The I'm NOT done with TO thread.


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Boy YoMick..I LOVE your Sig!!! oh and also agree with your thread! He keeps it real. People try and compare T.O. to some of the other less vocal Wide Outs. We knew that the media would follow T.O. when he got to Dallas, and honestly I am ok with that. If T.O. was not here, forget it....


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Him and Romo have made mostly beautiful music together for 2.5 years now. They have combined for the most TD connections during that span. We're a worse team without him.


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I won't name names nor call out any of our fellow Zoners here-but there's a select few who've mysteriously disappeared during our run of winning 4/5, and now that we've lost all of a sudden, they're back in full force with all these "Get rid of TO!" threads...this was the same crap they started when we had a previous slide of losing back-back games against the lowly Cards and Rams.


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superpunk;2473848 said:
Did you see that time where Tony gave T.O. a chance to make a play for him and T.O. quit on yet another route for like the 80th time in his career here? I wish I could forget it but it happens almost every week.

I could see the thoughts running through Coach Sherman's head as he attempted to calm down this petulant, self-absorbed child on the sidelines after we blew the game. "Where did I leave this guy's pacifier?"

Yeah, camaraderie.

Another silly fan making pronouncements from his recliner...:laugh2:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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YoMick;2473835 said:
Bag on the guy if you must.

But when Choice was getting first downs.. it was TO that was going up to him and headbutting him.

It was TO that pumped his fist when Choice got a first down.

On a side... DID YOU SEE Roy Williams go up to TO and start the "T" - "O" to celebrate WITH TO.

I dont know... I see TEAM COMRADERY...

TO is a major cog in this offense... dont get it confused. Please.

I cannot add anything to this. Very well said. Sadly, this thread won't be as popular as the "other" thread. We know the real deal though.

Love the title. :)


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5Countem5;2474218 said:
Another silly fan making pronouncements from his recliner...:laugh2:

Where do you make your silly pronouncements from? A sit-N-spin?


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superpunk;2474222 said:
Where do you make your silly pronouncements from? A sit-N-spin?

I actually don't make silly, couch-rider pronouncements comparable to yours by deciding someone's intent in something I have little knowledge of.

But I realize that doesn't stop you from doing it.
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Boysboy;2473898 said:
That's what I've been trying to tell all the haters here-you never know what you have until they're GONE.

You saw how the Giants offense took a significant hit without their boneheaded star receiver-sure, he's lazy and a detriminet in their locker room, but that doesn't keep opposing defenses from giving him the respect by shadowing a safety in front of him(instead of loading him in the box).

If this doesn't say it all for the TO lovers here, I don't know what does. "Sure, he's lazy and a detriment in our locker room, but that doesn't keep opposing defenses from giving him the respect..." Except replace lazy with "a self-absorbed, self-centered, self-fill in the blanks, punk who would throw anyone under the bus if it served his purposes. When have you ever seen Romo, or any professional QB, complain when his receivers dropped the ball? With Owens last year, that was every freaking week! There have been several times this year that Romo could have gone to the sidelines & blown up about Owen's routes, drops, antics, etc.

Some of you would accept Charles Manson on the team if he ran a low 40 time, and could catch the ball. You can't see that sometimes getting rid of a talented, but self-centered player, is addition by subtraction. Tell me, have you, in your entire life, seen a wide receiver sit for an interview just to complain about his lack of involvement in the offense, AFTER A WIN???!!! If that doesn't prove to you how disinterested in the TEAM approach to winning Owens is, you are a lost cause, and there's no use talking to you.

I really hope that the reason JJ traded for Roy Williams is to have leverage if Owens goes too far, and he can let Owens go in the off season. I hope Owens has gone too far.


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Cogan;2474227 said:
If this doesn't say it all for the TO lovers here, I don't know what does. "Sure, he's lazy and a detriment in our locker room, but that doesn't keep opposing defenses from giving him the respect..." Except replace lazy with "a self-absorbed, self-centered, self-fill in the blanks, punk who would throw anyone under the bus if it served his purposes. When have you ever seen Romo, or any professional QB, complain when his receivers dropped the ball? With Owens last year, that was every freaking week! There have been several times this year that Romo could have gone to the sidelines & blown up about Owen's routes, drops, antics, etc.

Some of you would accept Charles Manson on the team if he ran a low 40 time, and could catch the ball. You can't see that sometimes getting rid of a talented, but self-centered player, is addition by subtraction. Tell me, have you, in your entire life, seen a wide receiver sit for an interview just to complain about his lack of involvement in the offense, AFTER A WIN???!!! If that doesn't prove to you how disinterested in the TEAM approach to winning Owens is, you are a lost cause, and there's no use talking to you.

I really hope that the reason JJ traded for Roy Williams is to have leverage if Owens goes too far, and he can let Owens go in the off season. I hope Owens has gone too far.

That was beautiful.:)


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Dave_in-NC;2474231 said:
That was beautiful.:)

Beautiful? It's hilarious that so many here seem to have a problem yet none of the Cowboys (even the mouthy ones like Crayton) seem to.

I guess Jerry should cut him because some fans are "tired of him"... :lmao:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Cogan;2474227 said:
If this doesn't say it all for the TO lovers here, I don't know what does. "Sure, he's lazy and a detriment in our locker room, but that doesn't keep opposing defenses from giving him the respect..." Except replace lazy with "a self-absorbed, self-centered, self-fill in the blanks, punk who would throw anyone under the bus if it served his purposes. When have you ever seen Romo, or any professional QB, complain when his receivers dropped the ball? With Owens last year, that was every freaking week! There have been several times this year that Romo could have gone to the sidelines & blown up about Owen's routes, drops, antics, etc.

Some of you would accept Charles Manson on the team if he ran a low 40 time, and could catch the ball. You can't see that sometimes getting rid of a talented, but self-centered player, is addition by subtraction. Tell me, have you, in your entire life, seen a wide receiver sit for an interview just to complain about his lack of involvement in the offense, AFTER A WIN???!!! If that doesn't prove to you how disinterested in the TEAM approach to winning Owens is, you are a lost cause, and there's no use talking to you.

I really hope that the reason JJ traded for Roy Williams is to have leverage if Owens goes too far, and he can let Owens go in the off season. I hope Owens has gone too far.

I think you took a wrong turn at the fork. Your pile on chariot awaits you..


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5Countem5;2474226 said:
I actually don't make silly, couch-rider pronouncements comparable to yours by deciding someone's intent in something I have little knowledge of.

But I realize that doesn't stop you from doing it.

I've watched TO long enough to know that he has a second gear that he can get into if he really wants something, and I've also watched him long enough to be able to tell that he's let up on a route - yes, even from a couch it's pretty evident. I'm sorry if you don't have the same ability from your sit-n-spin.

If you object to people voicing their opinions like that, maybe a forum isn't the place for you, sweetheart.


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superpunk;2474249 said:
I've watched TO long enough to know that he has a second gear that he can get into if he really wants something, and I've also watched him long enough to be able to tell that he's let up on a route - yes, even from a couch it's pretty evident. I'm sorry if you don't have the same ability from your sit-n-spin.

If you object to people voicing their opinions like that, maybe a forum isn't the place for you, sweetheart.

You may be right. I thought I would find some maturity here and while many are, they seemed to be drowned out by the screaming children who "Weally, weally wanted to win".

So you think he allowed the ball to be intercepted...why? To punish Romo for not throwing him the ball?


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5Countem5;2474243 said:
Beautiful? It's hilarious that so many here seem to have a problem yet none of the Cowboys (even the mouthy ones like Crayton) seem to.

I guess Jerry should cut him because some fans are "tired of him"... :lmao:

Do you know for a fact players aren't tired of watching him pout?
Do you know for a fact that players are not tired of his useless interviews, and self promotion?

Didn't think so.


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5Countem5;2474259 said:
You may be right. I thought I would find some maturity here and while many are, they seemed to be drowned out by the screaming children who "Weally, weally wanted to win".

So you think he allowed the ball to be intercepted...why? To punish Romo for not throwing him the ball?

I can't read his thoughts. Not even from my couch.


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superpunk;2474263 said:
I can't read his thoughts. Not even from my couch.

why not? you seem to be in love with him. after all, you've been watching TO long enough to know what routes he's supposed to run...every play...every game.


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Audiman;2474279 said:
why not? you seem to be in love with him. after all, you've been watching TO long enough to know what routes he's supposed to run...every play...every game.
I didn't say anything about him running the wrong route, or an incorrect route. Therefore you would appear to have no point, and you're just typing for the sake of typing.


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superpunk;2474249 said:
I've watched TO long enough to know that he has a second gear that he can get into if he really wants something, and I've also watched him long enough to be able to tell that he's let up on a route - yes, even from a couch it's pretty evident. I'm sorry if you don't have the same ability from your sit-n-spin.

If you object to people voicing their opinions like that, maybe a forum isn't the place for you, sweetheart.

No, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You expect T.O. to do the impossible just because you hate him (for no good reason) and think that he "runs his mouth" (he's actually pretty modest about his abilities when you really look at it). You want him to make plays on balls 4 yards behind him when he's running at full speed...a full speed that is unmatched. You want him to defy the laws of physics just because he's Terrell Owens. I've seen people say this same BS ever since he went to the star. Every interception the QB throws his way is "his fault." Go figure.


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superpunk;2474286 said:
I didn't say anything about him running the wrong route, or an incorrect route. Therefore you would appear to have no point, and you're just typing for the sake of typing.

you said you can read into his routes and can tell when he quits on plays. therefore, you must know what he's thinking at all times...


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Audiman;2474308 said:
you said you can read into his routes and can tell when he quits on plays. therefore, you must know what he's thinking at all times...
Please tell me where I said what I have bolded below. If you cannot, then my above reply stands.

Audiman;2474279 said:
why not? you seem to be in love with him. after all, you've been watching TO long enough to know what routes he's supposed to run...every play...every game.