they are improved are deserving of SOME credit but man the SB aspirations NFC fave after those 2 games. Way early.. expectation are high..weve seen this every year by sports outlets. Early crowns seldom make it to the end. ive seen 6-0 teams fall on their face..
thats why you dont play 2 games and start the payoffs, 17 games a full season of all sports types shake out who you really are.
Im not worried as we will see truly how we match up to them when umm we actually Play them, H2h... as much as the haters wont admit it we need Dak back with Gallup, Mcgovern, Peters etc be at full strength to truly see how we matchup for the rams game as tune-up to the eagle's game all hands-on deck..
IDC how they play other teams, its why division games you play each other twice. You get to see for yourself who's better,