The Dark Knight Rises **merged**

a_minimalist;4628427 said:
People avoid movie theaters on opening day because of the crowd. Open them up to everyone at home as well as movie theaters, sales increase, try explaining how that wouldn't increase revenues for studios.
:laugh2: :laugh1: Oh my! Don't you realize how silly you sound here? "People avoid movie theaters on opening day because of the crowd"..!! :laugh2: :laugh1:

Isn't that a Yogi-ism?!? "Nobody goes there anymore because the place is too crowded" or something like that?
Rogah;4628436 said:
Bullcrap. Unless you're Bill Gates, you'll never have something in your home that is equivalent to today's IMAX screens. Oh sure, if you spend enough money you can have something nicer than the 75 year old Ioka Theater down the street with the $1 popcorn and the movies that have been out for 7 months, but you'll never compete with a top quality theater.
Tell you what: How about you allow movie makers to make movies the way they want to, and if there's an audience for their method they can continue.

If someone wants to make a crap quality movie for your hypothetical stay-at-home parents and people like you who whine about the cost of the tickets, then more power to 'em! Meanwhile, please allow the rest of us the ability to pay $12 or so to see superior quality productions.

I never said IMAX. But not everyone watches every movie on an IMAX screen. Not many movies are even made for IMAX. So nice try, again.

And you're the spokesperson for movie makers? I hate to break it to you but the picture of a blu ray on an LED is better in a lot of peoples' eyes than any theatre screen. you're up close and and the picture quality is striking. the only thing that lacks in the majority of homes is the screen size and even now people are putting projection tv's in their home. your argument makes no sense. rethink it. i'm sure it's hard for you to understand all of this though so i expect an equally ridiculous retort.
Rogah;4628438 said:
:laugh2: :laugh1: Oh my! Don't you realize how silly you sound here? "People avoid movie theaters on opening day because of the crowd"..!! :laugh2: :laugh1:

Isn't that a Yogi-ism?!? "Nobody goes there anymore because the place is too crowded" or something like that?

what are you like 12? yes, adults don't wait in line to see a movie or pack into a movie theatre. their time is more valuable and they have things to do. either you're 12 or over 50 and are having trouble wrapping your head around technology and efficiency and why it makes more sense to release movies via cable box.
i just watched the batman movie today. it was great! i need to watch it again to really see if it was better then the second one. i really like how the joker was it that movie. bain was great but not as great as the man that played the joker. still what great movie today. bale was great just like in the last two he was in. he is the best batman.
I love both, I have to rewatch TDK to see if there's one I like better (I have terrible memory).

The husband likes TDK better only because it was more "original" (had more suprirses).

TDKR was very predictable according to him, even though everything was very well done.

I.e. the "twist" the whole movie he thought it was that person all along b/c of the voice (trying not to spoil anything here)

But, despite that, it was still enjoyable. Saw the previews for The Hobbit. Even though you know what it's about, and how it ends, we are still looking forward to watching it.
a_minimalist;4628440 said:
I never said IMAX. But not everyone watches every movie on an IMAX screen. Not many movies are even made for IMAX. So nice try, again.
You're making absolutely no sense whatsoever. If the quality of audio and visual equipment is so important to someone that they're going to invest a couple thousand dollars in a home theater system, then it just makes no sense to say "not everyone watches a movie on an IMAX screen.
a_minimalist;4628440 said:
And you're the spokesperson for movie makers?
No I'm just intelligent enough to understand that they know their current model works a helluva lot better from their standpoint than one where they release movies directly to TV to satiate all the whiners who don't want to pay $12 to see a movie.
a_minimalist;4628440 said:
I hate to break it to you but the picture of a blu ray on an LED is better in a lot of peoples' eyes than any theatre screen.
For some reason you seem to enjoy demonstrating to the foum that you have no idea what you are talking about. The quality of a theater is superior to the quality of a blu ray player, period, end of discussion.
a_minimalist;4628442 said:
what are you like 12? yes, adults don't wait in line to see a movie or pack into a movie theatre.
I went to see Batman last night and there were hundreds of adults waiting in line to do precisely that, and the theater was packed.
a_minimalist;4628442 said:
their time is more valuable and they have things to do. either you're 12 or over 50 and are having trouble wrapping your head around technology and efficiency and why it makes more sense to release movies via cable box.
That's hilarious how you think you've figured out something that the ENTIRE movie industry is missing.

Nobody forces anyone to go to a movie theater. If you're too cheap to spend $12 on a ticket then that's fine, but please step aside and let us grown ups who have the money and the desire to see superior quality productions do so.
Rogah;4628486 said:
not everyone watches a movie on an IMAX screen

Let me break this down for you in dumby terms. The majority of movies being played at a movie theatre aren't played on an IMAX screen and aren't shot that way. IMAX is the only way to watch a movie that is far superior than anything someone has at home. If you have trouble understanding this, I can give it to you one sentence at time.

And I hate to break it to you but the picture quality of a screen at a theatre isn't far superior to the quality of a blu-ray player on an LED screen.

Rogah;4628486 said:
No I'm just intelligent enough to understand that they know their current model works a helluva lot better from their standpoint than one where they release movies directly to TV to satiate all the whiners who don't want to pay $12 to see a movie.
For some reason you seem to enjoy demonstrating to the foum that you have no idea what you are talking about. The quality of a theater is superior to the quality of a blu ray player, period, end of discussion.

You keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you sleep better at night. Also, your reading comprehension skills are atrocious. Tell me where I said ONE TIME that this had anything to do with paying $12. If anything it would be more money to watch at home to make up for any loss in profit from watching the movie with multiple people. The length of time you have to watch the movie would also have to be taken into consideration. But, how about this, you keep arguing about something that you've made up in your mind. I promise you that's one battle you will win!
Rogah;4628488 said:
I went to see Batman last night and there were hundreds of adults waiting in line to do precisely that, and the theater was packed.
That's hilarious how you think you've figured out something that the ENTIRE movie industry is missing.

Adults? What were they 25? And again, I hate to break it to you but this has been talked about for years and will eventually happen. Keep swinging for the fences though slugger!

Rogah;4628488 said:
Nobody forces anyone to go to a movie theater. If you're too cheap to spend $12 on a ticket then that's fine, but please step aside and let us grown ups who have the money and the desire to see superior quality productions do so.

Again, you're making things up in your head. Read some books and practice your reading comprehension. Once you've finished, come back and we can try this again.

Also, if you think that the internet or cable television in everyones home can't compete with a building with limited seats in a given 10 mile radius from someones home, well you're a little slower than you've already shown.
Enjoyed the movie. It was better than Begins, but couldn't touch the magic of TDK. I would have preferred a different ending, but it was still enjoyable.
a_minimalist;4628501 said:
Let me break this down for you in dumby terms. The majority of movies being played at a movie theatre aren't played on an IMAX screen and aren't shot that way. IMAX is the only way to watch a movie that is far superior than anything someone has at home. If you have trouble understanding this, I can give it to you one sentence at time.

And I hate to break it to you but the picture quality of a screen at a theatre isn't far superior to the quality of a blu-ray player on an LED screen.
Like I said, for some reason you seem to enjoy demonstrating to the group how much you just don't know what you're talking about.
a_minimalist;4628506 said:
Adults? What were they 25?
Uh, gee, ya know last time I checked 25 year olds were adults, and by a fairly considerable margin. What country do you live in where that isn't the case?
a_minimalist;4628506 said:
Also, if you think that the internet or cable television in everyones home can't compete with a building with limited seats in a given 10 mile radius from someones home, well you're a little slower than you've already shown.
Wow, that's amazing how you're just so much smarter than everyone in the entire movie industry. Just like how you're trying to tell us that no one goes to the movies anymore because they're just so damn crowded! :lmao2: :lmao2:

You're wrong. I know it, just about everyone in this forum knows it, and someday you'll know it too. But, given what you've already estabished about your personality, you'll likely be too pig headed to admit it.

Now if you want to continue this discussion like an adult, I'd be happy to go on. But since your childlike mind clearly believes that whoever has the last word "wins" an argument, I'll gladly step aside and let you have it, so have at it, Sparky!
Rogah;4628535 said:
Like I said, for some reason you seem to enjoy demonstrating to the group how much you just don't know what you're talking about.

No, actually I'm not. I know you're trying to make yourself feel better when you say that though. You should do some research about movie theatre quality vs Blu Ray/home theatre quality. Just don't be too hard on yourself after you do.
I'm sure it will be difficult for you to retain the information since you've already proven how horrible your reading comprehension skills are though. Just know, I believe in you and think you can do it.
Rogah;4628413 said:
+1. I kept expecting the movie to have an appearance from this guy:


To me, Bane sounded like one of Charlie Brown's teachers.
Rogah;4628540 said:
Uh, gee, ya know last time I checked 25 year olds were adults, and by a fairly considerable margin. What country do you live in where that isn't the case?

Since you want to be semantical, 25 yr olds are considered young adults not adults. When using the word adult I'm sure most people don't think 25 years old.

Rogah;4628540 said:
Wow, that's amazing how you're just so much smarter than everyone in the entire movie industry. Just like how you're trying to tell us that no one goes to the movies anymore because they're just so damn crowded! :lmao2: :lmao2:

Tell me where I said that was the only reason. I'm pretty sure I mentioned efficiency and time constraints. You're really struggling to comprehend what I'm saying. I feel for you though. Also, people who work in the movie industry aren't some super human species. They aren't brain surgeons like you are making them out to be.

Rogah;4628540 said:
You're wrong. I know it, just about everyone in this forum knows it, and someday you'll know it too. But, given what you've already estabished about your personality, you'll likely be too pig headed to admit it.

Now if you want to continue this discussion like an adult, I'd be happy to go on. But since your childlike mind clearly believes that whoever has the last word "wins" an argument, I'll gladly step aside and let you have it, so have at it, Sparky!

I love how you're speaking for everyone in the forum now. :laugh2:

I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong but I'm not wrong yet so why would I?

My "childlike mind" doesn't believe that whoever has the last word wins an argument. My "childlike mind" believes that when someone continues to spit out falsehoods in a discussion they should be corrected.
ScipioCowboy;4628550 said:

To me, Bane sounded like one of Charlie Brown's teachers.
+1. If the final product represented an improvement over the original quality, I shudder to think how bad it originally was! I read an interesting article speculating about the role Banehouer's mask played in the difficulties so many of us had in understanding him. Losing the ability to kind of "read his lips" while he was talking certainly didn't help.

Looking forward to being able to see the subtitles on this movie. Probably sometime around December. :D
Boom;4628509 said:
Enjoyed the movie. It was better than Begins, but couldn't touch the magic of TDK. I would have preferred a different ending, but it was still enjoyable.
I think that's a fair ranking of the trilogy. Probably better than Batman Begins but nowhere near as good as the last one. Although I did enjoy Batman Begins for having the courage to tell a non traditional origin story for Batman. And it got the bad taste out of my mouth from Tim Burton's interpretation of the same.
Rogah;4628560 said:
+1. If the final product represented an improvement over the original quality, I shudder to think how bad it originally was!

Looking forward to being able to see the subtitles on this movie. Probably sometime around December. :D

My wife made the same comment upon leaving the theater.

I'm actually thankful I read the plot synopsis before going in; otherwise, I might've been completely lost.

It could've just been the theater. I don't know. But I would think the Flix Brewhouse is fairly high end.
ScipioCowboy;4628562 said:
My wife made the same comment upon leaving the theater.

I'm actually thankful I read the plot synopsis before going in; otherwise, I might've been completely lost.

It could've just been the theater. I don't know. But I would think the Flix Brewhouse is fairly high end.
There's way too many of us out here making the exact same complaint for it to have just been the theater. It's a complaint Nolan has received before, but never as bad as with this movie. He loves to throw tons of audio - including the soundtrack - at the viewer at once.
Rogah;4628567 said:
There's way too many of us out here making the exact same complaint for it to have just been the theater. It's a complaint Nolan has received before, but never as bad as with this movie. He loves to throw tons of audio - including the soundtrack - at the viewer at once.
Yeah, just saw it for a 2nd time tonight at a different theater. I could understand everything just fine, it's strange. FYI the main chain of theaters here is Cinemark.

The dialogue was audible, you either need to clean out your ears or go to another theater. :D

...but in all seriousness it's quite odd how I'm not having any issues in my neck of the woods and people are having issues w/ it in some areas.

So, I'm going to go on the record here: The majority of the comments about the dialogue being inaudible are BS. For the midnight screening I sat near the back of the theater (heard everything just fine) Tonight I sat in the second row from the screen (damn sure heard everything just fine).

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