The Cost of Not Signing Dak (lengthy)


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That would be very difficult to do for Houston. Watson is probably going to be very specific about what teams he's willing to be traded to. Plus they already paid Watson 27 million up front. Why would they want to repeat that process immediately with another QB?
Because Watson wants out of Houston. And because Dak and the Cowboys have been unable to come to terms on a new contract. So why not have the Cowboys and Texans swap(trade) their respective QBs? Both QBs need a change of scenery, so this could a solution to Prescott's and Watson's dilemmas.


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Because Watson wants out of Houston. And because Dak and the Cowboys have been unable to come to terms on a new contract. So why not have the Cowboys and Texans swap(trade) their respective QBs? Both QBs need a change of scenery, so this could a solution to Prescott's and Watson's dilemmas.

Not sure how much this proposal has been discussed with the volume of Dak posts that daily happen here but count me IN on this one for one swap. Git r' done Stephen!(to include draft picks if necessary)
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....right now, as it stands. Signing Dak is best move for Dallas. Better then good QB's are hard to find. Does he have ceiling to get better? Of course, we call them football smarts.

The man is going to get paid, either here or over there.


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He was following the template laid out by how other agents dealt with the Joneses. They are the biggest blinkers in the league, why should he have wavered? I am sure he was convinced they would crater in the end, as is their MO. Plus, he already had 31.5M guaranteed to his player. Tagging has not proven to be a good negotiation tool.

And not negotiating is a sound strategy in negotiations.

Not negotiating isn't negotiating. Because you really don't want the Cowboys to resign Prescott you've shut you mind off to some actual facts. First tagging a player is just guaranteeing that only they can negotiate, give and take not just repeating original demands, with that player. Now here's a fact that is contrary to your continued reasoning for not signing Prescott. Tank was tagged and then the following year low and behold he was tagged again but about a week later signed his long term contract. The tool you talked about is the tool that gives that one team EXCLUSIVE rights to negot6iate, that give and take and not just repeating original demands, with the player during the free agency period and not have to bid against other teams to keep their own player. France may have guaranteed Jones would cave but then in the last hour or so when Prescott realized that he wasn't going to he was doing his own negotiating. He actually was negotiating and not just repeating the same demands. They agreed on the salary amount which was lower than what France was demanding but they couldn't get the length and guaranteed amount done before the deadline. This proved at least two things, that just repeating original demands and not actually negotiating isn't going to work and by Prescott doing his own negotiating that he indeed wants to stay and play in Dallas.


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Because Watson wants out of Houston. And because Dak and the Cowboys have been unable to come to terms on a new contract. So why not have the Cowboys and Texans swap(trade) their respective QBs? Both QBs need a change of scenery, so this could a solution to Prescott's and Watson's dilemmas.
why does Dak need a change of scenery? because of fans posts on Fanzone!!


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Good for Dak, Jerry should have thought about that before caving to zeke and trying to teach zeke a lesson by giving Jaylon a contract prematurely.

Dak has done everything this team has asked him to do and been a great soldier on and off the field but Jerry rewards the underachieving players and divas.

99% of the time I side with management over the players, even Jerry, but Dak deserves his pay day because he’s worth it IMO and Jerry has been jerking him around for a couple years and has now dug himself and this team into a hole.

You've missed it completely. Negotiating is both sides giving some but all France has done is just repeat is original demands. That's not negotiating. The Cowboys originally offered 30 mil and France just repeated his original demand. Then in the final hour or so when Prescott was doing his own negotiating, the offer from the Cowboys went up to 35 mil and Prescott agreed on that but they couldn't get the length and guaranteed money done before the deadline. Even at that France advised Prescott not to take that 35 mil and hold out for the original offer. Prescott wanted to get a deal done and decided that France's demands weren't going anywhere. Now The cowboys upped their offer yet France was unwilling to give at all and stuck to his original demands. Even on the tag this season Prescott made more than 10 times what he did in 2019 and tell me how many people get a raise that pays them more than 10 times what they made the previous year. Prescott does deserve to get paid but you acting like all the Cowboys offered was like 20 mil.


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Maybe, but it seems like conjecture being that we don't have all of the information.
Information? You want information?? Sorry G, I only deal with innuendo and rumor. It was rumored that France was playing it cool and they hadn't talked for months.

If I am going to have to come with information, you can look for a lot fewer posts from me.
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Because Watson wants out of Houston. And because Dak and the Cowboys have been unable to come to terms on a new contract. So why not have the Cowboys and Texans swap(trade) their respective QBs? Both QBs need a change of scenery, so this could a solution to Prescott's and Watson's dilemmas.
Will the new management at HOU want Prescott? I think the Cowboys would have to throw in that 10th pick since they don't have one now.


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You've missed it completely. Negotiating is both sides giving some but all France has done is just repeat is original demands. That's not negotiating. The Cowboys originally offered 30 mil and France just repeated his original demand. Then in the final hour or so when Prescott was doing his own negotiating, the offer from the Cowboys went up to 35 mil and Prescott agreed on that but they couldn't get the length and guaranteed money done before the deadline. Even at that France advised Prescott not to take that 35 mil and hold out for the original offer. Prescott wanted to get a deal done and decided that France's demands weren't going anywhere. Now The cowboys upped their offer yet France was unwilling to give at all and stuck to his original demands. Even on the tag this season Prescott made more than 10 times what he did in 2019 and tell me how many people get a raise that pays them more than 10 times what they made the previous year. Prescott does deserve to get paid but you acting like all the Cowboys offered was like 20 mil.
Man, GK, you are on the ball on this one. Spot on.

I have no idea why some(or anyone for that matter) don't know this. It was readily availabe info at the time. Maybe they only hear what they want to hear?


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Because Watson wants out of Houston. And because Dak and the Cowboys have been unable to come to terms on a new contract. So why not have the Cowboys and Texans swap(trade) their respective QBs? Both QBs need a change of scenery, so this could a solution to Prescott's and Watson's dilemmas.

But where does Watson want to go? He has a no trade clause in his contract. That means Houston pretty much has to get his approval. Then why would Houston want to trade with Dallas? Doesn't Dak have to be signed before they can trade him? Either tagged or to a long term deal? A tag is close to 38 million and Houston is starting out 21 million over the cap for 2021.


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You've missed it completely. Negotiating is both sides giving some but all France has done is just repeat is original demands. That's not negotiating. The Cowboys originally offered 30 mil and France just repeated his original demand. Then in the final hour or so when Prescott was doing his own negotiating, the offer from the Cowboys went up to 35 mil and Prescott agreed on that but they couldn't get the length and guaranteed money done before the deadline. Even at that France advised Prescott not to take that 35 mil and hold out for the original offer. Prescott wanted to get a deal done and decided that France's demands weren't going anywhere. Now The cowboys upped their offer yet France was unwilling to give at all and stuck to his original demands. Even on the tag this season Prescott made more than 10 times what he did in 2019 and tell me how many people get a raise that pays them more than 10 times what they made the previous year. Prescott does deserve to get paid but you acting like all the Cowboys offered was like 20 mil.
I didn’t miss anything dotard. Unless you have the written details of what they offered him and what he wanted then all you’re doing is speculating and trying to come across like you were sitting in the room with Jerry and Dak. If Dak was ok with anything Jerry offered him then he could have said yes, France can’t tell his players what they can and can’t agree too, it was a joint decision or Dak needs to grow a set.

The only thing we know for sure is that they signed Jaylon, zeke and a handful of others instead of signing Dak when they should have. The QB position predictably goes significantly up almost every year and with Dak’s numbers, they should have made signing him a priority over everyone else.

There’s no written rule that France or Dak have to negotiate with Jerry. So far Dak is winning and is sitting in the cat birds seat. Who cares if Dak got a raise by playing on the tag? Jerry could have avoided that by signing him two years ago but he didn’t. Dak bet on himself and Dak won, now Jerry will have to pay for it or take his chances in the draft in which case he would only be digging himself a deeper hole.


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why does Dak need a change of scenery? because of fans posts on Fanzone!!
Its a shame you don't watch NFL football, you could learn some things. Anyway, I'll try and break it down to your level. Dak is or will be on his 2nd franchise tag. In your clouded vision, can you not see the writing on the wall for Dak? Should I try and draw a diagram for you?


Taco Engineer
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Information? You want information?? Sorry G, I only deal with innuendo and rumor. It was rumored that France was playing it cool and they hadn't talked for months.

If I am going to have to come with information, you can look for a lot fewer posts from me.
I'm just a skeptical kinda fella CC. And it dragged on what seemed like forever. I just don't know man.


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But where does Watson want to go? He has a no trade clause in his contract. That means Houston pretty much has to get his approval. Then why would Houston want to trade with Dallas? Doesn't Dak have to be signed before they can trade him? Either tagged or to a long term deal? A tag is close to 38 million and Houston is starting out 21 million over the cap for 2021.


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Absolutely! Imo, if Jerra and friends REALLY believed Dak was an ELITE QB, they would of resigned Dak yesterday. I wouldn't let Dak walk necessarily, but I would love for the Cowboys and Texans to make a trade for each teams disgruntled QBs. Both QBs want or need a change of scenery. If this trade actually happened, it would make for a fascinating time for pro football in Dallas and Houston.

Count me out on trading Dak for Watson. Comparable skillsets, but miles apart in the leadership department. Not a fan of Deshaun pouting and demanding a trade after signing a huge deal-- even though Houston ownership certainly has issues lol. If you don't like the direction of the franchise-- don't sign the deal and ask for a trade BEFORE signing.


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You have internalized the whole dilemma.

Let me say this.

I like and wish Dak a huge win for him and our franchise and fan base.

But the thing is this injury. You are making assumptions "pre-Dak injury".

How do we know without paying Dak knowing if Dak is still Dak.?

Sorry for any confusion..

.Now that he is much protection should we be building into the situation at this point. Before we pay him..should we try to draft a QB with our first pick if he is there.

Is keeping Dalton a safe choice?

If we do not draft a QB high..then we are betting the house that Dak is going to return at least under the Tag and hope and pray he is healthy for 2021 and along with our other injured starters..

returns us to competitive levels.

That is the question to be answered.

If we were picking in the top 5, you have a point. We could use the leverage of draft capital to drive Dak's demands down so we can sign him to a better deal, or we could draft one of the top 4 QBs in this draft class and just start to rebuild period.

However, drafting in the top 10 does not help us. It will cost us significant capital to move up, and none of the QBs available come without some question marks. Dak is a known commodity. Signing him solidifies the offense and brings stability to the franchise. Yes, we have a TON of work to do on defense, but if we improve that unit, and our healthy guys return to form, Dak can win us a lot of games.


Regular Joe....
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Congratulations! My first and only(so far)grand daughter turns ONE this Sunday.

Hey 75,

Yeah, he was pretty good. Only cries when he's hungry but then again, he's always hungry. :laugh:

This one is the third Grandbaby in three months for us. I have six now but one is still in the NICU. She is the only girl so gotta get her home just to balance things out. Congrats on the first of, what I hope, are many 75 and please, extend congrats and at least one kiss on the forehead from our family to yours!


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we have 7 of the largest position contracts on the team right now, with a couple of them to be gone by next year most probably....Diggs, Lamb aren't up for new contracts for a few years...... Collins is already under contract. Gallup is not up for contract until next year.

so we were able to have 7 large contracts on the team, with Dak at 32M this year. so the notion of not being able to pay those players 4 or 5 years down the line is plain ridiculous.
And all 7 of those add up to not that much more than Dak wants himself.

Make a mistake with a quarterback contract, and you're cooked.