The Break is back

Did you watch or listen to the episode? She admitted she's not the most savvy football person, she is however a journalist. I'm not sure what it is you are debating. If it is your point that she is there just as eye candy then say it. In the episodes to come, that will prove to be true or false.


If she admitted it and you admit it then why is she on the show?

What does she bring to the table in regards to the subject at hand?

And if you are hell bent on reminding people still that it has only been one show, then answer those questions in the context of her hiring.

Whenever I make a point I state it clearly. She knows nothing about football and was hired on a show that covers a professional football team in-depth. That fact alone subjects her to other criticisms and assumptions that are valid and it doesn't make people misogynistic.

Instead of calling people here misogynist, why don't you examine why the organizaton hired a person with no football knowledge to be on a show that should require it? And what gives you the right to judge other people yourself for questioning such a move?
See, here is where you admit it. But your response to Reality calling you on it is all nice nice. But you give me crap for doing the same thing. What gives?

I admit what? Calling out a misogynist? I did but I got the name wrong. It wasn't Carharris, it was another poster who shall remain names for this discussion with you. Don't be so defensive and you won't feel like I'm giving you crap.

If she admitted it and you admit it then why is she on the show?

What does she bring to the table in regards to the subject at hand?

And if you are hell bent on reminding people still that it has only been one show, then answer those questions in the context of her hiring.

Whenever I make a point I state it clearly. She knows nothing about football and was hired on a show that covers a professional football team in-depth. That fact alone subjects her to other criticisms and assumptions that are valid and it doesn't make people misogynistic.

Instead of calling people here misogynist, why don't you examine why the organizaton hired a person with no football knowledge to be on a show that should require it? And what gives you the right to judge other people yourself for questioning such a move?
I only admitted what she has said. I think she will do fine on the show. Watch her other shows on if you don't know what she brings to the table for the purposes of the Break. She's not just another pretty face, but that's my opinion. You obviously are basing your opinion of her on false information. You say she knows nothing about football... that's not true. She has a basic understanding of the sport and is a quick study and is a journalist. I don't know why she was hired for this position but I like her work so I look forward to her contribution on the Break.
I didn't add those two together and come up with what your obviously presenting friend,,, in fact I took away from stars post is that he grooves on the Spanish lingo.

,,, just demonstrating how that faulty logic works is all,,, try to keep up :p
That's an astute observation... I didn't treat a misogynist fairly. I'll take that assessment and still hold my head up high. My adult daughters read these pages from time to time. If they see that I have yet again defended womanhood from a misogynist that judges all woman as inferior until proving themselves otherwise, then I am all the better for it, in their eyes. I will not apologize for doing so. Ambar Garcia's first language is Spanish and she does a great job hosting several Spanish speaking shows on She's been there 3 years and it's about time she got attention from the mainstream English speaking side of cowboyszone. I'm glad to see her addition to the show. :bow:
Simple and plain do you go to bat like this when men are being talked negatively about? If you don't you are a bad person that should call himself a misogynst for jumping in to help a woman clearly not in need of your defense simply because of her gender. People like you don't think to highly of woman if you don't allow them to be critiqued just like any other person regardless of gender.

As for the shows can't wait to hear what they sound like with new switch ups.
Simple and plain do you go to bat like this when men are being talked negatively about? If you don't you are a bad person that should call himself a misogynst for jumping in to help a woman clearly not in need of your defense simply because of her gender. People like you don't think to highly of woman if you don't allow them to be critiqued just like any other person regardless of gender.

As for the shows can't wait to hear what they sound like with new switch ups.
I'm completely an equal opportunity person. I gave my daughters both a pistol on their 18th birthdays so my son should not have been surprised when he got the very same thing when he turned 18. They all get treated the same and non of them are getting an inheritance because me and my wife are spending it all. My children are all grown up now and have their own careers/money/lives/cars/mortgages. I call that a win in my playbook, but now I have you talking down to me. Thanks but no thanks.
I'm completely an equal opportunity person. I gave my daughters both a pistol on their 18th birthdays so my son should not have been surprised when he got the very same thing when he turned 18. They all get treated the same and non of them are getting an inheritance because me and my wife are spending it all. My children are all grown up now and have their own careers/money/lives/cars/mortgages. I call that a win in my playbook, but now I have you talking down to me. Thanks but no thanks.
If you're soooo eop did you do the same when Nate was getting talked about negatively? That was the question. Spare me all this filibustering your doing because idga darn about your kids my man they aren't the topic here.
If you're soooo eop did you do the same when Nate was getting talked about negatively? That was the question. Spare me all this filibustering your doing because idga darn about your kids my man they aren't the topic here.
If you had a gun pulled on you and I saw it, you'd be glad I was around. I would help you out without even thinking, "well, it's not a female so why help". I'm always carrying my sidearm to protect myself and the public, men or women all the same. Nate can argue his own arguments but if he were threated with bodily harm by an armed assailant, I'm trained to end that situation with the best possible outcome... one less idiot in the world.
Why would you even use the term if you weren't talking about anyone here?
What term are you talking about? If we are going to talk about it, then you ought to be able to at least say it. :D

Who said I wasn't talking about anyone here? :huh:
'Merica! Free speech is a beautiful thing. Without taking offense to a single thing you said there, you are wrong. My girls are grown women, both with their own careers and couldn't be prouder of their Papa. Have a nice day. :)
Tell them to join. We need more females around here. :)
What term are you talking about? If we are going to talk about it, then you ought to be able to at least say it. :D

Who said I wasn't talking about anyone here? :huh:
The "M" word. :grin:
You don't have to respond, by the way. I continued reading the thread, which is what I should have done before I responded. :)
What data set? I can speak to stats fine. I am asking for the data. You have shown nothing.
Someone who admits to having little knowledge of football could ultimately become a good football reporter (possibility) but with all the competition and other priorities placed on female sports reporters; it is "probable" that they wouldn't because in general, they are not put in the position for that purpose. Do I agree with it; not at all! But that doesn't change the truth. Hopefully that will change in the future.

Have some already accomplished that? I think so but not a statistically significant number.

One person was talking possibilities and the other probabilities. Statistically speaking, both are right which was really my point.

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