Ok. Now it's a one full game healthy" qualifier? The fact is that Romo didn't look like himself all of last year. People can attribute those struggles to whatever they choose to, but it doesn't change the fact that they're true. But to expect him to simply step foot on the field and simply be 2014 'just because' is pretty narrow minded. And wishful thinking more than anything else.
You dont think he played well in the NY game?
And what other game was he healthy? I guess half of the Philly game. Which we also won.
I dont think anyone thought he was right in the Miami or Seattle games.
In the entire preseason this year leading up to the 2016 season, all the reports were that he looked not just as good, but better than in 2014.
All reports,no exceptions.
And they all said he was by far the best QB in camp as well. Live arm, quick on his feet.
I get why people are wary. The dude barely played in the preseason, completed 6 of 7 passes and ends up getting the compression fracture. Hurt...again
So yeah, I understand people not thinking he can go without getting hurt again.
But if healthy, I think hes hands down our best option...this year.