you do realize this isn't the 70s and the 80s where players represented themselves or most of the representation were provided by the teams or leagues and they didn't have a clue about this, but this is the new day and age the salary cap teams do not have the upper hand anymore.
I'm saying this because you think that these players and agents don't know what you're trying to do they understand that these other players are about to get paid and you all keep thinking Jerry's the one holding these deals up you really think Prescott back way before he got his first deal you know when he snapped his ankle off and still got paid everyone said we should have paid him the year before you don't think that his agent would have smelled this coming and said no way there's no way we're taking less money and a long deal they would have demanded a three-year deal and I've said this before and that means we'd be in the same spot now because the deal would be shorter the money would get bigger and boom we're right back where we started.
A good example is lamb when they did lamb's deal he was not going to sign it until he got exactly what he wanted and that was looking to the future not the now these agents and players are not looking at well if we sign a deal right now for less we're set for life, no they're set for life already... that's an old mantra, they don't listen to that garbage anymore they can just up and leave and get paid somewhere else the same amount of money...
That's a fact they were waiting on Jefferson or chase to get paid they wanted to see where the new market was they were not going to budget in the winner of all this is going to be chase because he never budged you don't think they tried to get a deal done in Cincinnati to sign him before he got to that point yes they did the agents and the players said hell no they have representation to make sure they're not undervalued or underpaid..
There are no secrets anymore this is literally now you have to work on equal leverage, there is no leverage on either side, and when you have proper representation, they're going to tell you what your worth is five years from now... they're not looking at today's value, they're not going to sign a low ball of money and have to go with the other things you put language in the contract like more years void years all that nonsense for the salary cap these players are not stupid you're acting like these players I'm just gonna say yes and that Jerry somehow behind the scenes haven't had any conversation about getting a deal done early and it was rejected just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it didn't happen...
So, this is this isn't just to you this is to the original post and everybody reading this stop blaming Jerry for these deals that don't get signed until too late they are definitely not trying to pay more they are not trying to place themselves out of the market by resetting the market... that is not the goal, they are also not stupid Jerry Jones is a businessman right you don't like him as a GM or a player personnel genius but he is a businessman.. you think he's purposely trying to make himself pay more for these deals why does it have something to do with the other two parts of the parties the player and the agents are controlling this.
So, let's get this straight, stop blaming Jerry and the Jones family acting as if they didn't know any better and they're doing this on purpose no they're not doing it on purpose they're moving parts to this
- you have the players contract coming up and they know where they sit in value to your team and what type of player they've been, so you have the player involved he has an ego as well..
- You have the agent who is hired to make sure he keeps the player happy and filled his pockets with a bigger percentage the bigger the contract is or to get a shorter contract if you're gonna pay a little less and then he's back at the table when the markets exploded even more sooner so he gets more money again
- then you have the other players at the same position in similar value of where they're at according to the league and their contracts are coming up therefore they're factoring into this as well everybody's watching each other to see who will reset the market 1st that way they can get more value if they wait on that player and that is exactly what happened with lamb that's what they were waiting on they got what they wanted at least the Cowboys didn't have to pay more than Jefferson but jamar chase is sitting in the driver seat now I think he nearly got the Triple Crown now the Bengals must be stupid they must have a worse Jerry Jones on their team how can you let a guy like that auntie Higgins get to this spot now? And yes we need examples around here because we blame Jerry for everything well Jerry's not on all these teams and hell Jerry didn't trade Luka yes i had to put that pot shot in there...
- And now you have the team and yes the team has to keep their business afloat by getting the best deal you can but at the same time they can't cave and give everything up front to a player if the demands behind the scenes that we have nothing to do with we have no knowledge of because not everything is reported you think everything is reported because somehow this is a public entity and that you're like part of the process like your shareholder or something no you don't know what's going on behind the scenes none of us ever do you only know what they want us to know... And I'm telling you my gut says the Jones family knows business and they've tried to get some of these deals done sooner and you know how I know this because we've seen it go smoothly with more than a handful of players we never heard about the Trayvon diggs deal it just happened the Terrence steel deal it just happened we've seen it with jalen Smith we've seen it with other players it literally just gets done we wake up one day and say hey we just resigned this guy it's happened with will mcclay everybody thought maybe he would jump ship because he saw this disaster yeah he's been with this team for 20 seasons now in different capacities and yet he's chosen to stay that deal didn't take long to get done and he's well paid I also want to cite the example of everyone called Jerry cheap he's not paying his coaches the cheapest salaries we've already proven that I've already did the research it's usually middle of the pack but when it came to Dan Quinn did that take long we kept Dan Quinn here 2 years longer by paying him head coaching money which by the way I always paid him the same amount of money he's making now as a head coach but he was a an assistant but Oh no Jerry's cheap that must be the narrative we have to stick to because fans hate him and I get it I know why you hate him but let's stop acting like this is all easily taken care of by just knowing and offering these players early deals. They wish it was that simple it's far from simple there's too many moving parts nobody's going to take a deal that doesn't fit the above conditions.