Texas city brings back the paddle for school discipline

theogt;3352500 said:
If the parenting isn't there, a spanking isn't going to help much.

I actually do believe there is plenty of truth to this. The spanking can only go so far and help so much. They've got to have the parenting more than anything.

theogt;3352506 said:
A spanking here or there from someone at school isn't "discipline." It's too little too late.

Maybe or maybe not. Depends, IMO, on just how far gone a child is when it comes to that. A child who is just causing a little trouble here and there would have some discipline that would help. If they're really off the path though, and a huge problem child and stuff cause of whatever reason, then I'd agree a spanking won't help too much.

theogt;3352513 said:
No one's life ever changed because they got a spanking.

Is that a fact? And you know this, for certain, because you've talked to every single person whose ever got a spanking?

There is nothing on message boards like folks who think they can speak for the entire world because of what they believe.
Oh, come on. If you actually believe nonsense like someone's life was changed due to a spanking, then I guess it's not worth even having the conversation to begin with.

Glad we got that out of the way.
theebs;3352228 said:
BraveHeartFan;3352152 said:
And it also did absolutely nothing to hinder the great things I did in life either. So I never have understood, and never will, people who act like a kid getting a spanking some how is a great harm to them. I was spanked as a child, when needed, and it didn't cause me to be some whinny little piss ant who blames everything in the world that goes wrong on the fact that I got my butt whipped when it needed to be whipped.


so people who didnt get spanked are whiny little piss ants?


That wasn't really what I was attempting to say or whatever but ok. Think what you like I suppose. That's not my opinion or even what I said or intended to say.
Biggems;3352367 said:
its cool that you are against spankings. that is your stance and your right to feel that way. that doesnt make you smarter, better, or more civilized than those of us who believe in spankings. it also doesnt make you less so.

i believe in spankings, but not just spankings. once the spankings are over, then there should be a discussion. the adult should explain to the child what the infraction was, that discipline must be taken, and ways the child can avoid such infractions in the future.

I agree. And never said I was better or whatever, simply put I in no way agree with a public school giving this authority to a teacher.

People abuse power. And we all know adults take advantage of kids.

Like hoofbite said, the last thing I want is some pervert teacher who now gets to enjoy paddling peoples children.

With me, its that I trust no one and this kind of thing I do not agree with in anyway.
BraveHeartFan;3353064 said:
theebs;3352228 said:
That wasn't really what I was attempting to say or whatever but ok. Think what you like I suppose. That's not my opinion or even what I said or intended to say.

Then why did you say that? You said flat out whiny little piss ants.
theebs;3353066 said:
I agree. And never said I was better or whatever, simply put I in no way agree with a public school giving this authority to a teacher.

People abuse power. And we all know adults take advantage of kids.

Like hoofbite said, the last thing I want is some pervert teacher who now gets to enjoy paddling peoples children.

With me, its that I trust no one and this kind of thing I do not agree with in anyway.
Actually only administrators (ie, principals) paddle students. From my understanding, that's always been the case.
WoodysGirl;3353070 said:
Actually only administrators (ie, principals) paddle students. From my understanding, that's always been the case.

well, your pulling hairs.

The last thing I want is some kid, good or bad, in a room alone with a principal or administrator who is about to spank them!!!!!

I am not sure about catholic schools, I know when I was in school my friends who were in catholic schools still got smacked around by nuns....

My dad went to a catholic schools in the 50s growing up...He tells me all the time about how evil the priests and nuns were in those places......I mean we all know about thier problems, but routine beatings with a ruler were a regular occurrence.

anyway, not a big deal. I just dont spank my kids unless something serious was done...Just my take on it. So for me, being untrustworthy of people I would be extremely angry if I found out someone else did it to them!

But if other people want to slap there kids around, thats there business!
theebs;3353068 said:
BraveHeartFan;3353064 said:
Then why did you say that? You said flat out whiny little piss ants.

I was saying that getting spanked didn't turn me into anything like that. I realise now that by saying it that way you've taken it to mean that I think anyone who doesn't get spanked is one. That wasn't my intent or my opinion.

I don't think keeping from being spanked necassarily makes you one either just like I don't think that getting spanked turns every kid who gets spanked into a whiner who blames everything bad on their parents and getting spanked.

I worded it poorly I guess but my opinion is not that just because you don't get spanked you become a whinny little piss ant.

Maybe that clears that up. Maybe not.
theogt;3353063 said:
Oh, come on. If you actually believe nonsense like someone's life was changed due to a spanking, then I guess it's not worth even having the conversation to begin with.

Glad we got that out of the way.

I don't know what you mean by life changing. Do you mean some big huge change in life where they went from a stealing, fighting, gang member into a good citizen? Then, no, probably not.

But I can tell you I learned very quickly, at a very young age, that when you do certain things wrong that you were going to get spanked for it and after getting a couple of those spankings I learned real quickly not to do those things anymore. So, yeah, I'd say that changed my life to some degree in that I learned not to do things I wasn't suppose to that I probably would have continued to do have someone just did nothing or did as little as possible to discipline me.
theebs;3353075 said:
well, your pulling hairs.

The last thing I want is some kid, good or bad, in a room alone with a principal or administrator who is about to spank them!!!!!

I am not sure about catholic schools, I know when I was in school my friends who were in catholic schools still got smacked around by nuns....

My dad went to a catholic schools in the 50s growing up...He tells me all the time about how evil the priests and nuns were in those places......I mean we all know about thier problems, but routine beatings with a ruler were a regular occurrence.

anyway, not a big deal. I just dont spank my kids unless something serious was done...Just my take on it. So for me, being untrustworthy of people I would be extremely angry if I found out someone else did it to them!

But if other people want to slap there kids around, thats there business!

What exactly does a person spanking their child for doing wrong have to do with slapping their kids around?

That's a HUGE stretch. I've had to spank my kids on a very few occassions, I'm blessed to have children that are generally very good kids, but I've never slapped them around in any fashion.
theebs;3353066 said:
I agree. And never said I was better or whatever, simply put I in no way agree with a public school giving this authority to a teacher.

People abuse power. And we all know adults take advantage of kids.

Like hoofbite said, the last thing I want is some pervert teacher who now gets to enjoy paddling peoples children.

With me, its that I trust no one and this kind of thing I do not agree with in anyway.

Then are your kids home schooled? I mean if you're worried about what someone might do aren't you worried that some teacher or principle or whatever will eventually take advantage of your kids and abuse their power in other ways?

While you're at it are you planning on keeping your kids at home forever, and support them, cause they probably shouldn't risk getting a job ever either. Just in case some weirdo is out there who might try and abuse their power as their supervisor or boss against them as well.

I understand the worry, all parents do it and do it a lot, but a person would drive themselves nuts if every decision they made revolved around a what if.

I mean what if your kid gets killed by a drunk driver? Are you going to keep from having them in a vehicle for their rest of their lives just in case?

I get it either way though. As a parent we're all going to worry and wonder. I guess in your case you magnify your fears and worries even more and I can't really say there is anything wrong with that.
WoodysGirl;3353070 said:
Actually only administrators (ie, principals) paddle students. From my understanding, that's always been the case.

What?!! You don't think the percentages of administrators being twisted perves isn't through the roof??? How naive...

/Sarcasm Off
WoodysGirl;3353070 said:
Actually only administrators (ie, principals) paddle students. From my understanding, that's always been the case.

That wasn't the case when I was in school. I got spanked by a principle a couple times and a couple times I got spanked by the science teacher who also doubled as the basketball coach.

I don't know how it is now, like I said above I've been incredibly blessed to have children who are generally very good and don't get into trouble, but when I was in school you could get a whipping from a teacher as well.
BraveHeartFan;3353080 said:
What exactly does a person spanking their child for doing wrong have to do with slapping their kids around?

That's a HUGE stretch. I've had to spank my kids on a very few occassions, I'm blessed to have children that are generally very good kids, but I've never slapped them around in any fashion.

relax man.

Its not a big deal.

I see people slapping their kids around nearly everytime I go to a store. Nearly everytime I go to target on a weekend there is some screaming mom yanking her kids around by their arms and threatening them about putting toys back and then spanking them and yelling.

and that is what I am talking about. Not a person who sees their kid doing something wrong and simply spanks them once and corrects them.

I am talking about the whackos who do this stuff in public and take it to far.

again, these kind of people are the reason I dont want other people doing anything remotely close to paddling my kids. Having said that, I am pretty confident my kids wont need that anyway. I dont want some nut who parents this way turning around and treating my kid the same way when he/she is at work.

thats my point here. If you spank your kids fine, I dont care.

and the other thing. I would say 95% of kids dont want to be punished or spanked...etc.....I happen to believe, especially after being home with my two kids for the past few years that Kids act up for a reason.

Sometimes they are tired, hungry, not feeling well, stressed, anxious, sad...etc... And there are a number of reasons for each of those emotions.

Lots of times the parents are at fault. I know I am guilty of occasionally allowing my 4 year old son to stay up past his bedtime causing him to not sleep good because he is overtired which in turn makes him cranky and irritable the next day.

Am I suppose to then spank him for acting up? I am the one who should be spanked in that scenario and anyone who has kids is guilty of causing those emotions in their kids at some point. Kids who have parents who argue all the time are usually anxious and very stressed causing them to act up.

Should they be spanked because they act up in that environment? I dont believe so, the parents should be though and the environment should become more stable so the kids are not exposed to that regularly.

Anyway, to each his own.

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