The Elite QB Farce


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You’re really ate up with Big Mike. It explains why you seem to have forgotten what’s transpired the last 25 years.

Happy, yes I had most thrilling moment in the last 25 years last Sunday when Jimmy was inducted . We are going to Canton for the glorious occasion.

No, I can’t take anything from Jerry at face value. Not after all these years. I trust him as far as I can throw the frucker. It’s like an alcoholic, he’s going to have to prove for years he doesn’t take a drink. and I’ll never trust he won’t again.

I still root for the team to win but I do get satisfaction he suffers if they don’t. I’m numb to it all after all of these years. It’s complicated Coach. Like an exwife you hate but still support the kids.

Jerry shades everything. I’ve never hated a sports figure worse . Which mirrors most of the Dallas area fans. He’s ruined our most beloved sports franchise.
Forgotten? It is because of those years that I am probably a little too giddy with this hire.

Are you not seeing the reaction for the most part across the board? Some were not on board and still aren't and that's fine, but the fence sitters got a bit of a shock when he started assembling his own staff and saw that as a glimmer of hope that the owner is starting to come to the realization what his team truly needs, a culture makeover. A HC to actually run his team for him.


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I don’t assign my self identity to concepts like “aligning to the status quo” or “challenging the status quo”.

These are just mental constructs that serve to confine and limit our opinions.

By stating “I rarely rarely accept the status quo”, that person often finds themselves supporting ideas simply because they are not the norm.

I refuse to limit myself in that way.

Fighting the power and tearing down the walls of reality can be fun pass-times and there’s certainly a place for it on the board but honestly, that gets boring real quick for me.

I like to talk about players, coaches and schemes without the emotional attachments that lock me in to a certain “mob”

speaking of, I keep hearing and seeing people referencing other posters as being part of one “mob” or another

when I signed up, I don’t recall being asked what “mob” I wanted to align myself ?

Am I a crip or a blood?
Am I a jet or a shark?
Am I team Edward or team Jacob?
Am I “Romo Mob” or “Dak Mob”?

it’s so silly.

I think I’ve been labeled as a member of several different “mobs” just in the past week. If I’m not even sure what these “mobs” are and the criteria for joining them I’m not sure how anyone else could just assign me that label. Seems pretty ignorant to me.
Assigning labels is a sign of ignorance.


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Forgotten? It is because of those years that I am probably a little too giddy with this hire.

Are you not seeing the reaction for the most part across the board? Some were not on board and still aren't and that's fine, but the fence sitters got a bit of a shock when he started assembling his own staff and saw that as a glimmer of hope that the owner is starting to come to the realization what his team truly needs, a culture makeover. A HC to actually run his team for him.
Coach, I’ve never used this board or any other forum as a barometer of Cowboys Nation.

As usual I reserve my analysis on Game Day and the results. The last time I was even remotely excited or my hope nudged up a bit was with Bill. Jerry ruined that too. And I expect similar results again.

If I’m pleasantly surprised then I’ll applaud Mike at that time.


Taco Engineer
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If you want to hang your hat on HOF QB’s aren’t Elite. You go right ahead. I dont even feel the need to argue it. I rest my case with their Induction.
Because you have no argument. Now run along.


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Coach - I’m curious how much hope you have with your Razorbacks ever winning another national championship or even a conference championship again. Does that deter you from still rooting them on and following even if it’s from a distance.

That’s how I’ve been for most of my life with Baylor except for a few pockets of fun. You expect to lose and hope to win . Unfortunately that’s where my Cowboys fandom has evolved. Not how it’s always been. But I walked away from that intensity after the 2007 season giving up my season tickets after 4 + decades with the best years of my life.

And I’m good with that. A lifetime of memories and joys. There’s still an occasional joy that pops up like the Jimmy induction. My wife insist I make the trip. I get chill bumps just typing it for its so emotional for me. I was so close to that team traveling with it for several years.

I’ve had to detach my emotions this era or I probably wouldn't have survived with my heart as serious as I used to be. I still enjoy watching the games on Sunday as that’s what I do. But the intensity is gone.

My last Cowboy game attended was the 2014 playoff game vs Lions. Took a good friend and great nephew who’s never been to a playoff game. That might be last time. The atmosphere is still riveting . I miss it.

I love football with all my heart. I’ll always love the Cowboys and what it meant to me most of my life. I still watch 25-30 hours a week with 4-5 games on at a time planning my life around it 4-5 months of the year. But Jerry has taken the pride I once had away.
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Taco Engineer
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No, it's really not. There are better players NOT in the HOF. I think you mean it is SUPPOSED to be full of elite players.
Bradshaw was not very good, he benefited from an amazing defense. He completed 52% of his passes and had a passer rating of 70. 212 TDs and 210 INTs isn't elite. I don't care what you think or how condescending you try to be.
Aikman only threw 165 TDs but 14 INTs. And he was NEVER an All Pro.
Correction - 141 INTs


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Of course they’re Elite QB’s. They are in the Hall of Fame. Lol
They were only considered ELITE AFTER winning championships tho. Same with Brady and Montana. And they all had things in common. Great coaching and a complete team. Marino was truly elite. How many rings did he retire with? Dan Fouts was elite. No rings. Why is that?
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Taco Engineer
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HOF QB’s aren’t Elite. What a crock of poop.
You're not as smart as you attempt to portray. You said you wouldn't argue, so move on.

And stop twisting my statements. I mentioned two, not ALL which is you losing a debate and changing the argument.


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You're not as smart as you attempt to portray. You said you wouldn't argue, so move on.

And stop twisting my statements. I mentioned two, not ALL which is you losing a debate and changing the argument.

HOF QB’s aren’t elite.

What an awesome forum.Ha

Who cares about winning an argument. The integrity of the game is at stake.

We have a new standard. Not all HOF QB are Elite.
Stop the presses. Breaking news!!!


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If you want to hang your hat on HOF QB’s aren’t Elite. You go right ahead. I dont even feel the need to argue it. I rest my case with their Induction.
You still have not gave us YOUR DEFINITION of an elite quarterback. So please elaborate. It’s very easy and elementary to call past Super Bowl winning Quarterbacks Elite. But how many were considered ELITE before winning a ring tho? Be honest. Stop pretending to be some football guru and keep it real. Quarterbacks like Bradshaw, Montana, Brady, etc would not be considered elite without championships because they were not athletic phenoms. They were all basic in strength and agility, but benefited from a great team and exceptional coaching. Please stop. You are really sounding juvenile. Like a fantasy football geek or something.
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There are 3 QBs better than Prescott in the playoffs right now with the Titans getting hot on defense with a dominating ground game never seen in the NFL post-season.

Yeah, good luck getting to the Super Bowl relying on outliers and a middling QB without an elite defense. Also the Super Bowls since 2010

Brady x3
Eli and Peyton Manning

Go look up how Flacco and Foles had to play to get to the Super Bowl. Again, good luck with relying on outliers to win one. Also, good luck paying a middling QB elite QB money and thinking you can get a 2012 Ravens D that sticks around long enough to win one.

Jimmy G isn’t better than Dak, and if we include all 8 teams from the divisional round Dak is clearly better than 3 (Tannehill, Garappolo, Cousins) and a better passer than another (Jackson). Dak and Watson are very similar in terms of numbers and success to this point in their careers. So only 3 of the final 8 teams this
year have a QB you can say is clearly better than Prescott and one of them (Rodgers) is nearing the end of his career while Dak has another 10+ years.


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They were only considered ELITE AFTER winning championships tho. Same with Brady and Montana. And they all had things in common. Great coaching and a complete team. Marino was truly elite. How many rings did he retire with? Dan Fouts was elite. No rings. Why is that?
He’s in the HOF too. Another Elite QB.


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That’s not trying. I mean actually obtaining. That was Parcells biggest mistake. Not drafting a Qb.

Last time made an effort was with Quincy.

Coaching is left to be seen if was Achilles heal and if we’ve corrected it. I suspect our talent was part of the problem. Along with leadership above.

Quincy was drafted at 53 and I don't really consider that to be a premium pick for a QB.
I think if you can't get your QB in the 1st round, then you trade to the top of the 2nd (like Chargers with Brees) and make sure you get the best QB left.
However, Jerry simply refuses to do that when drafting QB's, even though it's the most important position.

Can you imagine if Brees was a Cowboy all this time?


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Not all are.
I’ve never seen or heard of anyone not defining HOF QB as not elite.

it’s the most ridiculous comment I think I’ve ever heard in this forum.

Elite is a subjective term to begin with but if we can’t all agree HOF QB’s are the epitome of Elite then we are really at a crossroads of the definition.

I suspect this isn’t what most sports writers , historians of the game, experts, analyst would agree with . Probably only some slobbering Dak or Romo fans on a fan forum. Lol

This a new low for this forum.


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I’ve never seen or heard of anyone not defining HOF QB as not elite.

it’s the most ridiculous comment I think I’ve ever heard in this forum.

Elite is a subjective term to begin with but if we can’t all agree HOF QB’s are the epitome of Elite then we are really at a crossroads of the definition.

I suspect this isn’t what my most sports writers , experts, analyst would agree with . Probably only some slobbering Dak or Romo fans on a fan forum. Lol

This a new low for this forum.