Thanks, Romo! ***MERGED ***

If Romo goes and wins a Super Bowl in Denver, does he go into the HOF as a Cowboy?
Is a New Hall of Fame Member Enshrined as a Member of a Team?

Obviously, teams take great pride in the accomplishments of individuals who have been a part of their organization. Often individual teams and even the Hall of Fame will list enshrinees according to the team or teams on which they spent a significant period of time. An enshrinee, however, is not asked to “declare,” nor does the Hall of Fame “choose” a team under which a new member is enshrined. When elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, an individual is recognized for accomplishments as a player, coach, or contributor.
Hall of Famers who made the major part of their primary contribution for any one club are listed in bold. In cases where a player contributed about equally and/or in a major way to two or more clubs – he is listed in bold under both clubs (ie. Gary Zimmerman is listed with both the Vikings and the Broncos as his primary teams). Hall of Famers who spent only a minor portion of their career with any club are listed under that club in normal font.
Romo would be listed as a Hall of Famer for both the Cowboys and Broncos but his name would be listed in bold for Dallas. The bold listing is the traditional way of stating a player has been inducted into the Hall with a particular team.

Rickey Jackson is a good example to get a better understanding of the distinction. Jackson accumulated the bulk of his statistical success in 13 years as a New Orleans Saint and won a Super Bowl as a San Francisco 49er. He's listed in bold for New Orleans, so he 'went into the Hall' as a Saint--not as a 49er.

There are accolade and perceptional exceptions though. As mentioned by the Hall earlier, Zimmerman is one of those exceptions of a player listed in bold under more than one team. He spent 60% of his career with the Vikings but received more visibility playing with John Elway in Denver. Even Zimmerman's PFHoF career page displays images of him as a Bronco and he may even state that he was inducted as a Bronco but the official understanding is that he was enshrined equally (e.g. 50/50) as a Bronco and Viking.
Like the home run you hit in high school that keeps getting longer and longer each year, the legend of Romo grows and grows because of almost 2 years of inactivity. Thanks for the memories and keeping Dallas relevant, but it will be interesting to see if the legendary status that has been built up will be lived up to with his next team.
"Forever and forever, farewell, Tony! If we meet again, then we’ll smile indeed. If not, it’s true, this parting was well done." -- Taken from Julius Caesar, Shakespeare

Now...I hope you never sniff a Super Bowl with your new team.
Sad day here. Romo put this team on his shoulders through the lean years. I hope he goes to a team that is a contender. I hope he wins a ring. Just, not at the Cowboys' expense. lol.
Well yeah, there is that but if the argument is because of his on field accomplishments then I say no. Danny White accomplished far more than Romo did on the field and he's not in the Ring of Honor.

I agree. The opportunities, while not abundant nor ideal, were there. He just couldn't cash in. When he did finally have all the pieces around him he promptly went and broke his back.

He should be considered for the Semi-Circle of Honor.
Well yeah, there is that but if the argument is because of his on field accomplishments then I say no. Danny White accomplished far more than Romo did on the field and he's not in the Ring of Honor.

Danny cant accomplish "far more" when Tony owns all the records and Danny has squat.
Even though Dak Prescott is so promising and a real blessing, still sad to see Romo go but it's a business. If it can happen to Joe Montana, it can happen to Romo. Thanks for everything Tony. A true class act and professional.
Danny cant accomplish "far more" when Tony owns all the records and Danny has squat.
Danny got us to NFC title games which Romo never even got us close enough to sniff. Romo's stats are meaningless without the bling. Plus... Danny White was a far better punter. :D

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