Stautner said:
There will never be a consensus on whether it was a good call, and the difference of opinion only lends credence to what I have been saying all along.
Which is simply this:
A judgement call like this is damned hard and refs have to do the best they can in the blink of an eye with a decision that can sway one way or another based on a fraction of a second. The call is just too close to grouse about either way.
THAT's why there is so much disagreement, and THAT's why this conclusion should be acceptable to all and all should move on with it.
Of course those who stubbornly continue to believe this should have been an easy call to make will never find common ground and meet in the middle - that kind if irratitional radicalism and ignorance of fair consideration of all sides can only be satisfied if they can force an issue to be black and white.
Rational people understand there are gray areas with a lot of issues.
And I suppose you're the rational one.
The one who can't accept "conclusive visual evidence" (to borrow a term from your favorite group of people), and admit that it was a bad call.
I'm not trying to change the call, I know that's not gonna happen. And I have no problem with it because we won the game. But I just don't like people pretending there are no bad calls, and if I feel the need to speak up, I will.
It's typical when a poster doesn't have a leg to stand on in a debate, he harks back to... "the refs are doing the best they can... they have a tough job... they have to make split second decisions... boo hoo hooo.... i feel sorry for them." Then you call those who have a good argument stubborn and irrational because they haven't accepted the greater truth here, and that is that there are "grey areas" in the rules!!! ***!!! Grey areas??
The goal of the NFL as far as the rules and referees are concerned SHOULD BE to eliminate grey areas. Terms like "football move" and "conclusive video evidence" have watered down the product... bottom line. By creating these "grey areas" IMO we have given MORE power to the refs to decide the outcomes of games, instead of the teams on the field.
What are you going to say when a crucial call decides the Cowboys' fate?? Are you going to go on your happy way and say "Oh well, it was a 'grey area' in the rule book"?? Or are you going to shed a tear for the refs because they have a tough job??
And it figures that someone who has a strong opinion on something -- one that may ruffle some feathers
-- gets labeled radical and ignorant for calling it like it is. God forbid we question something. Rather, you should be middle of the road, accept everything and everyone, don't rock the boat... yada yada. How Zen-like of you.
So you can hate me, label me intolerant, ignorant, uncultured, uncivilized... I can handle it. I'm still going to have my opinions and you'll have yours. You stay politically correct, I'll question things.