CFZ The Curtain Controversy: Cowboys record in the 3:00 kickoff games is telling

going west the sun will affect the QB who is looking directly into it.

Going east the sun will affect the WR who is looking back to the west to make the catch.
*** THIS ***
There are no on field adjustments that can be made. Plus the teams flip directions each quarter so there is no way to know exactly which way your offense or defense will be facing at any particular time.

The only adjustment is something that blocks the intensity of the light coming thru those windows such as tint, curtains or something outside the building like a screen.
If we win the coin toss the other team gets to choose which side to defend, meaning they get to choose who goes right to left in the 2nd quarter. That is why this is not home-field advantage, it's a crap shoot. Guess who won the coin toss Sunday.
Well maybe for afternoon games in jerry dome, cowboys should choose which way to go, instead of taking the ball? or kicking.
It sucks whatever it is. Nobody wants to watch blinded players.
yeah it irritates me, always has.
and no matter what each team has to deal with the parts of the field it affects.
Cowboys coaches have not been smart enough to deal with this factor.

And even if they were , it limits what they can do.

If you look at the lamb miss this last sunday, that means they should have thrown to another part of the endzone lol, but which part ??
wouldnt defenders find it easy to just overload the "good" areas with defenders??

Also they have curtains, they just choose to not use them for cowboy games, they use them for other events.
Or invest in sunblocker glasses that are infrared.

Or have a séance before the game and pray for rain or overcast clouds

Or put a piece of Mrs Jones art work big enough to cover the windows

Or hire someone to draw the curtains when we have the ball

Or.....just cover the da** windows!
Good news is if they keep losing the games won't be televised so it will be less of an issue for tv viewers.
One thing made crystal clear to anyone who hasn’t already known is this: Jerry Jones has made it certain that he cares more about stadium aesthetics than he does giving his team the best chance to win. His eagles postgame rant about the sun is beyond embarrassing. It’s telling.

Since the Cowboys began playing at AT&T stadium in 2009, look at their record in afternoon games (the 3:00 PM afternoon slot) vs the noon kickoff time or the nighttime kickoff times:
  • In all regular season and postseason games since 2009, the Cowboys are 29-29 at AT&T in afternoon games. (That’s 3:00 PM slot like last Sunday’s game at AT&T)
  • But, the Cowboys are 48-25 in noon and evening games when the sun is not a factor.
  • That is a +23 game difference when we aren’t playing in Jerry’s sunbath.
That 29-29 record in sun affected games includes the Jan, 2022 home playoff loss to the niners 23-17. Most Cowboys fans will remember the critical moment late in the first half of that game when Cowboys receiver Cedric Wilson was wide open on a key pass in niner territory but was blinded by the sunlight and never saw it. It cost the Cowboys points…in a playoff game!

So if anyone brings up again that Jerry Jones really wants to win, we can all agree he doesn’t want to win if it means putting up curtains. He loves his beloved “stayjum” more than winning. Truth.
To be fair, when the Cowboys get the afternoon game that typically means its going to be a marquee game which tends to mean you have a better chance of losing those games. I do not doubt the sun is a factor but I do wonder if just having to play better opponents in the afternoon games is also a factor.
How in the hell doesn't the coach calling plays know when the patterns will be directly in the sunlight?
What is he supposed to do? Run the ball on 3rd and long because the receivers can’t see a pass?
Not disputing the premise, but i would assume that the 3pm slot is usually reserved for the most competitive games (and rivalry games) the Cowboys play which would be most likely contribute to the split record, whereas the early slot is when they play most of bottom tier teams.
One thing made crystal clear to anyone who hasn’t already known is this: Jerry Jones has made it certain that he cares more about stadium aesthetics than he does giving his team the best chance to win. His eagles postgame rant about the sun is beyond embarrassing. It’s telling.

Since the Cowboys began playing at AT&T stadium in 2009, look at their record in afternoon games (the 3:00 PM afternoon slot) vs the noon kickoff time or the nighttime kickoff times:
  • In all regular season and postseason games since 2009, the Cowboys are 29-29 at AT&T in afternoon games. (That’s 3:00 PM slot like last Sunday’s game at AT&T)
  • But, the Cowboys are 48-25 in noon and evening games when the sun is not a factor.
  • That is a +23 game difference when we aren’t playing in Jerry’s sunbath.
That 29-29 record in sun affected games includes the Jan, 2022 home playoff loss to the niners 23-17. Most Cowboys fans will remember the critical moment late in the first half of that game when Cowboys receiver Cedric Wilson was wide open on a key pass in niner territory but was blinded by the sunlight and never saw it. It cost the Cowboys points…in a playoff game!

So if anyone brings up again that Jerry Jones really wants to win, we can all agree he doesn’t want to win if it means putting up curtains. He loves his beloved “stayjum” more than winning. Truth.
Well tha hell is Jerry supposed to do? Tear down the stadium and build a new one? We all know where the sun is going to be.........
Forget the curtains. Why can’t those windows be tinted? Wouldn’t that reduce the glare to a reasonable level and still a handsome look to the stadium?
Forget the curtains. Why can’t those windows be tinted? Wouldn’t that reduce the glare to a reasonable level and still a handsome look to the stadium?
Jerry wants the glare. It looks beautiful to him.
Both teams have to play in the same conditions. One team has more experience playing in those conditions. That team should have a slight advantage, at the least. The sun is not the reason we are losing games.
That's true, but due to the coin tosses and choices, it can be vastly different on which team is more affected by the sun in any given game because the sun doesn't stay in the same place the entire game. It can absolutely have affected wins and losses. 1 score can fire a team up in key moments. One failure to score can weaken a team's resolve. The sun isn't the reason we are losing games but it certainly can be a contributing factor and choosing aesthetics over giving our team a better chance is inexcusable and further proves that winning isn't Jerry's top priority.
The bright sunlight is an irritating but it impacts both teams the same. There is no advantage or disadvantage. So it doesn't impact winning. If anything the cowboys players at least know what to expect.

So this thread is a bit amiss, IMO. I know we are all looking at things to rage on w/Jerry, but I do think we get a bit over-cooked with the criticism sometimes.
One thing made crystal clear to anyone who hasn’t already known is this: Jerry Jones has made it certain that he cares more about stadium aesthetics than he does giving his team the best chance to win. His eagles postgame rant about the sun is beyond embarrassing. It’s telling.

Since the Cowboys began playing at AT&T stadium in 2009, look at their record in afternoon games (the 3:00 PM afternoon slot) vs the noon kickoff time or the nighttime kickoff times:
  • In all regular season and postseason games since 2009, the Cowboys are 29-29 at AT&T in afternoon games. (That’s 3:00 PM slot like last Sunday’s game at AT&T)
  • But, the Cowboys are 48-25 in noon and evening games when the sun is not a factor.
  • That is a +23 game difference when we aren’t playing in Jerry’s sunbath.
That 29-29 record in sun affected games includes the Jan, 2022 home playoff loss to the niners 23-17. Most Cowboys fans will remember the critical moment late in the first half of that game when Cowboys receiver Cedric Wilson was wide open on a key pass in niner territory but was blinded by the sunlight and never saw it. It cost the Cowboys points…in a playoff game!

So if anyone brings up again that Jerry Jones really wants to win, we can all agree he doesn’t want to win if it means putting up curtains. He loves his beloved “stayjum” more than winning. Truth.
100% true mr haze....great marketer who just happens to own an NFL team
The bright sunlight is an irritating but it impacts both teams the same. There is no advantage or disadvantage. So it doesn't impact winning. If anything the cowboys players at least know what to expect.

So this thread is a bit amiss, IMO. I know we are all looking at things to rage on w/Jerry, but I do think we get a bit over-cooked with the criticism sometimes.
mr T---- dear sir it is difficult for me to say we may over-cook or over criticize when Jerry promised the whole fan base and everyone "we are going all in this year" of the biggest lies he has ever said....he has much less respect for

fans than most owners....IMO if course?
Both teams have to play in the same conditions. One team has more experience playing in those conditions. That team should have a slight advantage, at the least. The sun is not the reason we are losing games.
3rd QTR the worst....and i agree we have much less homefield advantage than most teams and stadiums.....i would rather lose the toss and know the 3rd QTR wont be blinded by the sun but we have McCarthey he might get mixed up and

have us both lose toss and in the sun????.....MIke has to go....Zimmer has to my lowly opinion?
from the first time I saw the natural lighting in the stadium, I thought to myself why would you put windows right there?? Immediately it stood out to me like such a design flaw for a FOOTBALL game.

I can’t believe Jerry won’t cover them.


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