The defense failed because of its construction


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Exactly, and the thing is, the Joneses never really seem to prioritise fundamentals. If they did, they'd see how impractical the way they build the team is.
They don’t have to. They are never risking anything. Lifetime contracts mean you don’t ever worry about wasting seasons or even wasting whole careers of some good players.


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I generally agree with you here. But until we get some monsters on the DL and some LBs that weigh more than 210, we are going to struggle against teams that can run the ball.

Overshown is fast but he’s not that big. Saw him play several games in college for UT and he was super fast, just not a physical LB and not particularly great at run stuffing. Not saying he’s bad but IMO he’s not going to be an answer to this problem of stopping the run. And LVE…he’s just finished unfortunately. His neck issues should probably end his career. Hate to say it but he’s rolling the dice to continue playing.

Bottom line we need some physical beasts here we don’t currently have. Parsons is great but he’s not going to be a clogging LB when his best gift is getting after the QB.

Imo, Parsons and Overshown would do well as LOLB/ROLB players, which is great, but the only 3-4 MLB we have is LVE, who is less than reliable. Thus, this draft, we need two MLBs and I want Jerry to sign a MLB to rotate with LVE. If we can do this, I think this defence can begin becoming more physical.


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Agree and that's why this "running it back" is pure BS.

We are too many players away from competing for a Championship....and that's still not addressing the failures of the coaching staff.
If we're going to run it back, some major salary cutting needs to happen. Hey, maybe we can get a redo on the Schooner pick, OCyrus would fix a lot.


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Agree, actually were over- pusueing. Example M.Bell so overpusued, he let TE go across his face for big gain on crucial 3rd down.
Happened several other times on big 3rd downs where receiver ended up all alone.
Because of lack of size Quin preaches pusuit, and G.Bay used it against us
I was impressed w/ how hard we kept trying.


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And that's the problem with the construction of the team. The last time I remember us having a truly physical team was with Parcells and maybe Wade when they ran a 3-4. Ever since we have gone back to the 4-3, the fundamentals needed have gone by the wayside on that side of the ball.
Offensively too. Those pansies get hit in the mouth and wilt. We are built soft.


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that a good analogy. More like MM is captain, Dak co-caption, DQ is 1st mate but yes the designers and the iceberg had a lot to do with it, by the way you guys wanting to do all the purges mentioned around making the playoffs for five years. THats a real possibility. having to take a giant step back and hear the complaints about not going to the playoff's vs losing in the playoffs would be priceless.

winning 36 games over three years with 2 division titles and 3 playoff berths in a row turns into 7 win seasons and bottom dwellers for while..that turf is not always greener..

but be careful what you wish for comes into play..
High draft picks to turn into a super bowl contender sounds better than early playoff exits.


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I'm always happy for lots of wins. The thing that I'm contending within this thread is that we have a problem with how this team is constructed on defence, which was an area of great concern for me entering the season (along with our run game situation). With the teams we are likely playing next season (SFO, Houston, and Detroit) as a result of our first place finish (along with our division rivals, the NFC South, and the fact we play the AFC North), we better fix those areas if we want to have a shot next year.
I do we know the defense is in such disarray?

Was Vanderesch guaranteed to lose most of his battles if he played this year? Without commenting that he was guaranteed to get hurt. I guess most are going to go negative and suggest he is trash no matter what.

Was Overshown too small to make a difference at Linebacker?

Nothing wrong with identifying areas spots on a team...but suggesting the team was constructed to fail when two linebackers go down before season starts. One, a large linebacker that might have been able to fill gaps better than our hybrid safeties and whom was a starter...the Other was a rookie projected to get a lot of playing time.


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The defence failed because of its construction. While there were boneheaded moves by DQ, and I'm not necessarily advocating for his return as I'd like Vrabel as our DC/Assistant HC (that way, if we do lose McCarthy, we'd have the next HC on the roster). However, as I dissect the Cowboys defence, I think you'll see that the construction of the defence leads to our failures in that department. I think, with this, you will see that our defence was doomed to fail at some point this season. I will then attempt to propose solutions.

The first and biggest area of weakness that I'd like to point out is at linebacker. We don't have any, at least not when LVE goes out with his injuries. Parsons is used too much at DE, and we have safeties playing linebacker. Part of this is on DQ. He likes to have speedy pass rushers, which is great. However, you need physicality at the point of attack. Then again, another problem is due to the construction of the team with us playing a 4-3 nickel style of defence. This doesn't work. It relies way too much on speed, and no where near enough on physicality. It's why, when you see us play QBs who are statues in the pocket, they feast on them. If we play a mobile QB, we have a problem. Additionally, this is why we can't stop the run against physical teams like the Packers, 49ers, and Bills. As we have seen, if you can run the ball effectively, you can torch our defence. If your only really good at throwing the ball, this team will feast on you.

The second area of weakness is where we play Micah Parsons, in part because of how the linebackers are constructed. Micah is in the 250lb range. Most offensive linemen are around 300+. That's a significant weight difference. Yes, he's strong. However, using him as a 4-3 DE or sometimes even DT when he's rushing the A gap means he's having to take on the hardest of the blocks usually to get to the QB. He does well at this early in the season, but he's clearly gassed by the end of the season. Then, come playoff time, he's useless. Plus, he's in a spot where he can't really get to the RBs as effectively as I'm sure he'd want to, and shifting him takes him away from what he does best (which is rushing the QB). I think there is a better way to use him, which I will state when I discuss solutions.

Our other issue is depth on defence. Part of the reason that we have safeties playing linebacker is because we had about 3 linebackers on the roster, plus Parsons who doubles as a DE. Part of the problem is that Jerry doesn't really do much in FA. By relying on the draft and bargain brand Free Agency, it puts you behind the 8 ball when injuries happen.

Another problem stems from the offense. The running game problems is another reason the defence failed. Using Tony Pollard like he's Zeke was never going to work. Mike McCarthy made it crystal clear that he wanted to run the ball. The FO thought that Pollard could be used like Zeke. Surprise, he can't. When this happens, the defence will be on the field more.

As you can see, the way the defence is constructed leads them to failure later in the season. In football, you have injuries. As that happens, you must have depth to withstand the problem. So, here's my attempt at solving this problem.

Firstly, I'd focus this upcoming draft on 3 places. Linebacker, running back, and NT. I'd take at least two linebackers this draft. If Penix doesn't drop to us at 24, take the best linebacker available, and then take another in round 5 or 6. If Penix does (assuming we go QB round 1), then go LB in rounds 2 and 5 and/or 6. I'd then go running back. I'd like the back from Texas (Brooks) in round 3. He's an up the middle back. I'd then use him there rotating occasionally with Dowdle and allowing Vaughn to be the scatback option. This should help us to control the ball and the clock more. It will make us less dependent on playing with a lead considering that our defence won't be on the field nearly as long. I'd then try to shift our defence to more of a 3-4 base. I know 4-3 is a traditional Cowboys bass, but I think the most effective way to use Parsons is our of a 3-4 base. This gives him some better protection because the DEs and DTs in a 3-4 have to be more physical. It's more predicated on stuffing the middle and allowing the LOLBs and ROLBs to rush more freely. Plus, Parsons can then rotate to different spots at LB to rush, depending on the play. Parsons can rush from the outside, or can blitz from a MLB spot as the 3-4 would open up some spots for him to rush. Plus, with Overshown coming back next year, he should be able to rotate with him on the outside for max effect.

I'd focus the defence more on physicality and less on the speed that our DEs have. The DBs still should be ballhawks, but we can't just rely on getting takeaways. We do want takeaways, but we should be constructing the team to be more physical. If we can become more physical and effective at stopping the run, the takeaways will happen. But, the 3-4 and bringing in more physical linebackers would allow us to stop the run more effectively, and it should result in better pass rush options.

I'd also get another DT this year, but this one Must be a NT. Mazi and Hankins would be 3-4 DEs in my view, and we would need a proper NT to clog the middle. Finally, I'd use FA to try to provide more depth at linebacker and NT.

If we do this, I think our defence can be more effective. Parsons won't be exhausted later in the season, and the team can be more effective.
The defense failed because we played a soft zone to try and protect Gilmore and his torn roattor cuff.
We missed a healthy S Gilmore, Diggs, LVE, Overshown. Hankins just got back and was rotating.

If our defense was healthy and could have played man coverage, results would have been much different


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Jerry still thinks when he shells out big money for a player, they'll take him to the super bowl, but all there doing is taking him to the cleaners...


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The draft is deep at OL so we have to focus on OL rds 1-2, therefore defense will have to come via FA

1. Quinn philosophy does not work against run teams who we have to beat it playoffs. Quinn has to leave or no chance. Get a DC from the Ravens or niners

2. Sign Hankins and a top DT in FA. Have to resign Armstrong and another rotational DE

3. Have to figure out what to do about Parsons. He us a great rusher but bad against the run and not big enough to be 4-3 DE but you cant pay 30 million (yes thats what he will demand) to an off ball LB. Parsons should be OLB in a 3-4 scheme to justify his future salary

4. Sign a real MLB in FA and get 1 in rds 3-5

5. Resign Lewis but will need another CB via draft that is a willing tackler. Diggs is a huge liability against the run unfortunately

6. Hopefully Bell and Wilson can be safeties. Kearse has to go, maybe resign Hooker

A LOT of work


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ksk nailed it. In a nutshell, we are small, over pursue, and get bullied. Can't get away with that against good teams when it matters most. Smoke and mirrors gets u beat. DQ did a disservice to the team also when he stubbornly did not seemingly try to do something else. It was sad and hard to watch in the GB game. Jerry HAD to see what we did you would think, but again, in his desperate attempt to show the world, he is a football guy, he runs it back yet again. We are short yellow bus folks on the staff and front office. We are playing chinese checkers, and everyone else is playing regular checkers. Jerry is still trying to reinvent the wheel if u will. When all he has to do is find good football players and keep things simple. This game isnt as hard as he makes it.
Coaching truly matters and Jerry never had any respect for that.

It’s not even a matter of discipline or being a tough guy or whatever….it’s about being able to mask your weaknesses and exploit the same of the opponent.

Notice how it’s always our glaring weakness that the better teams take advantage of, yet the opposite literally never happens.

Why does he never hire a bright up and coming coordinator? It’s either someone with zero experience or a retread that no one else wants.

Jerry figures he can hire puppets because coaching is something that anyone can do, and/or he doesn’t want the HC to possibly take any of the credit or the spotlight away from him.

How is anyone supposed to overcome that?

It’s actually commendable that MM has gotten us this far. It’s as close to impossible to win here as it could possibly be.


Maple Leaf
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Linebackers. It was there from three years ago, and has continued.

Quality d-lineman are a problem for the entire league along with quality o-lineman, but we needed to bring on heavier set players for the middle of the field, and we didn't.

Basic football, and especially playoff football says win the middle, and push their talent outside to where there is more than enough talent to challenge the capabilities of QBs being able to recognize opportunities outside of the box.

QBs tend to love seeing the receviers come open over the middle of the field right in the middle of their vision. So easy to diagnose. So much harder when you have to anticipate both sides of the boundaries, and add in the skill of looking off the safeties on two high zone.

So winning defence in the playoffs says take away the run, and take your chances with rolling the dice on the QB play of the opposing team. Not everyone is Aaron Rodgers and can find the open man in a scramble.


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And that's why I'm saying shifting more to a 3-4 might be the best way to protect those LBers. It would allow them to play at their best. I think Mazi, like most rookie DTs, was always going to need some developing. I think he, like Tolbert has been this year, will be good. The trouble we have is that we don't really have enough physical DTs/3-4 DEs. We need more of that.
It's a nickel league these days. What teams play an actual 3-4 against the 3WR base sets of today?

That 3-4 is kinda growing on me, though. But I see the same problem you do. We don't have the horses. Mazi needs a big jump in play to make that work as the nose. But I can see Osa as a good for a 3-4 DE. If DLaw can be the other 3-4DE, we'd be almost there. I think he's a little small for that.

What makes it real interesting is a 3-4 package like that lets us naturally shift to 4-3 with Parsons moving to DE. Same personnel package for two different alignments.

The NT is the key player to make it work, but Parson is the guy who could make it special. He can do *anything* you need.

I have thought that Quinn has been *trying* to move to more 3-4 looks, but just didn't have the horses. Osa and Mazi are better fits for 3-4, but Mazi not near good enough yet. Maybe they fill out Fehoko some and give him a try at the other DE. The nice thing about 3-4DEs is they're decent DTs for a 4 man pass rush too.

Come on Mazi. You're the key to make it work.


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I generally agree with you here. But until we get some monsters on the DL and some LBs that weigh more than 210, we are going to struggle against teams that can run the ball.

Overshown is fast but he’s not that big. Saw him play several games in college for UT and he was super fast, just not a physical LB and not particularly great at run stuffing. Not saying he’s bad but IMO he’s not going to be an answer to this problem of stopping the run. And LVE…he’s just finished unfortunately. His neck issues should probably end his career. Hate to say it but he’s rolling the dice to continue playing.

Bottom line we need some physical beasts here we don’t currently have. Parsons is great but he’s not going to be a clogging LB when his best gift is getting after the QB.
I think Parsons can do most anything and well. As a LB he can blitz up the middle whether it's a run blitz or a pass blitz. He can go sideline to sideline. I don't think there's anything we need from a LB that he can't do.

Really too bad about LVE. Great size and athleticism. But they didn't pretend for a second like he might come back this year. Unlike Jerry. I'm guessing LVE is done. Neck issues for a run defending LB is just a horrible combination.

But I don't think it's too hard to get LBs. We just carry enough of them.

The main weakness right now is Mazi ain't the NT we need yet. Few NTs are.


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Do you have confidence that in the salary cap era, this FO knows how to construct a roster that can compete for a championship? Because they are 4-10 in the playoffs the last 28 years, and that’s 4 wild card wins. I wish I could close my eyes and believe. How many chances are these guys going to get? Apparently unlimited.
That was so sobering to read. * sigh * :(


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I do we know the defense is in such disarray?

Was Vanderesch guaranteed to lose most of his battles if he played this year? Without commenting that he was guaranteed to get hurt. I guess most are going to go negative and suggest he is trash no matter what.

Was Overshown too small to make a difference at Linebacker?

Nothing wrong with identifying areas spots on a team...but suggesting the team was constructed to fail when two linebackers go down before season starts. One, a large linebacker that might have been able to fill gaps better than our hybrid safeties and whom was a starter...the Other was a rookie projected to get a lot of playing time.

Imo, it's more to do with the fact that Lve is known to have injuries before the season is out. Poor planning there not to have sufficient depth behind him knowing this. Tbf, nobody knew DO was going to go down, but there should have been a concerted effort to find a sufficient solution when it was clear he was going to be on IR.


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The defense failed because we played a soft zone to try and protect Gilmore and his torn roattor cuff.
We missed a healthy S Gilmore, Diggs, LVE, Overshown. Hankins just got back and was rotating.

If our defense was healthy and could have played man coverage, results would have been much different

And we struggle stopping the run