The Great Zeke!


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So here is the guy that the offense is supposed to run through. Here is the guy that we couldnt live without. Here is the guy that Dak couldnt function without. The unstoppable "best RB in the NFL".

Im just wondering when he is going to show up.

First 3 games was all Dak and the passing game. 4th game they put it in Zeke's hands and he folded up like a cheap suit. Worst game of his life.

Is this the guy that is going to lead us to a championship?

We should have let him rot in Cabo. This team needs a run stuffing DT and a ball hawking safety.
You must just need some attention huh Roy.


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It was something like,"I'm not a role model. Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids". I think there was more said than that, but that is the gist of it.

Did he also add that the parents should be the role model.


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It's not just Zeke, it's Cooper. We gave up a first for him as well, supposed to be the amazing route runner. He got busted in the mouth by a great corner and couldn't do much of anything for most of the game.

We've used two first round picks on skill positions out of the past 4 drafts. We continue to hope late round safeties pan out to be more than where they were drafted.

Cooper? Cmon, the guy has been tearing it up. He has been hurt, that was obvious last game and the Saints CB is no chump.

Zeke on the other hand, hasn't been a difference maker or a force in ANY game this year.


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Zeke out-earned himself on the ground over the first 3 weeks of this season than he did in any other season prior to that stink show Sunday night. I'm not worried.

Games 1-3...
2016: 71 att | 274 yds | 3.85 ypc | 2 TDs | 19 1STD
2017: 55 att | 192 yds | 3.49 ypc | 1 TDs | 12 1STD
2018: 48 att | 274 yds | 5.70 ypc | 2 TDs | 12 1STD
2019: 55 att | 289 yds | 5.25 ypc | 2 TDs | 18 1STD

The game plan was pure ***** and called for runs right up the middle straight into the strength of the Saints DL who got Rankins back. Our OL was getting ate up on the inside. Williams, Frederick and Martin had an awful game, and you'd think the 2nd half would've brought some adjustments, but nope. Reminded me eerily of his very first game vs the Giants when they continually ran him on wham plays right into Snacks, but would put in Morris who would get positive yardage on off tackle runs. Baffling.

The offense SHOULDN'T run through him. I love him and even I knew that they should sign him with the hope of deploying him correctly... which is what they did weeks 1-3. He quietly earned great yardage those three weeks. Anyone complaining just doesn't like him, which is your prerogative.

It would, however, be asinine to complain about the contract not being worth it 4 weeks into a said contract.

Not about making the yards, its about making the big plays. Being unstoppable. Being the difference maker.

Havent seen any of that from Zeke at all this year.

Plenty of backs that can get their yards in this offense given lots of carries. Pollard is a perfect example of that on our own team.


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Well, the Oline was pathetic in that game. They got manhandled and there was no where to run. But don’t let that get in the way of your agenda. Carry on!

The best RB in the league is supposed to make plays. If he relies solely on the Oline, then he isn't the best back in the league. Simple as that.


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The thing is... Zeke >> Gordon, so not exactly the same situation for them both. EE had way more leverage than MG... but also we have to take into account his POV and how they figure the next couple of years panning out (prior to him having signed).

So if we look at it like his agent likely did... 2019 was lowest salary year of any year during the years the Cowboys can control his contract, and happened to be the first year he could negotiate. If he had sat out Sept - Nov, it wouldn't cost him as much in a $3.85M salary year (+ fines) than it would have if he waited and would have been tagged x2 (which he would have) and sat out either one of those years at ~$11M - $13M.

Hopefully that makes sense. Someone broke that down for me and I was like


Gordon is more talented that Zeke. Not as durable.


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He's still on pace for at least 1300 yards and 12 tds. He's still 7th in rushing coming into the week, and this is with a "poor" start. What people don't realize is zeke is a grind it out type runner with excellent vision. How many 3rd and 2's and 1's does this guy get to pickup first downs for us. He is clutch and reliable. I would also argue his fumble from the other day wasn't even close to a fumble. Zeke will be fine.

He is definitely not clutch. Nothing clutch about the guy. A plodding, lacks big plays, doesn't make enough people miss, needs tons of carries back.


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We’ve seen what our offense is behind Dak without the productive running game. Cowboys are 1-8 when Elliott has under 75 yards.

It’s a proven defensive scheme. Stop Elliott , our running game and force Dak to beat you over the top.

LOL...… Dak did throwing for 1200 yards and 10 TD's for the first 3 weeks?

Then we go back to force Zeke and the entire offense takes a dump.

Still game #4 and the great Zeke has barely shown his face.


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We’ve seen what our offense is behind Dak without the productive running game. Cowboys are 1-8 when Elliott has under 75 yards.

It’s a proven defensive scheme. Stop Elliott , our running game and force Dak to beat you over the top.

LOL...… Dak did throwing for 1200 yards and 10 TD's for the first 3 weeks?

Then we go back to force Zeke and the entire offense takes a dump.


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Not against the better teams anyway. The same thing happened during Zekes suspension. Dak was enough against lesser opponents but not equal or better teams without Elliott.

And I’m not blaming Dak for the loss. I’d point the two fumbles and give credit to Saints defense. As poorly as offense played we still had a shot.

We know what Dak is and why we’ve surrounded him with all of this talent. And why signing Elliott was a priority over Dak.

Dak looked great in those early games against bottom tier opponents. Let’s hope this game was just a bump in the road. Time will tell.

That was 2 years ago genius. Things are different now. And we have a back that is probably more talented than Zeke playing behind him.

LOL...….and how did the great Zeke look when featured against a REAL defense? Like a turd.

Had we put the game in the hands of Dak, we win that game by 10 points minimum.


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Zeke cares about himself and no one else. He's not a role model for a kid to look up to. That's for sure.
He's a kid. Give him time. If he continues to be self-centered, he won't last long and we will be trashing the next RB the Cowboys draft.


Safety third
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So here is the guy that the offense is supposed to run through. Here is the guy that we couldnt live without. Here is the guy that Dak couldnt function without. The unstoppable "best RB in the NFL".

Im just wondering when he is going to show up.

First 3 games was all Dak and the passing game. 4th game they put it in Zeke's hands and he folded up like a cheap suit. Worst game of his life.

Is this the guy that is going to lead us to a championship?

We should have let him rot in Cabo. This team needs a run stuffing DT and a ball hawking safety.

You just don't understand the RB position.


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Ok, were ALL a bit pissed about getting the snot beat out of us and OMG we lost 1 game!!! Someone call chicken little the damn sky IS falling... I'm not to happy about it either, but as we sit here and blow up some of our best players, we forget to remember WHO is in ultimately at fault for a crap sandwich game plan, and NO adjustments at the half. I dare any of you to stand with your hands down and dare someone to hit you in the mouth, more then likely unless your Bruce Lee, or Chuck Norris, your gonna get popped in your mouth. Garret is a dufus, no one will ever change my mind about him, he's half A** at his best day. Sean Peyton KNOWS Garret is a moron, and he used that against his team. Bottom line is, we got OUT played, OUT coached and that gets laid square on clappers shoulders. Not Dak, not Zeke, not coop hell not even our Oline, We could have adjusted to what they were giving us, and turned it on them. Instead, we played within Garrets stupid process....I for one, hope like hell his butt is GONE after this season. Yeah I know we could get worst, but at least it'll allow that nasty taste to dissipate from our mouths for a while. Just my thoughts on it all. Let's stick with our guys and hope they can win in spite of clap like they have in the past, and THAT includes Romo.