The botched coin toss thread


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Only in Dallas do they have to use instant replay to resolve a coint toss. If the Ref put his hearing aid in he would of heard the first time that Dak said we want to kick off.

But the problem is your closing sentence proves that we caught a break. I agree with you that initially Prescott said we want to kick off and that’s the problem. There are a multitude of valid choices that you can make when the option is yours, and choosing to kick off is one of the valid choices at your disposal. The problem is then that would leave the Rams to have the choice to open the second half and of course they would choose to receive in that circumstance

I am not questioning Dak’s intent. His intent was obvious but by rule intent is immaterial to the discussion. You could use the same argument with an interception. Whenever a quarterback throws an interception, his intent is clearly not to throw the ball to the opposite team and give them a free extra possession. Do the officials say “well he didn’t intend to give the ball to the other team an extra time so Let’s run that play over”. Of course not. Mistakes happen but they have consequences. Or at least they should

It doesn’t work that way with turnovers and honestly It shouldn’t have worked that way in this circumstance. The good news is it had zero bearing on the game because the game was such a beat down

But if we were in a close game and the other team made a mistake like that and they let them off the hook I would be seriously pissed off, and I guarantee you so we’re just about every person on this board. Our captain made a mistake and they let us off the hook.


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Exactly! What advantage does that serve? Yeah, let's play defence to start! Especially against an offence that is usually high flying, and our playoff hopes are on the line. Yeah, we don't actually want to go to the playoffs. I mean, it's just so dumb!!! I don't understand how that's even an option.

But it is an option and it’s the option that Dak chose. We made a mistake and they let us off the hook. I don’t see why people have such a hard time admitting that


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But it is an option and it’s the option that Dak chose. We made a mistake and they let us off the hook. I don’t see why people have such a hard time admitting that

i bet if you go and listen to coin toss recordings across the nfl you are going to hear very similar exchanges to what dak said.

the ref just needed to use common sense here


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according to this article, the nfl league office can step in with replay review for issues of “game administration”.

therefore, by rule the league office can step in, during a situation like that.

Hence, why the cowboys got the ball back.

And I would 100% agree with you if Prescotts original words had been “We defer” instead of “we want to kick”

Intent has nothing to do with it. Two consecutive times we chose a valid option that unfortunately would have put us in a bad position and the league let us off the hook because of what they viewed as our captain’s “intent”

If that is the determining factor then like I said we should never have a turnover ever again, because I’m pretty sure the offense never intends to give the defense free possession. My point being that intent has nothing to do with that and that we caught a break come. Which by the way I am thankful for but it doesn’t change the fact that we caught a break


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i bet if you go and listen to coin toss recordings across the nfl you are going to hear very similar exchanges to what dak said.

the ref just needed to use common sense here

Through playing and coaching I have been involved in more coin tosses then I can count and I have never one time heard a player at any level elect to kick off. Not one single time. I coach eight and nine-year-old kids and I review this with my captains every week just before the coin toss because the coach is not allowed to speak. And somehow my eight and nine-year-old kids always get it right

I would be absolutely shocked if it happens in the NFL on any more than an extremely rare basis. And if it does happen then there should be a penalty for it. If you want to receive the ball in the second half done the only valid choice is to defer. Period
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This should be settled long before the ceremony of the coin clip. Teams should submit what they want to do and what they will be calling an hour before the game or something like that. Example, we call heads and if we win we want to defer, receive, etc. Obviously the home team would just submit what they want (defer, receive, etc.). The captains can go out and witness the coin flip. Everything but the actual result of the flip should be in writing somewhere and known before the coin is tossed.


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Bull ........ the refs made a mistake and the front office fixed it.

So then you appear to be saying that Dak did not use the words “we’ll kick off” or “we want to kick off” when first asked what our preference was.

Is that what you’re saying? If you are that’s fine I just want to be clear as to what your point is


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Only the NFL would over complicate the coin. toss. It should be this simple...each team gets the ball to start each half. The coin toss determines who gets to choose...


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Only the NFL would over complicate the coin. toss. It should be this simple...each team gets the ball to start each half. The coin toss determines who gets to choose...

That would probably be a very safe and effective way to solve this issue.

But as the rules are written right now, the NFL let the Cowboys off the hook yesterday


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I don’t disagree with you and if the transcript is correct it’s apparent from the transcript that, regardless what his “intent” was, Dak made a mistake here

So then my question was why did we end up with the ball to start 2nd half. Intent means nothing. He made a valid choice and we should have been stuck with it. If the other team screwed up like this and still ended up getting the ball for second half the cries of conspiracy would be loud enough to wake the dead LOL

you wouldn't hear about it if it happened to another team, clown.
i'm positive this type of exchange happens every week in the NFL.


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you wouldn't hear about it if it happened to another team, clown.
i'm positive this type of exchange happens every week in the NFL.

Do you have any sort of article documenting this or any sort of audio proof, jerk? Or is this just your way of justifying us getting a break when normally our Fanbase is crying nonstop about conspiracies against us?


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And I would 100% agree with you if Prescotts original words had been “We defer” instead of “we want to kick”

Intent has nothing to do with it. Two consecutive times we chose a valid option that unfortunately would have put us in a bad position and the league let us off the hook because of what they viewed as our captain’s “intent”

If that is the determining factor then like I said we should never have a turnover ever again, because I’m pretty sure the offense never intends to give the defense free possession. My point being that intent has nothing to do with that and that we caught a break come. Which by the way I am thankful for but it doesn’t change the fact that we caught a break

It doesn’t really matter if you agree with me or not. The nfl league office determined that they were willing to accept Dak’s intent and give the cowboys the ball.

Going forward the cowboys captains need to make sure they just say one word “receiver or defer” and nothing else.


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It doesn’t really matter if you agree with me or not. The nfl league office determined that they were willing to accept Dak’s intent and give the cowboys the ball.

Going forward the cowboys captains need to make sure they just say one word “receiver or defer” and nothing else.

Can’t argue with any of that.

Honest question because even when you and I disagree you seem like a fairly rational sort.

If this was a playoff game and the other team had made the same mistake that Prescott made and the league let them off the hook and gave them the ball to start the second half, what do you think the reaction would be on this forum? Do you think our fans would be happy that the league office honored the other teams “intent”?


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Can’t argue with any of that.

Honest question because even when you and I disagree you seem like a fairly rational sort.

If this was a playoff game and the other team had made the same mistake that Prescott made and the league let them off the hook and gave them the ball to start the second half, what do you think the reaction would be on this forum? Do you think our fans would be happy that the league office honored the other teams “intent”?

Probably depends on a lot of factors.

I may be upset at first. But if the cowboys lost as bad as the Rams did last night. I doubt I would blame the loss on that.

Let’s also be real. It’s not like the cowboys haven’t gotten screwed by the refs before. Just about every team has. Packers and that BS penalty on Brice Butler comes to mind.

Luckily I expect Dak and the other captains to learn from this and have this situation never happen again going forward by being More clear.


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Can’t argue with any of that.

Honest question because even when you and I disagree you seem like a fairly rational sort.

If this was a playoff game and the other team had made the same mistake that Prescott made and the league let them off the hook and gave them the ball to start the second half, what do you think the reaction would be on this forum? Do you think our fans would be happy that the league office honored the other teams “intent”?

Actually this situation reminds me a lot of that Brice Butler penalty in the Packers 2016 playoff game.

By rule, technically a penalty. But something that happens from time to time and the referees usually give the player a warning first before throwing a flag.

This situation is similar in that, the ref could have gotten the cowboys by a technicality. But the NFL officials decided to use a little common sense instead.


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Probably depends on a lot of factors.

I may be upset at first. But if the cowboys lost as bad as the Rams did last night. I doubt I would blame the loss on that.

Let’s also be real. It’s not like the cowboys haven’t gotten screwed by the refs before. Just about every team has. Packers and that BS penalty on Brice Butler comes to mind.

Luckily I expect Dak and the other captains to learn from this and have this situation never happen again going forward by being More clear.

I made that exact point earlier a couple of times, that this clearly had no bearing on the game because it was such a convincing blowout

In a weird way that makes it even more puzzling to me that people have such a problem admitting we caught a break. It had no bearing on the game whatsoever and that should make it easier for people to acknowledge that the league did us a favor

Knowing you from this forum I do believe you would react that way as you described above of the situation were reversed, but you and I both know that a good majority of the people on this forum would be in full meltdown mode claiming the Cowboys got screwed by crooked Roger Goodell and his minions.