Now THAT was a great friggin episode.......I couldnt imagine bein in Martha's shoes.....its one thing to become a spy for an enemy country knowingly, and having to defect to that country not knowing the language, culture etc.......but for her, this whole time she never knew she was helping the enemy....and all a sudden, its off to Russia without "Clark" or life in Prison after a lengthy interrogation by the FBI.......shoulda just jumped off that bridge....what I woulda done anyway.....
Well.... This a great set of episodes revolving around Martha. Doesn't feel stretched out. Perfectly balanced and the length is perfect.
The writing is on the wall though... Martha is not long for this world.
I don't agree that she should have jumped though.
She should turn herself in and take her punishment. But she can also explain that she didn't know.
She didn't. If she tells the entire story. They'll believe her.
She can even say, "Clark played audio of you guys saying I wasn't much to look at"
Again, she will be punished. Deservedly so, but she will be viewed differently.
"I'll be like I was before I met you.... Alone"
Even the FBI gang is feeling that angle.
She's actually such a good person. The character is good intentioned and pure. Just lonely and duped but the KGB pros.