The Cost of Not Signing Dak (lengthy)


Regular Joe....
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Its a shame you don't watch NFL football, you could learn some things. Anyway, I'll try and break it down to your level. Dak is or will be on his 2nd franchise tag. In your clouded vision, can you not see the writing on the wall for Dak? Should I try and draw a diagram for you?

You can draw one for me. I mean, I would not be against trading for Watson if it made sense but how does it make sense for Houston? They would have to sign Dak to a similar contract, perhaps even more costly, and they would have to eat 20 mil on the trade from Watson's deal. His up front guaranteed is 27 mil on his existing deal and I believe they've only paid him 7 mil of that so they would be on the hook for another 20 that would immidiately hit their cap number. That happens as soon as they trade him, I believe.


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Hey 75,

Yeah, he was pretty good. Only cries when he's hungry but then again, he's always hungry. :laugh:

This one is the third Grandbaby in three months for us. I have six now but one is still in the NICU. She is the only girl so gotta get her home just to balance things out. Congrats on the first of, what I hope, are many 75 and please, extend congrats and at least one kiss on the forehead from our family to yours!

So classy of ya, my heartfelt thanks and equal warm wishes to you and yours.


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You can draw one for me. I mean, I would not be against trading for Watson if it made sense but how does it make sense for Houston? They would have to sign Dak to a similar contract, perhaps even more costly, and they would have to eat 20 mil on the trade from Watson's deal. His up front guaranteed is 27 mil on his existing deal and I believe they've only paid him 7 mil of that so they would be on the hook for another 20 that would immidiately hit their cap number. That happens as soon as they trade him, I believe.

I made this same remark on a previous thread and that is "I guess that's why these owners pay these GMs these big bucks to make these big decisions. Oh"

Seriously Q, it would be a HUGE risk/reward decision and investment that basically shapes the next few years future of the team.

Knowing how the Joneses have effectively kicked the cap hit impact can down the road in the past it all boils down to Jerry and Stephens opinion of who is better with those financial considerations included.

I'd still risk it myself.

Just my .02.


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Count me out on trading Dak for Watson. Comparable skillsets, but miles apart in the leadership department. Not a fan of Deshaun pouting and demanding a trade after signing a huge deal-- even though Houston ownership certainly has issues lol. If you don't like the direction of the franchise-- don't sign the deal and ask for a trade BEFORE signing.
That's not the way it is. Watson is a company man, never complains. This one is more along the lines of if Watson's complaining, it's a major clusterfudge over there.


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Its a shame you don't watch NFL football, you could learn some things. Anyway, I'll try and break it down to your level. Dak is or will be on his 2nd franchise tag. In your clouded vision, can you not see the writing on the wall for Dak? Should I try and draw a diagram for you?

what does watching NFL football have to do with contract are utterly confused....

an no, he is not on second FT, and you have no idea if a deal will be struck or not, so its a "wishful" thinking on your part. so until mid July, when a new deal can be struck and many times in the past a lot of negotiations go late into the new NFL year, you have no idea....even if the team tags him, as a tactic to allow themselves to continue negotiations and keep other teams at bay (at which point you will have a pre-mature ejaculation and celebrate)....

and there are more evidence that both sides want a deal done, than your wishful thinking...

and again, what does it have to do with needing a new scenery? for all intent and purposes Dak operated a very successful offense in Dallas, he wasn't struggling. contracts are contracts. Jerry still sings praises of Dak and even said, on the radio Dak has all the leverage.

son, nice attempt. but a big fat fail....
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And all 7 of those add up to not that much more than Dak wants himself.

Make a mistake with a quarterback contract, and you're cooked.
so all those 7 contracts add up to one contract? seariously...that's your defense!? you have to be better than that. I expected much more from you than that....that attempt was very lazy.

now, unto your second point. you are correct. if you look all the way back to my posts on Dak prior to 2018 you would know I advocated for us to wait another year, despite being able to sign him for a cheaper contract, for that very reason. I had some concerns about Dak and I wanted to see his improvements before committing. In fact, back then I said, I rather wait, and if he is proven then pay a little more...I didn't mind paying more, but it would mean we have our QB...which he proved.... He did improve, in fact he became one of the better passers in the league leading one of the best offenses. so as I said back then, even if its a little more I am OK, given Dak is obviously a top 10 QB..


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I didn’t miss anything dotard. Unless you have the written details of what they offered him and what he wanted then all you’re doing is speculating and trying to come across like you were sitting in the room with Jerry and Dak. If Dak was ok with anything Jerry offered him then he could have said yes, France can’t tell his players what they can and can’t agree too, it was a joint decision or Dak needs to grow a set.

The only thing we know for sure is that they signed Jaylon, zeke and a handful of others instead of signing Dak when they should have. The QB position predictably goes significantly up almost every year and with Dak’s numbers, they should have made signing him a priority over everyone else.

There’s no written rule that France or Dak have to negotiate with Jerry. So far Dak is winning and is sitting in the cat birds seat. Who cares if Dak got a raise by playing on the tag? Jerry could have avoided that by signing him two years ago but he didn’t. Dak bet on himself and Dak won, now Jerry will have to pay for it or take his chances in the draft in which case he would only be digging himself a deeper hole.
you know they signed all those others before Dak and before the end of their contracts.....

and based on various sources, insiders both in the NFL and Dallas (no one really saw the contract itself), the terms were about a 4 vs. 5 year contract and not really the dollar amounts and Dak even said he was ready to sign in the end but time ran out....


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you know they signed all those others before Dak and before the end of their contracts.....

and based on various sources, insiders both in the NFL and Dallas (no one really saw the contract itself), the terms were about a 4 vs. 5 year contract and not really the dollar amounts and Dak even said he was ready to sign in the end but time ran out....
I’m aware and I think Dak would have been signed in 2018 if the Ewok didn’t sit out with two years left on his contract. IMOF, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Ewok and his agent saw the same thing which is why he sat out when he did, so he could get his money while it was still there before they paid Dak. Jerry took the bait and folded like a cheap house of cards.


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I’m aware and I think Dak would have been signed in 2018 if the Ewok didn’t sit out with two years left on his contract. IMOF, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Ewok and his agent saw the same thing which is why he sat out when he did, so he could get his money while it was still there before they paid Dak. Jerry took the bait and folded like a cheap house of cards.
btw, I just said it in another post, but I was against signing Dak to a new contract at the time. Back then I had some concerns about Dak, and my opinion was signing him to a contract and he doesn't get better and we are stuck (ala zeke), but wait and lets see him improve and get better and then we are assured and if it costs more, then it costs more, at least you are sure you have your guy.

and yes, agreed, Jerry got stupid on Zeke contract with two years to go. he should have played hardball and let him sit out....


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I didn’t miss anything dotard. Unless you have the written details of what they offered him and what he wanted then all you’re doing is speculating and trying to come across like you were sitting in the room with Jerry and Dak. If Dak was ok with anything Jerry offered him then he could have said yes, France can’t tell his players what they can and can’t agree too, it was a joint decision or Dak needs to grow a set.

The only thing we know for sure is that they signed Jaylon, zeke and a handful of others instead of signing Dak when they should have. The QB position predictably goes significantly up almost every year and with Dak’s numbers, they should have made signing him a priority over everyone else.

There’s no written rule that France or Dak have to negotiate with Jerry. So far Dak is winning and is sitting in the cat birds seat. Who cares if Dak got a raise by playing on the tag? Jerry could have avoided that by signing him two years ago but he didn’t. Dak bet on himself and Dak won, now Jerry will have to pay for it or take his chances in the draft in which case he would only be digging himself a deeper hole.

Prescott negotiating and the amount that they agreed upon was widely reported at the time but when you're so against that it makes sense that you ignored that. You're so blinded in what you think that you don't realize that you contradicted yourself. First you said that Jones should have tried to negotiated with Prescott 2 years ago but then you said Prescott decided to bet on himself. That then means that indeed Jones tried to sign Prescott but Prescott refused. Now tell us if the player does not sign the offer is the team supposed to hold a gun to his head and make him sign it?

Another thing with your whine/rant that proves all you're trying to do is push your "don't sign Prescott" thinking by saying something that I never said. At no time did I say that France could tell Prescott what to do and that he then had to do it. Prescott negotiated a yearly salary less than what France was demanding and France ADVISED Prescott to reject it but Prescott DID NOT take France's advice on that and agreed to that amount which was 35 mil a year which is much less than what France was demanding. You either need to read more closely, reread things, or work on your comprehension and stop trying to change what was said.

Here's another thing that has slid right past you and your blindness of Prescott. In that final hour or so that Prescott was doing his own negotiating it showed the Cowboys and the sporting world that he did want to get a contract done and continue to have his life long dream job.

Redball Express

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If we were picking in the top 5, you have a point. We could use the leverage of draft capital to drive Dak's demands down so we can sign him to a better deal, or we could draft one of the top 4 QBs in this draft class and just start to rebuild period.

However, drafting in the top 10 does not help us. It will cost us significant capital to move up, and none of the QBs available come without some question marks. Dak is a known commodity. Signing him solidifies the offense and brings stability to the franchise. Yes, we have a TON of work to do on defense, but if we improve that unit, and our healthy guys return to form, Dak can win us a lot of games.
Yeah top 5 would be preferable but the way the draft goes anymore there is always a couple of draftees who drop in value out of the Top 10.

Then it's a grab and grin situation like with CeeDee.

So if there is a position of need of which we have many on both sides of the bar..then we will go in that direction.

Pick #10 is going to be an instant impact guy for us. Just where? No idea. Does he need to be a magical player at #10?

No. But if we remain defense in the draft then defense should help alot.

At this point I prefer paying Dak another Tag and wait on his recovery. We have alot invested in him especially after doing the Tag in 2019 and him being injured and only playing 5 games.

We have to see if he really is this teams marque player who can win with the coaching restructure. If we do not answer this question then we cannot afford a third Tag.

That is clear.


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Prescott negotiating and the amount that they agreed upon was widely reported at the time but when you're so against that it makes sense that you ignored that. You're so blinded in what you think that you don't realize that you contradicted yourself. First you said that Jones should have tried to negotiated with Prescott 2 years ago but then you said Prescott decided to bet on himself. That then means that indeed Jones tried to sign Prescott but Prescott refused. Now tell us if the player does not sign the offer is the team supposed to hold a gun to his head and make him sign it?

Another thing with your whine/rant that proves all you're trying to do is push your "don't sign Prescott" thinking by saying something that I never said. At no time did I say that France could tell Prescott what to do and that he then had to do it. Prescott negotiated a yearly salary less than what France was demanding and France ADVISED Prescott to reject it but Prescott DID NOT take France's advice on that and agreed to that amount which was 35 mil a year which is much less than what France was demanding. You either need to read more closely, reread things, or work on your comprehension and stop trying to change what was said.

Here's another thing that has slid right past you and your blindness of Prescott. In that final hour or so that Prescott was doing his own negotiating it showed the Cowboys and the sporting world that he did want to get a contract done and continue to have his life long dream job.
Follow along, why is this always an issue with you? Dak bet on himself because he didn’t like Jerry’s offer, comprende? He could have taken whatever Jerrys offer was (you still don’t know the details) or if he didn’t like it he could have sat out or continued to play, hopefully improve his numbers (which he did) and then his value would go up (which it did). If you don’t think Jaylon and zeke’s contract effected the “negotiations” and offer to Dak then you’re more naive then you sound.

Lol, “push my don’t sign Prescott thinking”?! Put on your readers, where did I ever say not to pay Dak? IMOF, the other day I said “pay the man” and all I’ve said multiple times is that they should have already paid him and they should pay him now. Where do you come up with your fictitious crap?

In the final hour, huh? Were you in the room? Do you have Jerry’s phone wire tapped? If it was just a matter of time running out it would have been done, it’s not that hard. There are contradicting reports all over and you just pick and chose what you believe. You’re so gullible it’s sad.


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Count me out on trading Dak for Watson. Comparable skillsets, but miles apart in the leadership department. Not a fan of Deshaun pouting and demanding a trade after signing a huge deal-- even though Houston ownership certainly has issues lol. If you don't like the direction of the franchise-- don't sign the deal and ask for a trade BEFORE signing.

You're right about the leadership is miles apart. The entire team thinks Prescott is their leader. There are some really good QB's that don't have the entire team liking them. Aaron Rodgers isn't some of his team mates favorite player. Players that have left the packers have said that not everyone likes him. Players don't say it that are still there because they don't want the push back.

The problem Watson had with the texans is he was told that he would have input on hiring their next head coach but initially he was included McNair the owner just said that he will. I don't agree that a player should have any say in the hiring of the head coach. How many people, lowest in the line of management get to have input on who their boss will be.


Regular Joe....
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If we were picking in the top 5, you have a point. We could use the leverage of draft capital to drive Dak's demands down so we can sign him to a better deal, or we could draft one of the top 4 QBs in this draft class and just start to rebuild period.

However, drafting in the top 10 does not help us. It will cost us significant capital to move up, and none of the QBs available come without some question marks. Dak is a known commodity. Signing him solidifies the offense and brings stability to the franchise. Yes, we have a TON of work to do on defense, but if we improve that unit, and our healthy guys return to form, Dak can win us a lot of games.

I don't think this is true. I think at least one of the top 4 QBs will be there at 10. I mean, things could change once the combine happens but they could change either way.

What do we have now, I think it's as follows:


Jags need a QB, I think they take Lawrence but, then again, they have taken three QBs in the first round recently. Leftwich, Gabbert and Bortles. I mean, I think they take Lawrence but I wouldn't be surprised to see them pass either and take a sure thing like Sewell.

Jets, they have a talented QB now but they don't have much else. I mean, drafting a QB now, what's that guy really going to do? He's going to die a slow bleedout death, just like all the rest of the Jets QBs have, thus far. To me, makes more sense for them to either trade out, which could mean a team trading up for QB or it could mean taking a cornerstone player like Sewell (if he's there), Parsons etc. I'm not sure they take QB. I could see Jags taking Lawrence and Jets taking Sewell. That would make more sense to me.

Miami has Tua, Grier isn't going to draft another QB and basically admit that he screwed up the tip 5 pick from 2020 unless they intend to trade Tua and then, they aren't getting premium value for him. They won't even get fair value for him because they spent a top 5 to get him and they won't get that back. They might not get a 1st. I think they might consider WR or go OL. This could be the trade down spot here because there are a lot of WRs in this group and the OT position after Sewell really starts at 11 down IMO.

Falcons need a QB. I think they take one for sure.

Cincy isn't taking a QB.

Philly isn't taking a QB. Pederson just got cut loose because he wanted Hurts and his GM wanted Wentz. Wentz is the GMs guy so they aren't taking a QB plus, I think Hurts is gone in Philly.

Lions, I don't know if they take a QB this year. I mean, yeah they need to start thinking about it but see, they are one of those teams that went along with the "Pay the man" ideology early on. They are stuck with a 20 mil cap hit if they move on now. Makes more sense, to me, to look at taking another postion, maybe WR, and looking at a QB next year for cap purposes. Now, if they could figure out a trade, that might work. For example, say a trade for a younger QB that they might be willing to pay big money for, like Dak. Detroit will pay that guy because they aren't good and they are more interested in putting butts in the stands then actually winning. They would pay Dak. If they would trade Stafford and their 8 for Dak, I would do that deal in a second. That deal would work for everybody. Gives Detroit their young experienced QB. Gives Dak and his agent the deal they want. Lets Stafford come home to close out his career. Gives Dallas the Bridge QB, with cap relief, and gives them two top 10 picks in this draft, gives them position to take one of the top young signal callers or room to trade up or down and work the draft for defense. That, to me, is the perfect deal for all parties. JMO

Carolina, I don't know that they go QB. I mean, anything is possible but I wouldn't be surprised to see them take a TE. They need one bad, they would be taking a top 5 player in this draft and probably top 3 player if they took Pitts from Florida.

Broncos, I think they like their QB a lot more then a lot of fans think they do. Will they take a QB? IDK if they do. I mean, if they were picking Lawrence, I think they would but they won't be so the will be looking at whomever is left. I think they really like Wilson but I think that kid is going to whichever team trades up with whomever. I think he's the second QB taken in this draft. I think Fields is not going to be as hot as he was a few weeks ago and then you got Trey Lance. Does he fit that Offense and does Elway like him? That's the kicker, right there. If they take a QB, Elway has to love that guy. I think they take Defense all the way. Edge rusher, they could look at one of the CBs here as well.

Then there's us. I think three QBs are gone by now. I think one of the top 4 is still on the board if we want one here. But honestly, I think this pick is Defense unless we can make a trade. This pick should be LT IMO but the new DC will get this draft to fix the D IMO.


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You're right about the leadership is miles apart. The entire team thinks Prescott is their leader. There are some really good QB's that don't have the entire team liking them. Aaron Rodgers isn't some of his team mates favorite player. Players that have left the packers have said that not everyone likes him. Players don't say it that are still there because they don't want the push back.

The problem Watson had with the texans is he was told that he would have input on hiring their next head coach but initially he was included McNair the owner just said that he will. I don't agree that a player should have any say in the hiring of the head coach. How many people, lowest in the line of management get to have input on who their boss will be.
Wrong again. I see this is a repetitive problem with you and it’s clear who has the reading comprehension issue. The original problem Watson had with the Texans was that he was told he would have input with the next GM, not HC? The owner has now reached out to him asking for his input for the next HC. When they hired Cesario, who wasn’t even a name mentioned to Watson, is when the rift started.

No wonder you’re so out of touch.


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Follow along, why is this always an issue with you? Dak bet on himself because he didn’t like Jerry’s offer, comprende? He could have taken whatever Jerrys offer was (you still don’t know the details) or if he didn’t like it he could have sat out or continued to play, hopefully improve his numbers (which he did) and then his value would go up (which it did). If you don’t think Jaylon and zeke’s contract effected the “negotiations” and offer to Dak then you’re more naive then you sound.

Lol, “push my don’t sign Prescott thinking”?! Put on your readers, where did I ever say not to pay Dak? IMOF, the other day I said “pay the man” and all I’ve said multiple times is that they should have already paid him and they should pay him now. Where do you come up with your fictitious crap?

In the final hour, huh? Were you in the room? Do you have Jerry’s phone wire tapped? If it was just a matter of time running out it would have been done, it’s not that hard. There are contradicting reports all over and you just pick and chose what you believe. You’re so gullible it’s sad.

I see you think it should be that Jones should have said hey Prescott how much do I need to write this check out for and then just do it. Just before the 2019 season started the Cowboys offered 30 mil a year which at that time would have made him the 3rd highest paid QB in the league and Prescott turned that down and then said he didn't want to negotiate during the season because he just wanted to concentrate of the games. After the season France made demand for 40 mil a year and never budged from that at any point. After the 2019 season with France's demand there never was any negotiating because negotiating is when both sides gives a little but France just kept demanding his original amount. Then because of the way France handled Prescott's "negotiations" ( he didn't negotiate) CAA fired France. Why because sports agency only get a small flat rate when franchise tags are used and they don't get their normal commission they get on a the total amount on long term contracts


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btw, I just said it in another post, but I was against signing Dak to a new contract at the time. Back then I had some concerns about Dak, and my opinion was signing him to a contract and he doesn't get better and we are stuck (ala zeke), but wait and lets see him improve and get better and then we are assured and if it costs more, then it costs more, at least you are sure you have your guy.

and yes, agreed, Jerry got stupid on Zeke contract with two years to go. he should have played hardball and let him sit out....

Our friendly/respectful disagreement continues on said QB. I'm not a paid NFL scout or GM.
But for 'you' to use some tangible observed performance based on a one year high volume statistical pass offense as a reference point I find somewhat surprising to put it mildly.
You already know all the numbers 22 to 3 td/int ratio against scrubs and 7-2 W/L along with 8/8 td/int and 1 6 against anyone with a pulse. I don't lump you into the excuse makers who will blame Garrett, defense oline or Zeke for these 2019 QB numbers while absolving Dak of all blame. Unless you do not believe he shares the Lions share of responsibility as the one who takes every offensive snap.
The same footwork, mechanics, half field vision, presence and 1st read stare downs all come back into play when pressured. The reboot to factory settings is real.

Just really strange QB prescription glasses you are using in comparison to mine. Waaaaaayyy different. But since it's "you" I chalk it up to another simple difference of opinion.
Cheers bro


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I see you think it should be that Jones should have said hey Prescott how much do I need to write this check out for and then just do it. Just before the 2019 season started the Cowboys offered 30 mil a year which at that time would have made him the 3rd highest paid QB in the league and Prescott turned that down and then said he didn't want to negotiate during the season because he just wanted to concentrate of the games. After the season France made demand for 40 mil a year and never budged from that at any point. After the 2019 season with France's demand there never was any negotiating because negotiating is when both sides gives a little but France just kept demanding his original amount. Then because of the way France handled Prescott's "negotiations" ( he didn't negotiate) CAA fired France. Why because sports agency only get a small flat rate when franchise tags are used and they don't get their normal commission they get on a the total amount on long term contracts
You’ve already been told what happened to France and why, did you skip that part? Anyways, are you familiar with the length of contract, guaranteed money and how the money was distributed? No, you’re not. So you have no idea what the actual hold up was and whether it was all France or Dak or both.


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Here's something those of you that don't want to get Prescott resigned I think you've forgotten. The players, the entire team, thinks Prescott is their leader. What will not signing Prescott do to their faith in this team if they don't sign their leader? Will they start to think if they don't resign Prescott when my contract is will they just left me walk. Will free agents think if I sign with Dallas how long before they decide to get rid of me and decide not to sign? There are these things to consider besides Prescott's playing ability.
Other players have been paid. Prescott gets paid and players will be talking in the locker room how there is no money for them. They will also be saying how can this team get any better when they are up against the salary cap because Dak is getting paid MORE than market value.


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I don't think this is true. I think at least one of the top 4 QBs will be there at 10. I mean, things could change once the combine happens but they could change either way.

What do we have now, I think it's as follows:


Jags need a QB, I think they take Lawrence but, then again, they have taken three QBs in the first round recently. Leftwich, Gabbert and Bortles. I mean, I think they take Lawrence but I wouldn't be surprised to see them pass either and take a sure thing like Sewell.

Jets, they have a talented QB now but they don't have much else. I mean, drafting a QB now, what's that guy really going to do? He's going to die a slow bleedout death, just like all the rest of the Jets QBs have, thus far. To me, makes more sense for them to either trade out, which could mean a team trading up for QB or it could mean taking a cornerstone player like Sewell (if he's there), Parsons etc. I'm not sure they take QB. I could see Jags taking Lawrence and Jets taking Sewell. That would make more sense to me.

Miami has Tua, Grier isn't going to draft another QB and basically admit that he screwed up the tip 5 pick from 2020 unless they intend to trade Tua and then, they aren't getting premium value for him. They won't even get fair value for him because they spent a top 5 to get him and they won't get that back. They might not get a 1st. I think they might consider WR or go OL. This could be the trade down spot here because there are a lot of WRs in this group and the OT position after Sewell really starts at 11 down IMO.

Falcons need a QB. I think they take one for sure.

Cincy isn't taking a QB.

Philly isn't taking a QB. Pederson just got cut loose because he wanted Hurts and his GM wanted Wentz. Wentz is the GMs guy so they aren't taking a QB plus, I think Hurts is gone in Philly.

Lions, I don't know if they take a QB this year. I mean, yeah they need to start thinking about it but see, they are one of those teams that went along with the "Pay the man" ideology early on. They are stuck with a 20 mil cap hit if they move on now. Makes more sense, to me, to look at taking another postion, maybe WR, and looking at a QB next year for cap purposes. Now, if they could figure out a trade, that might work. For example, say a trade for a younger QB that they might be willing to pay big money for, like Dak. Detroit will pay that guy because they aren't good and they are more interested in putting butts in the stands then actually winning. They would pay Dak. If they would trade Stafford and their 8 for Dak, I would do that deal in a second. That deal would work for everybody. Gives Detroit their young experienced QB. Gives Dak and his agent the deal they want. Lets Stafford come home to close out his career. Gives Dallas the Bridge QB, with cap relief, and gives them two top 10 picks in this draft, gives them position to take one of the top young signal callers or room to trade up or down and work the draft for defense. That, to me, is the perfect deal for all parties. JMO

Carolina, I don't know that they go QB. I mean, anything is possible but I wouldn't be surprised to see them take a TE. They need one bad, they would be taking a top 5 player in this draft and probably top 3 player if they took Pitts from Florida.

Broncos, I think they like their QB a lot more then a lot of fans think they do. Will they take a QB? IDK if they do. I mean, if they were picking Lawrence, I think they would but they won't be so the will be looking at whomever is left. I think they really like Wilson but I think that kid is going to whichever team trades up with whomever. I think he's the second QB taken in this draft. I think Fields is not going to be as hot as he was a few weeks ago and then you got Trey Lance. Does he fit that Offense and does Elway like him? That's the kicker, right there. If they take a QB, Elway has to love that guy. I think they take Defense all the way. Edge rusher, they could look at one of the CBs here as well.

Then there's us. I think three QBs are gone by now. I think one of the top 4 is still on the board if we want one here. But honestly, I think this pick is Defense unless we can make a trade. This pick should be LT IMO but the new DC will get this draft to fix the D IMO.
Lions might deal Stafford and take a QB in this draft. Wouldn't surprise me to see NE take a run at them for him or even CAR.