The Break is back

Tell them to join. We need more females around here. :)
They read these pages, I've already said that. At this point in their lives I'm not in the habit of telling my girls anything they ought to do that they haven't asking me about. They are independent woman with independent minds.
The "M" word. :grin:
You don't have to respond, by the way. I continued reading the thread, which is what I should have done before I responded. :)
Moron? Malcontent? Meatball? Being coy won't move this conversation along. Yup I always encourage folks to read through the thread before replying. Many questions get answered that way and you don't have to ask them. :D
If you had a gun pulled on you and I saw it, you'd be glad I was around. I would help you out without even thinking, "well, it's not a female so why help". I'm always carrying my sidearm to protect myself and the public, men or women all the same. Nate can argue his own arguments but if he were threated with bodily harm by an armed assailant, I'm trained to end that situation with the best possible outcome... one less idiot in the world.
Just like Nate can argue his own arguments so can Ambar unless you think she is inferior which seems to be a flaw of yours. As far as the gun goes I doubt anyone would do that to me lol.
Just like Nate can argue his own arguments so can Ambar unless you think she is inferior which seems to be a flaw of yours. As far as the gun goes I doubt anyone would do that to me lol.
:laugh::lmao::lmao2:I saw that reply coming from a mile away. Isn't hard to see what you were gunning at. Your transparent agenda is a fools errand that assumes men and women have always been treated equally by everyone and society understands and agrees on the topic. In reality women are treated with far more disrespect than men are in society. If that doesn't describe you then good, you are a solid citizen that treats everyone as an equal and about as common as a unicorn.
I only admitted what she has said. I think she will do fine on the show. Watch her other shows on if you don't know what she brings to the table for the purposes of the Break. She's not just another pretty face, but that's my opinion. You obviously are basing your opinion of her on false information. You say she knows nothing about football... that's not true. She has a basic understanding of the sport and is a quick study and is a journalist. I don't know why she was hired for this position but I like her work so I look forward to her contribution on the Break.
I'm going to say something that may sound offensive, but it's true based on my observation. Men will ALWAYS be attracted to beautiful women. PERIOD. This is NEVER going to change. Now that doesn't mean women can't do the job because I believe they can. But if the choice is between two women equally competent, the more beautiful of the two will get the job, unless a guy's wife is making the decision. Employers may tell you otherwise or won't say it because they don't want to be hit with a discrimination suit but the immutable laws of attraction won't change no matter how you try to legislate them out. And the television industry is notorious for this. We have an intern in our office, my department. She is INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS! And many of the men think so too because they tell me. She's Hispanic too. I tell her try to be as competent as you can but don't run from the fact that men find you beautiful. Just use it to your advantage (in the right way, of course).
Furthermore, this young lady was hired because the producers may see her as their bridge to female viewers/Hispanic viewers, and people like to watch people who look like they do.
As Bruce Hornsby sang, "That's just the way it is."
They read these pages, I've already said that. At this point in their lives I'm not in the habit of telling my girls anything they ought to do that they haven't asking me about. They are independent woman with independent minds.
When I said "tell them" I wasn't implying demanding them. It was more in the form of encouraging them to do so.
I enjoy the presence of women in forums like this because I don't think guys understand issues from a female perspective and their input is valuable. We do have female members, and I appreciate their contributions to this forum. :)
I'm going to say something that may sound offensive, but it's true based on my observation. Men will ALWAYS be attracted to beautiful women. PERIOD. This is NEVER going to change. Now that doesn't mean women can't do the job because I believe they can. But if the choice is between two women equally competent, the more beautiful of the two will get the job, unless a guy's wife is making the decision. Employers may tell you otherwise or won't say it because they don't want to be hit with a discrimination suit but the immutable laws of attraction won't change no matter how you try to legislate them out. And the television industry is notorious for this. We have an intern in our office, my department. She is INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS! And many of the men think so too because they tell me. She's Hispanic too. I tell her try to be as competent as you can but don't run from the fact that men find you beautiful. Just use it to your advantage (in the right way, of course).
Furthermore, this young lady was hired because the producers may see her as their bridge to female viewers/Hispanic viewers, and people like to watch people who look like they do.
As Bruce Hornsby sang, "That's just the way it is."
Just an observation... You would do good in the Roger Ailes school of Business, may his soul rest in peace.
When I said "tell them" I wasn't implying demanding them. It was more in the form of encouraging them to do so.
I enjoy the presence of women in forums like this because I don't think guys understand issues from a female perspective and their input is valuable. We do have female members, and I appreciate their contributions to this forum. :)
:facepalm: Without my coaxing or your request, they are around and reading. If they remain silent then that is their choice... and with that I've already probably said too much.
Just an observation... You would do good in the Roger Ailes school of Business, may his soul rest in peace.
Only if believe finding a woman attractive is the same as sexually harassing her.
:facepalm: Without my coaxing or your request, they are around and reading. If they remain silent then that is their choice... and with that I've already probably said too much.
File under Captain Obvious material. :)
I only admitted what she has said. I think she will do fine on the show. Watch her other shows on if you don't know what she brings to the table for the purposes of the Break. She's not just another pretty face, but that's my opinion. You obviously are basing your opinion of her on false information. You say she knows nothing about football... that's not true. She has a basic understanding of the sport and is a quick study and is a journalist. I don't know why she was hired for this position but I like her work so I look forward to her contribution on the Break.

Fair enough.
This new girl is not good. Or average.

She makes the squeaky girl from a couple of years ago seem good.(Kelsey maybe?)

Why do they have someone who doesn't know football, seemingly, at all?

At least I won't dislike Helman as much with her as a comparison.

I just listened. I agree. She basically admits that her knowledge is lacking. Seems like she'll be there primarily to ask questions of others. But not sure why when you already have Egleton on there who is effortless in navigating the podcast.
:laugh::lmao::lmao2:I saw that reply coming from a mile away. Isn't hard to see what you were gunning at. Your transparent agenda is a fools errand that assumes men and women have always been treated equally by everyone and society understands and agrees on the topic. In reality women are treated with far more disrespect than men are in society. If that doesn't describe you then good, you are a solid citizen that treats everyone as an equal and about as common as a unicorn.
Do you really want props for an agenda that I've stated myself already? Public education is hurting some of the population. I don't care about the bogus well people haven't been treated family so we're going to even it up and pull an animal farm. In reality I think the only way you can get women is by selling yourself as a champion of women that only do so to get with them. You sir are just as transparent and it's ashame that you can't women by treating them equally as you would a man in situations like this. This isn't a fight or anything like,that its a critique and you playing superhero on this is a lack of respect for women because you feel they are inferior simple and plain. Lastly I don't treat everyone equal nor does anyone but on something like this it is too easy to treat everyone equally.
Do you really want props for an agenda that I've stated myself already? Public education is hurting some of the population. I don't care about the bogus well people haven't been treated family so we're going to even it up and pull an animal farm. In reality I think the only way you can get women is by selling yourself as a champion of women that only do so to get with them. You sir are just as transparent and it's ashame that you can't women by treating them equally as you would a man in situations like this. This isn't a fight or anything like,that its a critique and you playing superhero on this is a lack of respect for women because you feel they are inferior simple and plain. Lastly I don't treat everyone equal nor does anyone but on something like this it is too easy to treat everyone equally.
I'm about to drop a knowledge bomb on your arse so listen up. You are still a young man that has not benefited from the numerous relationships that someone of my age accumulates over the years. I'm the CEO of my own company with one foot out the permanently retired door because I've just done that well and I'm only in my early 50's. I'm not bragging, I'm just trying to give you the full picture of my background so you understand the words I'm about to impart on you aren't from just some bum off the street. I'm a successful person because of my ability to relate and convey sincerity with the people that come into my life. I genuinely care and so it's not hard for me to convey that caring message to those in my life. I am upfront and honest with people and I treat all human beings as I would want to be treated until they prove they don't deserve that courtesy.

Of all the relationships I have... friends, family, employees, acquaintances, distant familiarities, strangers and all others, the ones who's opinions matter the most are those that get the most face time with me. They know me like no one else does and their opinion of me matters most to me. I can comfortable say the women in my life know I treat all people equally until they prove they don't merit it or prove they merit even better. You don't know me and your words about me mean nothing to me. Your commentary on me reveals you are the poorest of character judges and therefore prone to bad decisions based on bad information. I give you this as free advise on things you can work on. Now please excuse me, my limo awaits.
I'm about to drop a knowledge bomb on your arse so listen up. You are still a young man that has not benefited from the numerous relationships that someone of my age accumulates over the years. I'm the CEO of my own company with one foot out the permanently retired door because I've just done that well and I'm only in my early 50's. I'm not bragging, I'm just trying to give you the full picture of my background so you understand the words I'm about to impart on you aren't from just some bum off the street. I'm a successful person because of my ability to relate and convey sincerity with the people that come into my life. I genuinely care and so it's not hard for me to convey that caring message to those in my life. I am upfront and honest with people and I treat all human beings as I would want to be treated until they prove they don't deserve that courtesy.

Of all the relationships I have... friends, family, employees, acquaintances, distant familiarities, strangers and all others, the ones who's opinions matter the most are those that get the most face time with me. They know me like no one else does and their opinion of me matters most to me. I can comfortable say the women in my life know I treat all people equally until they prove they don't merit it or prove they merit even better. You don't know me and your words about me mean nothing to me. Your commentary on me reveals you are the poorest of character judges and therefore prone to bad decisions based on bad information. I give you this as free advise on things you can work on. Now please excuse me, my limo awaits.
You sound insecure my man. You can't brag to someone who isn't impressed by your success. It just sounds stupid and like you're trying to hard.

Sorry you can't treat everybody equally if you doing your best superman impression for this chick but wouldn't do the same for a dude in the same situation period. This isn't a fight or anything like that where I could see a guy needing to help. People are speaking on her talent or lack thereof. That doesn't require you to save her or defend her honor as if some bad guy said something/did something beyond the pale. If the words I said didn't mean nothing why are you telling me all this stuff that don't have jack to do with the topic? My commentary reveals something you don't want to know about yourself is that you don't care for women like you claim unless you can save them. That's a lack of respect if I've ever saw one because who wants some one to always feel they have to defend them like they are a little child when the situation doesn't warrant.

A limo? That's funny but step it up gramps nobody really doing those anymore. I guess your big money hey day was in the 80's or something.
You sound insecure my man. You can't brag to someone who isn't impressed by your success. It just sounds stupid and like you're trying to hard.

Sorry you can't treat everybody equally if you doing your best superman impression for this chick but wouldn't do the same for a dude in the same situation period. This isn't a fight or anything like that where I could see a guy needing to help. People are speaking on her talent or lack thereof. That doesn't require you to save her or defend her honor as if some bad guy said something/did something beyond the pale. If the words I said didn't mean nothing why are you telling me all this stuff that don't have jack to do with the topic? My commentary reveals something you don't want to know about yourself is that you don't care for women like you claim unless you can save them. That's a lack of respect if I've ever saw one because who wants some one to always feel they have to defend them like they are a little child when the situation doesn't warrant.

A limo? That's funny but step it up gramps nobody really doing those anymore. I guess your big money hey day was in the 80's or something.
I'm not trying to impress anyone and not bragging. You need to stop harassing me. I'm ignoring you henceforth and you have been duly warned to cease and desist your harassment of me.
I'm not trying to impress anyone and not bragging. You need to stop harassing me. I'm ignoring you henceforth and you have been duly warned to cease and desist your harassment of me.
I'm not harassing you. You willingly keep replying to me when nobody asked you to do so. There is no rule that says I can't post to other posters and until there is one I will continue to do so if you reply back. Stop playing the victim role it isn't becoming on a man esp in this situation which is messageboard disagreement. Have a great day
The old men bickering back and forth act that Mickey and Broaddus have going on Talkin' Cowboys is quickly growing old with me. I'm wondering if anyone else here caught that act today?
Hey, what about the
I just listened. I agree. She basically admits that her knowledge is lacking. Seems like she'll be there primarily to ask questions of others. But not sure why when you already have Egleton on there who is effortless in navigating the podcast.
I agree. I'm not sure they know the host-analyst model that's usually used. They seem to like more than one host.

She may get better, but judging by her opening statement of her not knowing much about the Cowboys and or football my hopes aren't hi.

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