The I'm NOT done with TO thread.


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Bag on the guy if you must.

But when Choice was getting first downs.. it was TO that was going up to him and headbutting him.

It was TO that pumped his fist when Choice got a first down.

On a side... DID YOU SEE Roy Williams go up to TO and start the "T" - "O" to celebrate WITH TO.

I dont know... I see TEAM COMRADERY...

TO is a major cog in this offense... dont get it confused. Please.


Well-Known Member
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Did you see that time where Tony gave T.O. a chance to make a play for him and T.O. quit on yet another route for like the 80th time in his career here? I wish I could forget it but it happens almost every week.

I could see the thoughts running through Coach Sherman's head as he attempted to calm down this petulant, self-absorbed child on the sidelines after we blew the game. "Where did I leave this guy's pacifier?"

Yeah, camaraderie.


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YoMick;2473835 said:
Bag on the guy if you must.

But when Choice was getting first downs.. it was TO that was going up to him and headbutting him.

It was TO that pumped his fist when Choice got a first down.

On a side... DID YOU SEE Roy Williams go up to TO and start the "T" - "O" to celebrate WITH TO.

I dont know... I see TEAM COMRADERY...

TO is a major cog in this offense... dont get it confused. Please.

For the record, it didn't look like he "gave up" on that route on Romo's first INT like all the knee-jerkers said. Looked like he made either a bad break or slipped a bit-Troy P would have had the pick either way.

I've never been a fan of the guy, but I'm surprised by all the hatred on him by this board.

Ben Roflsberger

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were spoiled. you lose TO,you lose a major playmaker on offense and you lose games. be careful what you wish for, i know all those TO bashers would **** their pants if he got hurt


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Ben Roflsberger;2473886 said:
were spoiled. you lose TO,you lose a major playmaker on offense and you lose games. be careful what you wish for, i know all those TO bashers would **** their pants if he got hurt

That's what I've been trying to tell all the haters here-you never know what you have until they're GONE.

You saw how the Giants offense took a significant hit without their boneheaded star receiver-sure, he's lazy and a detriminet in their locker room, but that doesn't keep opposing defenses from giving him the respect by shadowing a safety in front of him(instead of loading him in the box).


Dem Boyz
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Its comedy to me bcause the same guys bashin T.O now, will be the same on the guys sack, when he catches a TD, or what not. bet they were not talkin smack when he had over 200+ yards in a game not so long ago!


The Proletariat
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TO isn't this teams problem.
I'm glad we have him. Now if only our OC could utilize our talent, we'd have no discussions like this.

Ben Roflsberger

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exactly, the guys an elite reciever and demands extra attention. did hines get any catches yesterday? it was a hardfought heartbreaking loss, and to say cut TO of all things is not the answer to make this team better. people are just upset at the loss and pointing fingers. it was witten and romo yesterday. today is TO. tomorrow itll be something new


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YoMick;2473835 said:
Bag on the guy if you must.

But when Choice was getting first downs.. it was TO that was going up to him and headbutting him.

It was TO that pumped his fist when Choice got a first down.

On a side... DID YOU SEE Roy Williams go up to TO and start the "T" - "O" to celebrate WITH TO.

I dont know... I see TEAM COMRADERY...

TO is a major cog in this offense... dont get it confused. Please.

On a side... DID YOU SEE Roy Williams go up to TO and start the "T" - "O" to celebrate WITH TO.

Yeah I did, they both looked stupid.:D


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Ben Roflsberger;2473913 said:
exactly, the guys an elite reciever and demands extra attention. did hines get any catches yesterday? it was a hardfought heartbreaking loss, and to say cut TO of all things is not the answer to make this team better. people are just upset at the loss and pointing fingers. it was witten and romo yesterday. today is TO. tomorrow itll be something new

Like I said-typical kneejerk MMBQ reaction-the same people who says such and such player is the lone fault are also the same people who point fingers at the defense(or whatever) the next day, forgetting all about what he/she said the prior day.

I guess the good things about these losses is that we forget about them completely a month later. For example, we had a gut-wrenching loss to the Hawks in '05 in the same manner as yesterday-but at least we can laugh about it now.


Drink Me
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whats funny is that TO was not the one who cost us the game, had we won that game everyone would be talking about how clutch his catch was.
TO is just easy to bash because he speaks his mind and has plenty of media attention. All accounts of TO at practice speak of him as one of the hardest working guys in NFL history. Just look at his physique and you can tell the guy does everything he can to stay in shape and remain the playmaker he is. The idea that he does all that work just to "quit" as soon as he gets out on the field is just silly. The fact is we don't really know what kind of route TO was supposed to run or what kind of communication problems could have happened between 81 and Romo, they appeared to be making changes at the line. We just see the end result and blast everyone with our 20/20 hindsight.

For the record, I like TO. I like his work ethic, his passion, and how he just fights through defenders to make that play. We lost to a good team yesterday in tough conditions. Yeah we prolly should have won, but we are still very much alive in the playoff hunt. Now lets stop freaking out over a game that changed from one unfortunate play. We got the Giants this week, time to make a statement.


Active Member
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When TO gets the ball....

We win....most of the times..

When TO doesnt get the ball

We lose most of the times....

Its funny how we blame TO when the ball is forced to him.....but we fail to realize that TO isnt throwing the ball.

Should we start blaming the RB's if the OL doesnt open holes for them?

Should we blame our Cb's if we create no pass rush?

Coaches coach but they dont tell our Qb's to throw to TO on a play....TO may be the primary WR on a play but reads have to be made and the decision is up to the QB on where that ball is thrown.

Romo has missed alot of open receivers lately. We saw it yesterday on a throw to Williams double coverered.....even tho Bennett was directly in front of him wide open.

We witnessed TO calling for Romo on the quick slant because the defense was playing off on a critical short distance play and Romo waited to long and missed fired.

Im not a huge TO fan....but he is our playmaker.

Romo needs to use all his options better. We have too much talent. Players are open......Romo didnt make good decisions yesterday......plain and simple.


Internet Somebody
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YoMick;2473835 said:
But when Choice was getting first downs.. it was TO that was going up to him and headbutting him.

Is that a fact? Well, it's just like that selfish bastage to try to knock Choice unconcious because he doesn't want him getting any credit for the offense when they do good.



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Draegerman;2474018 said:
Is that a fact? Well, it's just like that selfish bastage to try to knock Choice unconcious because he doesn't want him getting any credit for the offense when they do good.



TO knows he aint winning the championship by himself. He loves his teammates.

So what if TO gets pissed when we lose. He should. I do. You do. We all do.