Texas Stadium send off - I don't rant often but here goes...


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WoodysGirl;2513552 said:
Thread title clearly states it was a rant. So yeah, it is your fault you opened it and responded in it.

The zone is not just for pumping sunshine. At some point, folks will be over it, but not anytime soon.
So how does someone that's only been a member since July get to be on the thread police?


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HomeOfLegends;2513615 said:
Your such a hypocrite. You purposely take the time to read and respond to every rant on this board but act as if your own little game of criticizing the poster and saying they are just looking for attention while doing the same thing yourself is not just as annoying to us.

Get over yourself. Why do you find the need to respond ever time if it bothers you so? Maybe because you want to see your name in the thread and need the attention?

No I just respond to you like to any giant or Commander fan insulting my team.

I'm a homer...


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CowboyPrincess;2513612 said:
Hello... Where did I say in MY thread that I was angry about losing? I am upset about how poorly they played and as my thread states, I'm ANGRY about the send off the stadium got.. it was piss poor. And the Cowboys are not just YOUR team.

I grew up a Cowboys fan a mile away from the stadium and use to go to sleep as a girl listening to the cheers from the stadium. My grandpa was one of the original boxed seat owners and my daddy coached a minor league team at the stadium when I was a lil girl. The Cowboys came and saw me in the hospital when I was 8 mos old and trying to stay alive after brain surgery. Tom Landry held my tiny lil body and prayed for me. And I got the honor of seeing my first Cowboys game with trickblue and watched Tex Schramm go into the ring of honor at that game. That stadium was a part of my family history and it didn't get the send off I thought it deserved. You have a problem with my being upset.. get out of the thread. Nobody forced you to open a thread that was clearly labeled as a rant about the stadium send off.

After reading this in my eyes, you have more of a right to rant than any other poster ever. you have the right to go and kick Jerry square in the sack if you want to, and I do hope you want to.;)


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jimmy40;2513623 said:
So how does someone that's only been a member since July get to be on the thread police?
Oh I don't know. They could suck up to Hos, maybe? Right now he's putting out fires, so catch up with him after the Philly game.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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5Countem5;2513625 said:
No I just respond to you like to any giant or Commander fan insulting my team.

I'm a homer...

Fine, respond but no one has a gun to your head to do so so stop acting like it's effecting you somehow that you have to take the time out of your day to call someone out.


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WoodysGirl;2513632 said:
Oh I don't know. They could suck up to Hos, maybe? Right now he's putting out fires, so catch up with him after the Philly game.
wouldn't work for me, I don't suck up and I'd ban anyone that wants TO on this team.:D


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Dave_in-NC;2513628 said:
After reading this in my eyes, you have more of a right to rant than any other poster ever. you have the right to go and kick Jerry square in the sack if you want to, and I do hope you want to.;)

Oh I want to and have wanted to for years... Ask trickblue how badly I wanted to when he and I were there and had drinks with Jerry and Stephen Jones. While trick enjoyed a cigar with the Jones, I stood there seething and wanting to shove those cigars up Jerrys butt and I told him I thought he was an ******* for what he did to Landry.


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CowboyPrincess;2513648 said:
Oh I want to and have wanted to for years... Ask trickblue how badly I wanted to when he and I were there and had drinks with Jerry and Stephen Jones. While trick enjoyed a cigar with the Jones, I stood there seething and wanting to shove those cigars up Jerrys butt and I told him I thought he was an ******* for what he did to Landry.

Sounds like you have a great Cowboy history. I'm jealous.
I would have kicked Jerrys sack though.:D


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5Countem5;2513625 said:
No I just respond to you like to any giant or Commander fan insulting my team.

I'm a brain dead homer...

"Cheapshot artist" would also work.

P.S. "Your" team (Ha!) richly deserves to be insulted, excoriated, and raked over the coals this morning. "Real" fans (hint: not you) see the whole picture.


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CowboyPrincess;2513648 said:
Oh I want to and have wanted to for years... Ask trickblue how badly I wanted to when he and I were there and had drinks with Jerry and Stephen Jones. While trick enjoyed a cigar with the Jones, I stood there seething and wanting to shove those cigars up Jerrys butt and I told him I thought he was an ******* for what he did to Landry.

Hang in there. Your trollish attacker equates well-founded criticism with treason. Insane, no?


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bbgun;2513656 said:
"Cheapshot artist" would also work.

P.S. "Your" team (Ha!) richly deserves to be insulted, excoriated, and raked over the coals this morning. "Real" fans (hint: not you) see the whole picture.

Let me ask you a question, Mrs Werder...

Has Dallas ever lost a game because the other team played better? Was more motivated and simply wanted it more on a particular night OR are all losses because Dallas sucks, Wade sucks, Jerry sucks, Jason, Tony, TO, and everybody else sucks?

Just wondering...


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Dave_in-NC;2513655 said:
Sounds like you have a great Cowboy history. I'm jealous.
I would have kicked Jerrys sack though.:D

I was trying to remain a lady and respect the stadium. Tom wouldn't have wanted it any other way.. besides, have you seen how tall trick is??? He's bigger than me and it would have taken a half hour to climb over him and get to Jerry Jones. Besides, his homer of a son was standing between us most the time. I respectfully in the tone that Landry would have expected told the Jones what I thought... with the exception of calling him an *******


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You make a good point, except IMO the comment about Emmitt. All time leading rusher. Key ingredient to 3 Superbowl wins. The guy is what football is all about.


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CowboyPrincess;2513673 said:
I was trying to remain a lady and respect the stadium. Tom wouldn't have wanted it any other way.. besides, have you seen how tall trick is??? He's bigger than me and it would have taken a half hour to climb over him and get to Jerry Jones. Besides, his homer of a son was standing between us most the time. I respectfully in the tone that Landry would have expected told the Jones what I thought... with the exception of calling him an *******

Do you think Stephen will do a better job with the TEAM than his dad?
or is he as football dumb?
It's nice to talk with some one who actually knows the Joneses by the way.


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Dave_in-NC;2513682 said:
Do you think Stephen will do a better job with the TEAM than his dad?
or is he as football dumb?
It's nice to talk with some one who actually knows the Joneses by the way.
I think Stephen has alot more input than many give him credit for. Stephen handles the money matters, but he's been in this business as many years as Jerry. 20, so he's no dummy to the game.

I think he'll hire a GM, tho


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WoodysGirl;2513686 said:
I think Stephen has alot more input than many give him credit for. Stephen handles the money matters, but he's been in this business as many years as Jerry. 20, so he's no dummy to the game.

I think he'll hire a GM, tho

I'm banking thirty seven years of fandom on it.


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5Countem5;2513667 said:
Let me ask you a question, Mrs Werder...

Has Dallas ever lost a game because the other team played better? Was more motivated and simply wanted it more on a particular night OR are all losses because Dallas sucks, Wade sucks, Jerry sucks, Jason, Tony, TO, and everybody else sucks?

Just wondering...

Sorry, but that has nothing to do with the numerous December slumps in recent years, the bone-headed penalties, the self-inflicted mistakes, the shoddy tackling, the atrocious special teams, the lack of a viable backup QB on the roster, poor gameplanning, players not lining up correctly, players not knowing their assignments, and a GM who moonlights as a pizza commercial actor. Instead of swooning at the feet of the oh-so-powerful Ravens, I suggest you hold some real live Dallas Cowboys accountable. For a change.


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bbgun;2513664 said:
Hang in there. Your trollish attacker equates well-founded criticism with treason. Insane, no?

Have you also noticed that my "trollish attacker" hasn't responded back to me after I gave him a history lesson? It amazes me how some come to the zone and attack others that have been here for a while without knowing facts or history. I've been in the zone for 4 yrs and everyone thats been here for a while knows I have a history with the boys and they know that when I rant, it's from the heart.

I love my boys and proudly show it on my skin near my heart. To suggest that I'm about winning and losing only is doing a disservice to me and all other true blue fans that bleed blue and silver and have remained fans from the beginning before the Jimmy Johnson and triplets era. I've been through the lean times living in 49er land during the Montana days, I've lived in the pacific northwest during the Cowboys wins of the early 90's.. have been threatened, cussed and everything else for wearing my jersey with pride in non Cowboys area's.. including last year when I was in D.C and NYC the day after the Cowboys whooped the Skins and I wore my Novacek jersey with pride. I am a TRUE fan and have proven it over and over and over.

I don't know how long he's been a fan, but if he was a TRUE fan, he'd be as upset as others are cuz we KNOW they are better than they are playing. And we know the stadium and fans deserved way more than they got last night... A well played loss would have been better than what we saw last night


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Dave_in-NC;2513692 said:
I'm banking thirty seven years of fandom on it.
Yeah I know you and a whole bunch are. And I know you'll disagree with me on this. But honestly, from a GM standpoint, I don't have a problem with how Jerry has done things the past six years. Ultimately, it's about establishing a philosophy and acquiring the talent to match. He's been consistent in that regard. Even tho, not all moves have worked, he's done a good job.

Re: Stephen. From things that I've read, he's alot more pragmatic about the business. Not as much of a risk-taker as Jerry. I also think I remember Hos saying that Stephen was on record as saying he would hire a GM whenever Jerry stepped down. So I think that's a given.


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Amen girl...amen...nice rant...I agree on most of what you ranted on too...today im just still disgusted in the whole effort and even questioned a few things about our team after last night and after some things i heard on our NEW radio station here in Dallas......are there guys on this team strictly only playing for the $$$ or do they really care about this "TEAM" cuz last night looked like we played as individuals and the ravens played as a team......its sad sad....honestly i think the D got worn down by having to contstantly go out and stop a mediocre offense.....and it caught up to them you go cowboys princess...much love!!