The Dark Knight Rises **merged**

a_minimalist;4628427 said:
And there are no other markets that open up? They could easily up the price since you are watching it at home. It will eventually happen.

By the way if you think that the increase in movie watching wouldn't make up for the loss by the purchase of more than one movie ticket per movie, well, you're wrong. People avoid movie theaters on opening day because of the crowd. Open them up to everyone at home as well as movie theaters, sales increase, try explaining how that wouldn't increase revenues for studios.

It would be cool to have the ability but I don't think it will ever happen.

Why would a movie studio stream a video that will be bootlegged a few thousand times on opening night? And we're not talking garbage bootlegs where someone takes a GoPro into the theater, we're talking HD quality.

I don't think studios would ever stream unless there is a way to charge for every set of eyes that sees the film. That's nearly impossible so doubtful they'd willingly let people buy the movie on opening night on-Demand and then invite a few dozen friends over to watch it.

As for your last question. Even if someone avoids the movie for a week, so long as a person watches it while it's in theaters I doubt the studios care. And lets go a step further. Even if people avoid theaters all together, they'll eventually either rent or buy the movie.
Just watched the movie. Pretty good. Thought Bane was especially good aside from the voice aspect.
joseephuss;4628923 said:
I could see Nolan acting in a producer role for a future film. He is one of the producers for Man of Steel. That way he can have some input into future characters. The best way to stay within his frame work is to move away from Batman and skip Robin and go straight into a Nightwing character.

I enjoyed the movie earlier today. A very complex storyline and entertaining. I still view it as a specific genre movie, but one of the best in that particular genre. I would recommend any of Nolan's Batman movies to anyone.
Hoofbite;4629029 said:
Just watched the movie. Pretty good. Thought Bane was especially good aside from the voice aspect.

I liked how Bane was portrayed as a intelligent, cold, calculated, beast of a man. Unlike that horrible movie back in the 90's I won't mention, where he is a huge man 3x the size of Batman and is more "Hulk Smash" like. Nolan did a good job bringing Bane up in this movie.

Oh and for the hard of hearing crowd on here, I just saw some bootleg videos of the ending and another scene.

I could understand everything just fine! From the crappy mic of a cell phone camera no less.

Take your complaints to your Doctors! Your hearing sucks. :)
StevenOtero;4629115 said:

Oh and for the hard of hearing crowd on here, I just saw some bootleg videos of the ending and another scene.

I could understand everything just fine! From the crappy mic of a cell phone camera no less.

Take your complaints to your Doctors! Your hearing sucks. :)

Maybe nobody was paying attention to you.

What did you even say?
StevenOtero;4629129 said:

I was confused as to whether you were referencing something you had said in the thread earlier.

Now I see where you were going with that post.

As far as the audio goes, I thought it was pretty good. Bane's voice was pretty poor at times but overall pretty good.
Seeing it tonight. Don't know if it can top Amazing Spiderman as I prefer the spiderman characters/storyline to the Batman one but we will see.
Romo 2 Austin;4629187 said:
Seeing it tonight. Don't know if it can top Amazing Spiderman as I prefer the spiderman characters/storyline to the Batman one but we will see.

Just don't be too shocked when Batman kills Dumbledore and then reveals he is Luke's father.
DallasEast;4628830 said:
The recording industry was being raped of profits. Literally. Cheaper alternatives were mandated or it would have endangered the enormous profitability of all music artists' new audio within the industry. Thus, online delivery systems such as iTunes came into being.

New material from the movie industry is discretionally sold to general public. Straight-to-video product is practically always substandard in terms of profitability to the movie studios to that of first-run films. STV is a second-tier revenue stream, not first-tier.

New movies are distributed outside stores and directly to theaters. It is only when a breakdown in secure access to that product when piracy occurs. This is usually the result of theft by video pirates or opportunists from the studios' premises, somewhere along the mail route or from the theater houses.

New video, which was initially not purchased, but stolen, then takes the pirated audio route and is mass distributed illegally.

That is the problem confronting the movie industry. The solution is securing the distribution system from studios to theaters and keeping their product secure after delivery to theaters.

It is basically this potential for solving or stymying the theft component to the problem, which has and will prevent first-run movies from being delivered straight to customers in the near future. In the meantime, the industry continues to combat piracy by shortening theater runs for their product. The model is rake in as much profit as possible from the availability of superior product via theaters and then undercut video pirates with studio produced product via blu-ray and on-demand shortly thereafter (e.g. within several months of initial release).

As soon as I said the part you bolded I thought about taking it down but didn't. They would never be forced to if they didn't want to. I think they will eventually want to though. I got carried away when I made that statement. I do think they will realize the opportunities and windows it opens up for potential profits. I'll get back to that later though. Your point about piracy is without out a doubt the underlying reason why they haven't allowed new movies to stream directly to a TV yet. I don't blame them for being concerned about profits. If it aint broke don't fix it(although in some, including mine, it's broke but that's a whole other debate).

All of your points about material, movies, and video were all great and laid out perfectly. They were dead on. I appreciate the way you laid everything out actually. But, I just don't think those are ways that can't either be changed or remedied. Yes, those are the current problems and the way things are done. IMO, today's technological capabilities have a way of finding solutions to problems that most people didn't think possible. There's absolutely a solution that allows the customer and film industry to profit, they don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Back to profit. Cities and towns are limited to movie theaters and seats. People are busy, people are working more. We are a busy society. I think the majority of Americans have cable TV and access to order onDemand movies. Let's say each new movie to watch at home was 19.99 - 35.99 and you have it for 6-24 hours. Now, I know I'm not the only one thinking this but iTunes, something similar to Spotify, Netflix, and OnDemand are all viable platforms that have the potential to distribute new movies while discouraging piracy. At the end of the day, while piracy hurts-- and I might be wrong here--it still doesn't make an enormous dent in the industries profitability. No matter what piracy will always be around. At worst I think the film industry would break even if they made the move if not become substantially more profitable.

If every movie theater and every theater within that theater were IMAX or something way better, then we have a whole other discussion. Until they are I think the desire for an ability to watch new movies at home will still be floating around and people will be talking about it.

Again, I appreciate the discussion!
Rogah;4628869 said:
There really isn't any legitimate argument to the contrary. All we have here is one clueless person who thinks he knows more than everyone else on the planet. :laugh2: :laugh1:

I don't think I know more than everyone else on the planet, only you.

I also know that I am smarter than you and that you've offered little to no substance to the discussion because it's beyond your mental capacity. :D
DallasEast;4629020 said:
I agree 100%. Ledger's performance was legendary. Sorry if his critics or critics of the movie disagree.

[EDIT]For casual comic book readers and non-readers alike, here is a very good summation of The Joker character:

For all intents-and-purposes, The Joker became a clown in the 1950's/1960's books/television and in 1970's cartoon fare. But before and after that era of nonsense, The Joker was a mass murdering, homicidal, sociopath. Yes, Jack Nicholson gave a tour de force in the 1989 Batman film, but even his performance did not capture the true fiber of the character.

That's the missing element for some who have seen his performance in The Dark Knight. It's not what they expected. Hello! That was The Joker in his most vile and horrific essense. When I first watched the movie, I was almost in tears. That's the honest truth. I kept muttering to myself, "My God. F-i-n-a-l-l-y someone got it exactly right."

I was thinking not too many people got this. My hat's off to you. I still think his embracing that character pushed him off the ledge.
Hoofbite;4629026 said:
Why would a movie studio stream a video that will be bootlegged a few thousand times on opening night? And we're not talking garbage bootlegs where someone takes a GoPro into the theater, we're talking HD quality.

There will always be people selling pirated material. You can't stop that. A way to protect streaming a new movie is what would be needed. There's absolutely a solution to that problem. I don't and refuse to believe there isn't. We aren't talking about taking trips to the sun.

Hoofbite;4629026 said:
I don't think studios would ever stream unless there is a way to charge for every set of eyes that sees the film. That's nearly impossible so doubtful they'd willingly let people buy the movie on opening night on-Demand and then invite a few dozen friends over to watch it.

I think there would be an increase in sales since it's in the comfort of someones home. More people would consider watching a new movie at home. I think increased sales along with a substantial price increase would offset any of those supposed losses and then create a profit.

Hoofbite;4629026 said:
As for your last question. Even if someone avoids the movie for a week, so long as a person watches it while it's in theaters I doubt the studios care. And lets go a step further. Even if people avoid theaters all together, they'll eventually either rent or buy the movie.

As for this, I have been saying the first day/week in regard to new movies coming out throughout all of my conversations and that's my bad. I didn't mean to.

From talking to people I know the main reason people rent movies is because they don't feel like going to the theater to watch it and will just wait to watch it at home. So, people can either pay a higher price to watch it immediately which will profit the film industry since it's substantially higher than renting it. Or, they can pay less to rent it like they would have in the first place, either way the studios win.

Hopefully you read what I said to DallasEast because I think that might answer some of your questions as well. I think all of your questions are legitimate though.
Oh and my bad to StevenOtero for derailing the thread. I'm done discussing the whole new movie at home thing. Back to the Dark Knight Rises :D
Saw it this weekend. Really enjoyed the whole thing. Great way to end this series.
jobberone;4629234 said:

I was thinking not too many people got this. My hat's off to you. I still think his embracing that character pushed him off the ledge.
I'm not so sure. He was taking drugs before taking on the role. He was already headed in that direction, driven by demons he wasn't addressing. He was going to fall off that ledge eventually unless he made the decision to take hold of his own life.
a_minimalist;4629242 said:
There will always be people selling pirated material. You can't stop that. A way to protect streaming a new movie is what would be needed. There's absolutely a solution to that problem. I don't and refuse to believe there isn't. We aren't talking about taking trips to the sun.
Okay okay okay. This reply is solely for innocent fun only, so nobody trip okay?

Why would anyone take a trip to the sun? There isn't enough sunblock lotion to survive that vacation! :laugh1:
DallasEast;4629263 said:
Okay okay okay. This reply is solely for innocent fun only, :laugh2: so nobody trip okay?

Why would anyone take a trip to the sun? There isn't enough sunblock lotion to survive that vacation! :laugh1:

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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