The Dak Sucks Thread **merged**


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It's because defenses are loading the box.

When you have 5 guys going against 8 , you will always lose that battle. Then we start to hear how this O line is overrated and all that noise when in reality, not even Larry Allen in his prime could take on 2 guys at once. I hate to sound like a broken record but the lack of a threat in the passing game is the main reason why we suck on offense.

What can zeke and the O line do when they are outnumbered almost every first and second down?

The only way to fix this offense is to start making plays down the field.

As much as fans complained that Garret was pass happy , I'm surprised to hear that people think that a run heavy offense will have success...

It starts and ends with the QB

It starts and ends with everyone doing there JOB that's what the greatest coach in football history says and he has the rings to prove he is right .
If Zeke did his job Dak has another TD pass and more passing yrds if he dose his job again we can score or at worst kick a fg . If Gallup dose his job we continue a drive from the 50 and Dak has more passing yrds If Jarwin can pull the freakin ball in like I have seen many NFL receivers do or atleast bat it down we at worst live to fight another play .
And finally if the front office got the deal done and did its job THE STAR OF THE GAME WOULD HAVE BEEN ON OUR ROSTER instead of making the one handed catch that Jarwin couldn't and putting the nails in our coffin .

And better yet this 65 page exercise in useless manuscript would not be necessary because we would have won


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We at least need people to do there jobs . Catch and secure the freaking ball to the ground . Know where the hell you are on the field .
What would Daks stats look like if people did there JOBS and thats not even talking about Garrett who never has done his job and there is no hope for but just the other players.

at least 100 more passing yrds 3 less TOs and a TD pass along with another Win
Your reallly angry aren’t you?


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Dak does, in fact, suck

time to research the upcoming QB draft class.. thinking it's time to tank
Skins got a bye worst that could happen is every body being knotted up at 2-2 but its time to tank????? Get off the ledge!!


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Dak Sucks thread fell all the way to page 3 after 65 pages of Dak sucks

Now all you Jackwagons can eat some Crow How dose to taste to you want to be cowboy fans .

Dak dosent suck . His teammates need to do there jobs like I said before .
He got lucky the pass he put right in between the cb's numbers wasn't an interception. Overthrew guys including the wide open TE in the endzone. He wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination. But he was good enough to win THIS game. He hasn't proven anything yet until be can do it on a consistent basis, and this goes way back in to last year. So there. Prove it - every week, then maybe we're on to something. If he comes back with another garbage game against the Texans then we're back to square one again.


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Dak found his ball sack before the game today and strapped it on. He attacked the defense vertically for a change. Will see how long his ball sack stays attached.


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No Im happy to be proven right when people do there jobs we can win
My concern with Dak is we just don't really know who he is.
I like Dak. But would I pay him $20m per year?
In this league if you don't have a $20+ million QB then you need to find one.

Would you be ok if we extended him for that?


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My concern with Dak is we just don't really know who he is.
I like Dak. But would I pay him $20m per year?
In this league if you don't have a $20+ million QB then you need to find one.

Would you be ok if we extended him for that?

That would be organizational suicide IMO. Zeke will run out of steam in a few seasons, then we'll be saddled with Dak's salary, no Zeke to lean on, no way to pay for more premium talent... no, no, no.

That said, the pass to Zeke was freaking SWEET. He dropped that in there perfectly, Zeke didn't need to break stride, the defender had literally no chance at it, and it was in the biggest moment of the game. Beautiful pass.

black label

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This list has him 5th WORST in the NFL at 33.7 QBR. :eek: Just despicable he is on the field for this team at all. His infamous youtube passing competition video is even more embarrassing. He couldn't hit targets right in front of him.
Dont be fooled hes still the worst


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That would be organizational suicide IMO. Zeke will run out of steam in a few seasons, then we'll be saddled with Dak's salary, no Zeke to lean on, no way to pay for more premium talent... no, no, no.

That said, the pass to Zeke was freaking SWEET. He dropped that in there perfectly, Zeke didn't need to break stride, the defender had literally no chance at it, and it was in the biggest moment of the game. Beautiful pass.
I would rather invest in a 1st round QB who would most likely add a dimension that Dak just can’t immediately. Then we have 4 more years before having to pay him.