The Cost of Meaningless Close Wins


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Too long to read. I still like winning. Makes my scotch taste better. All of you young ones don't seem to get that draft picks aren't a sure thing. All I know is that winning makes me feel good. Salud!

It's cool. Your silence is acquiescence to my general points. Thank you for agreeing with me and my argument.


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You don't get to decide what kind of a fan base this is.

Good thing that's the case...

If you guys had it your way we would've switched from the Dallas Romos to the Dallas Prescotts after he signed that contract that you guys was just so elated about. The Dallas Cowboys would be a thing of the past. This is the fanbase that finds a singular player to hold up above the team as a whole.

I still find it funny that most Cowboys fans didn't think Dak was worth what he wanted until he put up empty stats in 8-8 and 1-3 seasons. We we're literally in the middle of a 13-3 season and you guys wanted to pull Dak for Romo. Why? Because all that winning was just too much for ya'll? You guys have found your new Romo, congrats.


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And what constitutes "entertainment"? Losing games? If it's just fans watching and buying merchandise, what gets more fans and sells more merchandise?

Winning or losing? Winning, of course. How many t-shirts and caps were sold after each Cowboys SB win? And that's in addition to what folks buy during the season. More money for Jerry.

The whole view of "Jerry just cares about making money" coupled with "He doesn't want to win" makes no sense.

There are fans like me, very long term Cowboys fans, that are just too dadgum old to change to another team. For me at least, becoming a Cowboys fan wasn't a conscious decision like "Hey I like this team, think I'll become a fan". I watched Cowboys and other NFL games, the Cowboys "won me over", for whatever reason. When the Texans got into the league, I watched some of their games. Just couldn't get into them, even when they beat Dallas in their first ever regular season game.

But we'll be gone before too many years pass. Some of the older fans left when JJ bought the team and fired Landry. They were replaced with the 1990's Cowboys fans. Those too will die, or get sick of the losing, and JJ will need new fans. Can he get those by not winning SBs? Imho, no.

There is zero reason for JJ to not try to make the Cowboys the top team. NONE. He tries, but the problem is he won't let anybody else get much of the credit, ergo he's still the gm and has decision making on "socks to jocks". That's the problem, it's not a lack of desire to win

I know, we've had this conversation for a long time and in great detail. Nobody's changing their mind, probably. But that's one of the things about being a Cowboys fan, always something to "cuss and discuss" with each other about...

I am an old dog too, Brother, so I hear you....Jerry is wearing on me - despite his 25 year failure he refuses to hire football people so we can win again someday. And then he had to be talked out of drafting Johnny Manziel !


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This is dumb as Hell. I was totally aboard team tank after a point but they should have thrown the second game of the season? They should have just given up in the Giants game? Lol. Sure, if all playoff options are out of the question then you tank. But to act like they should have purposefully lost the Atl and NYG games is beyond ridiculous there Captain Hindsight.


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If you guys had it your way we would've switched from the Dallas Romos to the Dallas Prescotts after he signed that contract that you guys was just so elated about. The Dallas Cowboys would be a thing of the past. This is the fanbase that finds a singular player to hold up above the team as a whole.

I still find it funny that most Cowboys fans didn't think Dak was worth what he wanted until he put up empty stats in 8-8 and 1-3 seasons. We we're literally in the middle of a 13-3 season and you guys wanted to pull Dak for Romo. Why? Because all that winning was just too much for ya'll? You guys have found your new Romo, congrats.
Some of us watch the QB play with our eyes and can see Dak making progress and understand those records were primarily on the lack of defense. It's not all one way or another. You act like it's a crime to be fans of the players on our favorite team. I wanted Dak because I think he gives us the best chance to win at the QB position with all realistic options we had, not because I'm a Dak fan over a Cowboys fan. I really don't understand how people who think like this even have the cognitive ability to turn on a computer and log into a message board.


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Eagles were 7-9 year before they won the super bowl.
TB was 7-9 before last year's super bowl win.
ATL was 8-8 before they went to super bowl.

Where is all this proof that losing one season carries on? I don't see it. You can refer to the Browns or Lions or some team that has a perennial losing record, but I don't see the losing carrying on thingie. MIA certainly isn't feeling it.


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Some of us watch the QB play with our eyes and can see Dak making progress and understand those records were primarily on the lack of defense. It's not all one way or another. You act like it's a crime to be fans of the players on our favorite team. I wanted Dak because I think he gives us the best chance to win at the QB position with all realistic options we had, not because I'm a Dak fan over a Cowboys fan. I really don't understand how people who think like this even have the cognitive ability to turn on a computer and log into a message board.
You know you saw that old familiar comfort of empty stats during an 8-8 season and thought to yourself "we've found our guy".


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is dumb as Hell. I was totally aboard team tank after a point but they should have thrown the second game of the season? They should have just given up in the Giants game? Lol. Sure, if all playoff options are out of the question then you tank. But to act like they should have purposefully lost the Atl and NYG games is beyond ridiculous there Captain Hindsight.

Yes, a valid point supported by terrible examples. You don't "tank" in week 2 or week 5. But when the quarterback was lost and the team was 3-9? Yeah, there's no point in winning games that do nothing but lessen your draft equity the following year. Certainly nothing gained by playing a veteran quarterback and center who would be free agents the following year. And spare me the compensatory pick nonsense when we're talking about actual draft picks in every round.


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Eagles were 7-9 year before they won the super bowl.
TB was 7-9 before last year's super bowl win.
ATL was 8-8 before they went to super bowl.

Where is all this proof that losing one season carries on? I don't see it. You can refer to the Browns or Lions or some team that has a perennial losing record, but I don't see the losing carrying on thingie. MIA certainly isn't feeling it.
The Eagles and Bucs both loaded up on Free Agents. The Eagles made in season trades also during their run.

Atlanta was stacked. They started the season before like 6-0 before a collapse. Everyone knew they were going to be good in 2016.


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If Cowboys fans cared more about holding the team responsible rather then their favorite players that don't even know they exists getting paid or not this would be a much better fanbase.
Does it really matter what kind of "fanbase" it is?

Having said does a fan "hold the team accountable"?



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Right. And I have no problem with it, most fans don't just listen to Jerry and nod their head like a bobble head doll. They watch, read and listen. Jerry doesn't "sell that" to me, and I think I'm as good a representation of Cowboys fans as most. Might smirk or roll my eyes at him, if it's obvious the team's not that great, but he's a positive guy, and that's always good for the team.

How many owners/gms/head coaches do you hear at the beginning of a season, when they're not a very good team say "Well we're gonna suck this year, folks get ready for a lot of losses, but please support the team anyway"?

Very few, if any. Not to say they won't say things like "we've got to improve/play better/have some players step up", etc. But that's not the same as dissing their own team...
I am with you. I have on many occasions rolled my eyes at what Jerry says. there is a problem though. Jerry believes it. there is one thing to "market" but there is an issue with him firmly believing what he thinks and acting on it, which is the problem. the best example was 2019.


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The Eagles and Bucs both loaded up on Free Agents. The Eagles made in season trades also during their run.

Atlanta was stacked. They started the season before like 6-0 before a collapse. Everyone knew they were going to be good in 2016.
So, you're saying the losing thingie doesn't carry over? I agree.


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The Cowboys should have lost their games against Atlanta (week 2), the Giants (week 5), and the Vikings (week 11). The Cowboys could of had the 3rd overall pick. They could have received the same haul the Dolphins did for the 3rd pick. In this scenario Surtain or Horn would likely be available at 12. Plus they would have 2 extra 1st round picks + an extra 3rd round pick in the future. They could have also selected a QB at 3 and trade Dak. A ridiculous botched onside kick + signing Andy Dalton cost this franchise for years to come.
This is insane. On all accounts.

1. Games in week 2, 5 and 11 are far too early in the season to say they should've lost them. Just silly.
2. This team was so bad that if they won a game last year they simply beat someone even worse than them.
3. Trading Dak wasn't a option. You lose him for nothing or you sign him. Those were your two options.
4. This team has been bad for 25 years.....but signing Dalton cost this franchise for years to come.....just wow. Speechless.


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You know you saw that old familiar comfort of empty stats during an 8-8 season and thought to yourself "we've found our guy".

When I read this, I was surprised because a fellow poster whose opinion I totally respect regardless, based his QB opinion off the same thing.
As a matter of fact, he said he was totally against Dak remaining the starter until that 2019 season.
I find it somewhat amusing when he and I share such similar opinions otherwise but he doesn't see the contradiction in his reasoning. He will even use the same reasoning I use in criticizing Dak to criticize other QBs but when I call him on it, will tell me this story of the 2019 empty stats year and say he sees Dak as the future.
Sorry so long winded.

The posts were just too similar for me not to comment.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Some of us watch the QB play with our eyes and can see Dak making progress and understand those records were primarily on the lack of defense. It's not all one way or another. You act like it's a crime to be fans of the players on our favorite team. I wanted Dak because I think he gives us the best chance to win at the QB position with all realistic options we had, not because I'm a Dak fan over a Cowboys fan. I really don't understand how people who think like this even have the cognitive ability to turn on a computer and log into a message board.
I like the way you think! Salud!!!!


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That's why you start benching guys and giving players who aren't good opportunities.

Maybe get a little more aggressive with some of your defensive schemes and see if you give up a extra big play or 2.

Yes that worked out great for Doug Pedersen


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Yeah, because the GOAT was the player that was injured. They went 11-5 without him as you stated, so they were already loaded and well coached.

We are not neither loaded or well coached. We was 1-3 with Dak and finished 6-10. There is a difference there.
well, there are a couple of sides to that.

they went 11-5 but missed the playoffs and were third in the division, which tells me that they had a weak schedule if two other teams in the division were ahead of them. so the 11-5 as nice as it may seem, its not all that. they do have bilicheck, so that accounts for a lot of wins.

we went 2-3 with dak, slight correction.

we are not loaded on defense. fully agree on that. our defense needs a lot of help. a lot of help.

plus, I never advocate for losing, specially early in the season. great example is 2018, when we were 3-5. could have easily tanked the rest of the season, but finished 7-1. there has to be accentuating circumstances to go losing and that comes with playing back ups (ala philly), unloading players (ala Miami) and not coaches purposely throwing games....


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Lol!! Sure. If it makes you feel good. Salud!

If you could mount a competent counter argument then you would. Otherwise, you aren't here to actually appreciate others' points of view-just to dish your own.

I actually attempted to understand your point of view if you read my original post.


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You are 100% correct. We had NO chance of making any noise making the playoffs because our division is terrible.

These fans that want to go 6-10 instead of 3-13 are a problem.

These are probably the same fans that love Romo for going 8-8 every year and keeping us drafting somewhere in the 20s when a couple of years drafting in the 10s might've gotten their hero a ring or at least some real playoff runs.
Why are the fans the problem?