all. Don't get your underwear, or boxers, or whatever in a bunch.

lol I am not.

just a side note. I have a funny story.

When I was in 9th grade I was in my second year of french in high school. I had a russian teacher. He spoke like 7 languages and was a really well educated guy. Why he was teaching french at my high school I have no idea!!!!!

anyway, He must have drank vodka at his desk everyday, you could smell it on his breath everyday. it was awful. We had the prototypical class clown in my class.

Everyday he would break the guys chops about something. One day when called on for answers He kept responding in french with things like "I dont know, but I love vodka.......I am an alcholic...etc..... All little subtle digs at the guy.

finally he had enough. This big 6"3 russian guy grabbed the kid by the collar and ripped him out of his chair and was attempting to drag him out of the room......the kid punched him in the side and back of the head repeatedly.....so the teacher turned around and slugged him and just about knocked him out.....

It was pretty shocking!!!!! The kid pushed this guy to his limit and then he couldnt control himself.

the most bizarre part is nothing happened to the teacher!!!!! he finished the year and I guess kept teaching there.

It was ridiculous.
I didn't mean to imply the topic was political. I meant the dynamic of the exchange has been PZ-like.
theebs;3353112 said:
lol I am not.

just a side note. I have a funny story.

When I was in 9th grade I was in my second year of french in high school. I had a russian teacher. He spoke like 7 languages and was a really well educated guy. Why he was teaching french at my high school I have no idea!!!!!

anyway, He must have drank vodka at his desk everyday, you could smell it on his breath everyday. it was awful. We had the prototypical class clown in my class.

Everyday he would break the guys chops about something. One day when called on for answers He kept responding in french with things like "I dont know, but I love vodka.......I am an alcholic...etc..... All little subtle digs at the guy.

finally he had enough. This big 6"3 russian guy grabbed the kid by the collar and ripped him out of his chair and was attempting to drag him out of the room......the kid punched him in the side and back of the head repeatedly.....so the teacher turned around and slugged him and just about knocked him out.....

It was pretty shocking!!!!! The kid pushed this guy to his limit and then he couldnt control himself.

the most bizarre part is nothing happened to the teacher!!!!! he finished the year and I guess kept teaching there.

It was ridiculous.

Wow. I never saw anything like that. That would no doubt be shocking. I do remember my sophmore year we had this guy who was a senior, for like the 3rd straight year in fact, who got into trouble, and suspended for the rest of the year (which was like the final 3 months) because he asked a substitute teacher we had, this very pretty blond woman, who was pregnant if she'd strip for the class.

He happened to have gotten drunk at lunch that day and then cameback and asked her that during his after lunch class and it was like a last straw thing with him that got him expelled for the rest of the year. He, of course, never did wind up graduating and last I saw of him he was working a low paying job but was getting a lot of extra money in the house cause he was engaged to a stripper.

I guess some weird things happen in all school. That subsititute teach really was a very pretty woman though.
theebs;3353112 said:
lol I am not.

just a side note. I have a funny story.

When I was in 9th grade I was in my second year of french in high school. I had a russian teacher. He spoke like 7 languages and was a really well educated guy. Why he was teaching french at my high school I have no idea!!!!!

anyway, He must have drank vodka at his desk everyday, you could smell it on his breath everyday. it was awful. We had the prototypical class clown in my class.

Everyday he would break the guys chops about something. One day when called on for answers He kept responding in french with things like "I dont know, but I love vodka.......I am an alcholic...etc..... All little subtle digs at the guy.

finally he had enough. This big 6"3 russian guy grabbed the kid by the collar and ripped him out of his chair and was attempting to drag him out of the room......the kid punched him in the side and back of the head repeatedly.....so the teacher turned around and slugged him and just about knocked him out.....

It was pretty shocking!!!!! The kid pushed this guy to his limit and then he couldnt control himself.

the most bizarre part is nothing happened to the teacher!!!!! he finished the year and I guess kept teaching there.

It was ridiculous.
I bet that kid never mouthed off to or hit another teacher again.
Cover 2;3353307 said:
Then apparently he wasn't too traumatized by it.

Yea, isn't that a "funny story"!?!?

Six foot-plus ADULT, snatches-up a STUDENT, drags him out of a classroom by his neck, and then punches said minor to the point of unconsciousness. I'm LMAO here!

Sorry, I digress. Corporal punishment = bad & poor parenting + stupid, probable child-molester school administrators. I get it now!
DallasCowpoke;3353357 said:
Yea, isn't that a "funny story"!?!?

Six foot-plus ADULT, snatches-up a STUDENT, drags him out of a classroom by his neck, and then punches said minor to the point of unconsciousness. I'm LMAO here!

Sorry, I digress. Corporal punishment = bad & poor parenting + stupid, probable child-molester school administrators. I get it now!
If you punch somebody don't be surprised to get hit back. Even if they are an adult. The teacher had the right to defend himself.
WoodysGirl;3353070 said:
Actually only administrators (ie, principals) paddle students. From my understanding, that's always been the case.
not in my hometown. I got whippings from teachers, principals, coaches, hell I had an old lady that taught 4th grade English and she made us whip ourselves with a ruler on the side of our lower leg. ah yes, the good old days.
This is an interesting thread.

I grew up in the old Texas School System as a younger child and I will be very honest with you, I got spanked and it did shape me.

When I was a young boy, perhaps 3rd grade, was the first time I had ever been spanked at school. I recall sitting in English/Language Arts and we were coping down the words for a spelling test. Like many, we would get the words, have to spell them, write out the definitions and use them in a sentance. Perhaps 20 to 25 words usually. In any event, as many of you may know, I am not the best speller in the world and that is something that I have struggled with my whole life. It so happened that My Language Arts was at the end of the day and I rode a bus home from school. I went to Travis B. Elementary and lived in Baytown Texas at that time. Anyhow, I was furiously writing down the words and pretty much focused on that. My teacher called my name and I answered "Yes". She said, "what?" I said, "Yes." She asked me again and I said "Yes"? She told me to go out in the hall and I went. She had another teacher go out there with me and I got a couple 2 or 3 licks. I did not fully understand why I was in trouble till the teacher explained to me that I did not show the proper respect in addressing her. I did not say Yes Mrs. ....... or Yes Ma'am. That was a hard lesson, it seemed, way back then but it is a lesson that I never forgot and I am better for it. Today, that would probably be frowned on but in those days, it was very different. I received other spankings over the years and most were probably deserving but I will tell you that spanking does have it's uses if used responsibly. That's the question isn't it? For those who do not believe in it, this probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense to you. For those who do, you will point at a story such as this and say, see?

I had opportunity to spend two days in Class with my wife and our oldest Daughter not so long ago and I have to say that I was shocked at how poorly those children acted. We specifically attended this class because our Daughter was having issues with the class and we wanted to get to the bottom of it. Everytime something came up, our Daughter would say that it was the teacher so we decided to try and get to the bottom of it. Well, we learned that it was indeed the teacher but it was to no small extent the students as well. This poor teacher was in over her head and those children took full advantage. It was as if the class was a free zone where those children freely walked around, eat in class, drank in class, listened to IPODs, texted, interrupted, disrespected the teacher verbally, came and left the class as they liked, it was completely out of control. We actually attended two different classes those two days and while one was much better then the other, the problems were similar. The ways in which each teacher dealt with them were different but they each experienced the same kinds of issues. The more experienced teacher had actually taught for over 25 years and, I must say, was an excellent teacher. We spoke with him after classes and he told us that he was retiring after that year. That was unfortunate because he really was excellent. He told us that it was just not worth it any longer. It was really unfortunate but I certainly understood.

Bottom line, from my point of view is, that something must change. Spanking or no, if what I saw was any indication of what is going on in schools around the country, something must change. It has to or these kids are screwed. You couldn't pay me enough to do what those teachers do.
Attended Catholic school from K to 8 but never got hit by an authority figure. My father, on the other hand, made up for that.

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