If Khabib had went to Artim (Is that how you spell it? I'm not sure) 1 on 1 and had words with him then I'm totally with what you're professing for Khabib.
That isn't what he did. He took a bunch of his buddies with him and surrounded 1 guy. Stop with this narrative that he's some sort of tough guy for what he did. He was a punk, a bully, and a thug.
He acted like a fool to get a rise out of Conor. There is nothing more to it than that. He wanted to get a reaction out of Conor and he got one. A really stupid, dangerous, and foolish one but he got one none the less.
What Khabib did was stupid. It was irresponsible and it was nothing more than a bully tactic to get someone else's attention.
They're both idiots for the way they handled their situations. They were both wrong with the way they handled their situations. They both look like stupid thugs with the way they handled their situations.
Khabib should not get a pass, does not deserve a pass, and will not get a pass from me for his stupid behavior. Just like Conor doesn't.
Which I know in the grand scheme of their lives, and everyone else's, means zero but I don't care.