The 4th down throw was behind Brown

What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

The point of this is that you people talkin bout how well Rush threw the ball must have been getting a beer on the 5-6 near INTs he tossed. And why do I mention near INTs? Because people were beside themselves when Dak had a similar total of near misses in a game last season. And if I'm not mistaken we won that game too. This is not to disparage the game Rush had.. He had a nice game as a backup. He managed the game and didn't LOSE it. And made 5-6 throws when he absolutely had to in order to win it. I call that "Eli Manninging." I hope he does it 4-5 more times..
1. Dak routinely throws behind receivers. It’s his calling card. I like Dak ok as a QB but that doesn’t change the facts. Dak is worse at this than Rush by a mile based on what we have seen so far.

2. Dak is paid $40M per year. Rush is paid 1/40 of that. I expect better than “about even” or slightly better than Rush.

3. Rush’s vision was better this past week than Dak’s was in game 1. Similar circumstances.

4. Dak is in a funk and has been since the second half of last year. Moore isn’t helping him out but Sak is killing drives with poor performance.

5. Yes Rush could have easily had several picks. The fact that he didn’t get picked really doesn’t change the fact that they were bad throws.
My problem with dak is you cannot have it both ways with him. he went into the SF game last year (when they lost two of their best defenders during the game) and played poorly. Last years team was talented, it had an opportunistic defense, great weapons, and still a decent oline. After throwing a TD in the second quarter, dak disappeared. Until late when we needed a fake punt and a jimmy g terrible INT to make It a game.

That is flat out not good enough. You can't expect the team to have a pro bowler at every position when the quarterback is making 40 million dollars a year. A number that the quarterback held out for.

On the Cooper rush bad throws, every single qb has a bunch of almost ints. Joe burrow had a couple against us as well.
What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

The point of this is that you people talkin bout how well Rush threw the ball must have been getting a beer on the 5-6 near INTs he tossed. And why do I mention near INTs? Because people were beside themselves when Dak had a similar total of near misses in a game last season. And if I'm not mistaken we won that game too. This is not to disparage the game Rush had.. He had a nice game as a backup. He managed the game and didn't LOSE it. And made 5-6 throws when he absolutely had to in order to win it. I call that "Eli Manninging." I hope he does it 4-5 more times..

Man!!!! are you really serious with this BS!!! Who cares if the pass was late and behind or high the pass was caught and we won the damn game!!!
Why are you tripping over something that's irrelevant, Rush will never be QB1, as long as Dak is on the team!!!
Stop listening to non football knowing idiots that are never satisfied always wanting something that they will never have any control over.
Another thing, why the hell won't dak run? We did more rollouts with Cooper rush last game. Why are we taking a guy in dak who has proven in the past to make throws on the run and making him into a pocket passer. Every single successful qb outside maybe Brady in this league uses their legs to make plays.
What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

This is a RESULTS league. On a 4th down on your own side of the 50, he comepleted a pass to keep the drive going. The TD, was caught..... PERIOD. I want nothing more than for Dak to succeed..... but results and wins is all that matters. Rush is now 2-0 in games he was not supposed to win. Imagine if he got the same leeway Dak got in his rookie year riding the best oline and RB in the league. Im thinking Rush would have done ok as well.
Romo always made more than 1 mistake per game, hence why he was termed "the gambler".

No. He didn't. There were games where he made no mistakes. There were games where he made one mistake. There were games where he made five mistakes, maybe even six. No matter the number of mistakes, they were often magnified by a defense that could rarely hold a lead. The same has held true for Dak. It's too bad that now that we might have that kind of defense, we don't appear to have the kind of offense that can build a good lead. We did against Cincy, but then the offense went dormant for too long, expecting too much of the D.
Ya, very happy with Rush's performance.

This is just to point out the ridiculous hypocrisy of the vocal minority on this site that hate Dak.

It's going to exist, though, no matter how much it is pointed out, because starting QBs get viewed differently than backup ones. It's kind of the same as fans thinking a backup RB should be starting over the starter without taking into account the differences in the roles.
What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

The point of this is that you people talkin bout how well Rush threw the ball must have been getting a beer on the 5-6 near INTs he tossed. And why do I mention near INTs? Because people were beside themselves when Dak had a similar total of near misses in a game last season. And if I'm not mistaken we won that game too. This is not to disparage the game Rush had.. He had a nice game as a backup. He managed the game and didn't LOSE it. And made 5-6 throws when he absolutely had to in order to win it. I call that "Eli Manninging." I hope he does it 4-5 more times..
To be fair, we do not know the route or the adjustment (if there was any) that is required on that play.

We as fans make assumptions based on the receiver's actions and rarely consider that the receiver may have made a mistake such as cutting a route short or continuing to run when they were supposed to stop and turn.

It is definitely possible that Rush threw that ball behind Brown or it is also possible that Rush thought Brown was going to stop so he threw it based on that.

This is not to defend Rush because as I said it is very possible (and likely) that he threw it behind Brown, but it is hard to know that for sure without a coach confirming it.

Either way, it was a great catch by Brown who had a great game.

If it was a bad throw by Rush then I am sure the film review will point it out.
What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

The point of this is that you people talkin bout how well Rush threw the ball must have been getting a beer on the 5-6 near INTs he tossed. And why do I mention near INTs? Because people were beside themselves when Dak had a similar total of near misses in a game last season. And if I'm not mistaken we won that game too. This is not to disparage the game Rush had.. He had a nice game as a backup. He managed the game and didn't LOSE it. And made 5-6 throws when he absolutely had to in order to win it. I call that "Eli Manninging." I hope he does it 4-5 more times..
If this was a Dak game review you would be calling the op a hater, troll, doesn’t know football and telling everyone that was a designed back shoulder throw and would of been int was the WR fault, you Dak jock riders are funny sometimes. Keep the jokes coming. You sir are a hater trolll. Lmao
I hope we can all agree that we need any of these QBs to win. We are in the mix early on, and we just don't have time to bicker and fight over QBs right now. The time for that is if we're out of the play offs or out of competition. I support whomever is QB'ing any given week and last week, I was a Rush fan. Ultimately, and we can't hide from this, you are looking at a 4th close to 5th round QB and an undrafted QB so what do you expect? Tom Brady comes around once in a lifetime so forget that.
He got paid because Jerry is an "in the moment" GM. So until we get a high draft pick QB in here, we're roasting late round QBs which seems odd to me.
I understand the point of this thread

and this comment isn’t meant towards the OP

but the people who nitpick completions are absolute idiots

It isn't difficult to see the real intention of this thread - propping up Dak while trashing the performance of a QB who beat a team that Dak probably would have lost to.

He got paid because Jerry is an "in the moment" GM.

What stinks about this is Dak got paid after a devastating injury that everyone, Jerry included, knew was going to alter his career. Everyone knew that Dak wasn't going to be the same QB after that and Jerry paid him anyway.
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If this was a Dak game review you would be calling the op a hater, troll, doesn’t know football and telling everyone that was a designed back shoulder throw and would of been int was the WR fault, you Dak jock riders are funny sometimes. Keep the jokes coming. You sir are a hater trolll. Lmao
You missed the entire point of his thread.
It isn't difficult to see the real intention of this thread - propping up Dak while trashing the performance of a QB who beat a team that Dak probably would have lost to.

What stinks about this is Dak got paid after a devastating injury that everyone, Jerry included, knew was going to alter his career. Everyone knew that Dak wasn't going to be the same QB after that. And Jerry paid him anyway.
You missed the entire point of this thread.
You missed the entire point of this thread.

Apparently you did too, right? He's clearly pointing out Rush's mistakes (and there were several) while trying to tell everyone to stop propping up Rush when Dak makes the same mistakes. And yes, Ronnie absolutely would have been trashing members at CZ if they made the same post about Dak. He does this on a constant basis.

He doesn't hide his love for Dak, and I have no problem with that. But I think he's a little miffed that Rush was getting attention for the win. He only wants Dak getting that attention.
Apparently you did too, right? He's clearly pointing out Rush's mistakes (and there were several) while trying to tell everyone to stop propping up Rush when Dak makes the same mistakes. And yes, Ronnie absolutely would have been trashing members at CZ if they made the same post he just made. He doesn't hide his love for Dak, and I have no problem with that. But I think he's a little miffed that Rush was getting attention for the win. He only wants Dak getting that attention.
No. That is wrong.

He said, pretty clearly, that if you’re going to hold Dak to this unrealistic and biased standard of throwing the ball then do that for everyone. So as to not be a hypocrite with some strange agenda —which is implied to not be the case. (And it is not the case)

Some are obsessed and it’s weird.
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What was arguably the biggest play in the game was really a late throw across the middle that Noah reached back and snatched out of the air.. Then the TD was high and outside and Brown had to climb the ladder a bit to go get it. Yet people have been downright giddy about how Rush "hit receivers in stride" and all that thinly veiled shots at Dak noise. If Dak makes that same throw to Brown all we would have heard was how if he woulda led him he would have had a chance to run after the catch. In reality throwing it behind was absolute the right ball placement because if he leads him Noah probably gets blown up by the safety and maybe even gets the ball dislodged and Cincy has the ball at our 40 yard line. It's probably a very different ballgame then.

The point of this is that you people talkin bout how well Rush threw the ball must have been getting a beer on the 5-6 near INTs he tossed. And why do I mention near INTs? Because people were beside themselves when Dak had a similar total of near misses in a game last season. And if I'm not mistaken we won that game too. This is not to disparage the game Rush had.. He had a nice game as a backup. He managed the game and didn't LOSE it. And made 5-6 throws when he absolutely had to in order to win it. I call that "Eli Manninging." I hope he does it 4-5 more times..

another pathetic attempt to prop Dak up by his jock sniffer extraordinaire, even if it means denigrating other Cowboys players LOL
No. That is wrong.

He said, pretty clearly, that if you’re going to hold Dak to this unrealistic and biased standard of throwing the ball then do that for everyone. So as to not be a hypocrite with some strange agenda —which is implied to not be the case. (And it is not the case)

Some of you are obsessed and it’s weird.

so the standard is the same for an allegedly “top 5” NFL QB starting for 6 years and a back up QB starting his second career game?

man you guys are really scratched bottom in your attempts to defend your hero Dak
You watch any qb in the league....ANY....thry throw the ball behind, high etc.

These people act like Dak is the only one. It is comical.
I think they honestly believe it. I asked one guy has he seen Rodgers or Josh Allen and he said no he doesn’t watch guys play he only is concerned with Dak.
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