The defense failed because of its construction


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And Quinn did a great job masking our weaknesses. Problem is, that only works against lesser teams. Doesn't work against the SF's of the league
And absolutely nothing will be done to fix it.

DT? We drafted Mazi.

LB? Overshown is coming back.

Maybe add a draft pick to the mix and expect them to deliver immediately.

We should just be happy about the advantages we have of the GM not having to check with the owner on impact moves.

For all of Stephens cheapness, they still have cap problems, so why not get who you need to get over the top?


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Good article by Rusty but for a few items. We are going to extent Dak, just no way around it. Can't trade him as has a no trade clause and even if we want to cut after June 1st, the cap hit would still be 30 mil in 2024. We have to extent Lamb and probably Parsons. Already over 11 million for 2024 so no way we can make up some 40 mil over and sign Lamb and others.

Draft will not be a QB in 1st but hopefully a tackle or CB. We have to stop the run and we have to run the ball, if not we aren't going to win any playoff games.

Better get used to 12-5 then a playoff lost.


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Good article by Rusty but for a few items. We are going to extent Dak, just no way around it. Can't trade him as has a no trade clause and even if we want to cut after June 1st, the cap hit would still be 30 mil in 2024. We have to extent Lamb and probably Parsons. Already over 11 million for 2024 so no way we can make up some 40 mil over and sign Lamb and others.

Draft will not be a QB in 1st but hopefully a tackle or CB. We have to stop the run and we have to run the ball, if not we aren't going to win any playoff games.

Better get used to 12-5 then a playoff lost.
A CB? Duuuuude, get off the drugs!!!!!!!!

Seriously, how in the world did you come up w/ taking a CB in the 1st? I swear, people just say "Let's draft a CB in the 1st/2nd" w/ no thought at all.


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Good article by Rusty but for a few items. We are going to extent Dak, just no way around it. Can't trade him as has a no trade clause and even if we want to cut after June 1st, the cap hit would still be 30 mil in 2024. We have to extent Lamb and probably Parsons. Already over 11 million for 2024 so no way we can make up some 40 mil over and sign Lamb and others.

Draft will not be a QB in 1st but hopefully a tackle or CB. We have to stop the run and we have to run the ball, if not we aren't going to win any playoff games.

Better get used to 12-5 then a playoff lost.

I want either a tackle or linebacker round one. We need to be more physical. More cornerbacks aren't going to fix our problem.


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The draft is deep at OL so we have to focus on OL rds 1-2, therefore defense will have to come via FA

1. Quinn philosophy does not work against run teams who we have to beat it playoffs. Quinn has to leave or no chance. Get a DC from the Ravens or niners

2. Sign Hankins and a top DT in FA. Have to resign Armstrong and another rotational DE

3. Have to figure out what to do about Parsons. He us a great rusher but bad against the run and not big enough to be 4-3 DE but you cant pay 30 million (yes thats what he will demand) to an off ball LB. Parsons should be OLB in a 3-4 scheme to justify his future salary

4. Sign a real MLB in FA and get 1 in rds 3-5

5. Resign Lewis but will need another CB via draft that is a willing tackler. Diggs is a huge liability against the run unfortunately

6. Hopefully Bell and Wilson can be safeties. Kearse has to go, maybe resign Hooker

A LOT of work
Good stuff. Agree.
Dallas needs help at OL and up the middle on defense


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Good article by Rusty but for a few items. We are going to extent Dak, just no way around it. Can't trade him as has a no trade clause and even if we want to cut after June 1st, the cap hit would still be 30 mil in 2024. We have to extent Lamb and probably Parsons. Already over 11 million for 2024 so no way we can make up some 40 mil over and sign Lamb and others.

Draft will not be a QB in 1st but hopefully a tackle or CB. We have to stop the run and we have to run the ball, if not we aren't going to win any playoff games.

Better get used to 12-5 then a playoff lost.
This 11 mill over the cap.. is that what the cap is now?.. it will go up I imagine. ( don't disagree with you.. just wondering )


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The GB loss was a total organizational failure from Jerry, Front Office, Scouting, Coaching, down to the players. Got to be a better construction and mindset of the team. My Lakers are a current example of bad roster construction.
I'm a Knicks fan. I wish I wasn't but that's the team I landed on 35 years ago and I just don't switch teams.

I only bring them up because it's pretty awesome to see the effects of roster construction. They traded away Quickley and RJB and got back OG. Most people considered the Knicks traded away a larger portion of talent and may have lost on the deal.

Enter OG, his numbers aren't overwhelming but his impact on roster construction and defense has taken that entire team up a notch. It's amazing when guys just fit.


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Exactly. I like Jalen Bronson. Julius Randle is almost the same player as he was with the Lakers. He added a 3 point shot.. But he fits better with NY.
Players who fit in a system is gold.


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We could use the pick from Lamb to draft a replacement WR. We're bound to get at least a first for him, and this is a good WR class.
not trying to be argumentative and I agree with the sentiment of what your saying, but if you're only going to get a first for him it makes more sense to just keep him since he's a known commodity. Now if it's for multiple picks that would bear some consideration.


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The defence failed because of its construction. While there were boneheaded moves by DQ, and I'm not necessarily advocating for his return as I'd like Vrabel as our DC/Assistant HC (that way, if we do lose McCarthy, we'd have the next HC on the roster). However, as I dissect the Cowboys defence, I think you'll see that the construction of the defence leads to our failures in that department. I think, with this, you will see that our defence was doomed to fail at some point this season. I will then attempt to propose solutions.

The first and biggest area of weakness that I'd like to point out is at linebacker. We don't have any, at least not when LVE goes out with his injuries. Parsons is used too much at DE, and we have safeties playing linebacker. Part of this is on DQ. He likes to have speedy pass rushers, which is great. However, you need physicality at the point of attack. Then again, another problem is due to the construction of the team with us playing a 4-3 nickel style of defence. This doesn't work. It relies way too much on speed, and no where near enough on physicality. It's why, when you see us play QBs who are statues in the pocket, they feast on them. If we play a mobile QB, we have a problem. Additionally, this is why we can't stop the run against physical teams like the Packers, 49ers, and Bills. As we have seen, if you can run the ball effectively, you can torch our defence. If your only really good at throwing the ball, this team will feast on you.

The second area of weakness is where we play Micah Parsons, in part because of how the linebackers are constructed. Micah is in the 250lb range. Most offensive linemen are around 300+. That's a significant weight difference. Yes, he's strong. However, using him as a 4-3 DE or sometimes even DT when he's rushing the A gap means he's having to take on the hardest of the blocks usually to get to the QB. He does well at this early in the season, but he's clearly gassed by the end of the season. Then, come playoff time, he's useless. Plus, he's in a spot where he can't really get to the RBs as effectively as I'm sure he'd want to, and shifting him takes him away from what he does best (which is rushing the QB). I think there is a better way to use him, which I will state when I discuss solutions.

Our other issue is depth on defence. Part of the reason that we have safeties playing linebacker is because we had about 3 linebackers on the roster, plus Parsons who doubles as a DE. Part of the problem is that Jerry doesn't really do much in FA. By relying on the draft and bargain brand Free Agency, it puts you behind the 8 ball when injuries happen.

Another problem stems from the offense. The running game problems is another reason the defence failed. Using Tony Pollard like he's Zeke was never going to work. Mike McCarthy made it crystal clear that he wanted to run the ball. The FO thought that Pollard could be used like Zeke. Surprise, he can't. When this happens, the defence will be on the field more.

As you can see, the way the defence is constructed leads them to failure later in the season. In football, you have injuries. As that happens, you must have depth to withstand the problem. So, here's my attempt at solving this problem.

Firstly, I'd focus this upcoming draft on 3 places. Linebacker, running back, and NT. I'd take at least two linebackers this draft. If Penix doesn't drop to us at 24, take the best linebacker available, and then take another in round 5 or 6. If Penix does (assuming we go QB round 1), then go LB in rounds 2 and 5 and/or 6. I'd then go running back. I'd like the back from Texas (Brooks) in round 3. He's an up the middle back. I'd then use him there rotating occasionally with Dowdle and allowing Vaughn to be the scatback option. This should help us to control the ball and the clock more. It will make us less dependent on playing with a lead considering that our defence won't be on the field nearly as long. I'd then try to shift our defence to more of a 3-4 base. I know 4-3 is a traditional Cowboys bass, but I think the most effective way to use Parsons is our of a 3-4 base. This gives him some better protection because the DEs and DTs in a 3-4 have to be more physical. It's more predicated on stuffing the middle and allowing the LOLBs and ROLBs to rush more freely. Plus, Parsons can then rotate to different spots at LB to rush, depending on the play. Parsons can rush from the outside, or can blitz from a MLB spot as the 3-4 would open up some spots for him to rush. Plus, with Overshown coming back next year, he should be able to rotate with him on the outside for max effect.

I'd focus the defence more on physicality and less on the speed that our DEs have. The DBs still should be ballhawks, but we can't just rely on getting takeaways. We do want takeaways, but we should be constructing the team to be more physical. If we can become more physical and effective at stopping the run, the takeaways will happen. But, the 3-4 and bringing in more physical linebackers would allow us to stop the run more effectively, and it should result in better pass rush options.

I'd also get another DT this year, but this one Must be a NT. Mazi and Hankins would be 3-4 DEs in my view, and we would need a proper NT to clog the middle. Finally, I'd use FA to try to provide more depth at linebacker and NT.

If we do this, I think our defence can be more effective. Parsons won't be exhausted later in the season, and the team can be more effective.
I agree with LB and NT, but OLine is more important than RB. An average running back can find success with a good line. A great RB will struggle with a below average OLine.


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Good read, IMO the biggest obstacle facing this defense and the team has to deal with the Salary CAP hits from, DAK ($59mil), CD ($17Mil) Z. Martin ($28mil), DLAW ($20mil) Gallup ($13mil) how Jerry approaches the Salary Cap will determine everything....who gets the paid, who doesn't...can they or will they bring Free Agents in and who gets a new contract...Its gonna be a interesting offseason in Dallas.

Cowboys are currently setting $16mil over the cap....what will Jerry do
I disagree. we had 20M cap space last year. had 25M before handing out Diggs contract. and DLaw, Diggs righfully got their money (well maybe not Dlaw so much).....there is not that many good defensive players hitting the FA market. and if an do, then you have to overpay as there will be a lot of competition for that minimal number of players. you can't build through FA. you fill gaps through FA

the problem is we haven't been as good drafting defense. we have missed out on players like LVE, Charlton, Mazi, in the first round alone. missed out on Joseph, sam williams, Hill in the second round and missed on gallimore and overshown (injured) and only found Osa in the 3rd round and OSa is good but not great. when you miss on that many top draft picks, which should be foundation of the team, then you end up with a defense like ours.

cap will be adjusted. we have no choice but to redo Dak, my expectations is it will be a 4 year contract allowing us to get out of it in two years. then we will have cap space. same thing was said about the cap 3 years ago, 2 years ago and last year.


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One Dan Quinn is very culpable here. Why the heck is he getting a pass? He helped construct this mess. Then he doesn't adjust. I am praying he leaves.
I truly think he had no specific game plan in place for the packers game as he was interviewing a lot. we played the worst defensive performance of the year, outside of the demolishing in SF and Bills running wild on us.


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Im almost STILL too sickened by what happened against the Packers to even comment but I will. I thought it was beyond crazy from the start to go into the season with basically no back up linebackers like we did. I always thought we would sign someone,....but we just never did. Then, when we finally did midway through the season it was a washed up bum who ended up getting cut anyway after being sited for MJ use. oh,...than we grabbed another washed player in wilson right before the playoffs who didnt play anyway. Crazy,.....
I bet we could have traded for someone who could have helped us with our 4th round pick.


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not trying to be argumentative and I agree with the sentiment of what your saying, but if you're only going to get a first for him it makes more sense to just keep him since he's a known commodity. Now if it's for multiple picks that would bear some consideration.

Sure, and I'd obviously like to get more from him. That said, considering that letting him walk after his contract expires would likely net us a max 3rd round comp pick, is take the first round pick every time. Plus, by trading him and drafting a new first round WR, it restarts the clock.


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I agree with LB and NT, but OLine is more important than RB. An average running back can find success with a good line. A great RB will struggle with a below average OLine.

I agree that the oline needs to be rebuilt as well, that said, we need a running back as well. This is the problem when Jerry doesn't use free agency.