The Impossible (but Only) Solution

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I'm seeing quite clearly, thank you. You, on the other hand, better think long and hard before calling the veterans, on this board, "blind sheep marching to slaughter."
Instead of trying to respond with attempted catchy phrases how about you actually add some real perspective to the conversation.
How about showing me the error of my thought process? How about explaining how anything I said isn't true about the war profiteers funding the political machine to keep us in a constant state of war?
I imagine that would be more interesting than your tired weak minded attempt at inaccurately reframing my position.

I am going to guess you lack the ability to though.

But to respond to your weak attempt I will say this...
I am a big advocate of our service members. I work through my company to provide services to members of the military. My best friend was leading troops on his second tour in Irag and was shot by a sniper forever changing his life. So our governments propaganda is a factor in sending these brave men into harms way. The soldier can be noble and good even if the government who sends him there isn't operating with the same level of nobility or ethics.

Its your turn....Show me what you've got!
The nation is in an uproar. For the most part, I’ve remained pseudo-neutral on the topic of debate. While admittedly, I haven’t exactly remained quiet on the issue, I also haven’t picked up the torch for either side. Recently, I pointed out the faults in both sides of the argument (e.g. the players actions only mean something to the wrong audience and the wrong audience response to it is a waste of energy and time for something that in no way tangibly effects them), however, what I did not do is present a solution because I believe the solution is largely out of reach for our collective nation.

Then the unthinkable happened. The players protest affected me in a tangible way (not that it is necessarily their fault). I texted my parents this morning in hopes of catching the next noon game with them as a family only to find out my father is boycotting the NFL in response to the protest. For some, that may mean nothing, but for me our family watching football together was one of the most important past times that shaped my young life. It was one of those times where regardless of our differences, we came together as a family to enjoy the game and by extension each other’s company. And now in my adulthood with a family of my own (wife and two boys), it is one of the few times we can find a pretext to get together and rekindle our familial-bond. Granted, we don’t need a game to accomplish that, but it’s the vehicle to that experience we know and love together.

In a last ditch effort (however feeble or effective) to maintain my grip on that favorite pastime of my family, here’s the Nation’s much-needed solution:

The solution is simple in the telling, but (I believe) impossible in the execution.

Let’s start with the “Why.”

Imagine your mind is a bottomless pond fed by five tributaries. Each river represent a sense (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, & Smell). When you are young, all manner of God’s creatures are represented with one exception: Predators. As you grow and are introduced to various forms of expression with various intent, the opportunity for predators to be introduced to this pond increase exponentially.

The issue is when you introduce a predator (which represent the negative in this world) is the eventual and subsequent result of these predators eating all of the herbivores (which represent the good in this world). This means, of course, the earlier a predator is introduced to a child’s development, the more dangerous that person’s pond (mind) can become to not just the bearer of that mind but to everyone that mind comes in contact with.

As we grow older, experiences allow for various filters (or damns) to be put in place that either weed out the predators or the herbivores, dependent on the nature of those experiences. This is a paramount understanding to the issues that oppresses everyone (and, yes, I mean everyone, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, or creed) in America today.

The root cause of these issues?

The freedoms we should not enjoy. To fix the problem (and why I believe it is impossible) we must fix the constitution. That’s right, no more freedom of speech. No more freedom of expression. No more saying whatever we want however we want whenever we want.


If not for our sake, our future sake…our children’s sake who lack the fundamental ability to discern the good from the bad. These sensory injections shape our children’s perspective on the world that surrounds them; how they view the world and how they act as a result.

Now for the (Impossible) “How.”

We need to delete from our collective conscious, our hard drives, our smart phones, our clouds, our internet every cd/movie/other form of entertainment any and all music, TV shows, video games, movies (or other form of political or artistic expression) that make disparaging remarks about race, sexual preference, political affiliation, creed, sex, and the police/government. That’s right, no more NWA, no more Beastie Boys, no more Eminem, no more celebration of drug use, a life of crime, murder, rape, or any other negative unproductive use of our time regardless of their stated intent. If it can be misperceived as a celebration of that life, even in the form of ones testimony as to why they turned away from it, it should be deleted (ideally worldwide, but nationwide would be a beautiful beginning). Obviously, this would also mean a nationwide ban on the production of such forms of entertainment/expression/political views going forward.

Now I get it. This is not a popular (and most likely impossible) solution. But considering the “Why” I already covered, it is the only solution, regardless if you accept that as truth or not. Whether or not you believe in God or the bible (Philippians 4:8 / Ephesians 4:17-19), science itself backs my assertions. The unconscious mind believes everything it hears, says, feels, taste, and smells. The unconscious mind lacks the discernment to decide between what is a truth and what is a lie; what is good for us and what is bad for us. So everything you feed your mind has an impact on how you perceive and view the world. It shapes your perspective and how you act accordingly. And this, of course, is especially the case for our children who lacks the experience (damns) to filter out predators that can otherwise pollute their young minds.

People are often under the mistaken impression that we can only eat things that are bad for us. The truth is, everything we consume (with every sense we experience the world through) can have a positive or negative impact on both our physical and spiritual body.

The ugly truth is it’s too late for many of us; the proverbial die has been cast as far as how we adults see and perceive the world. But it’s not too late for our future generations. Every day that these various negative forms of expression exist in our world, another child is exposed to the potential of becoming a racist, a bigot, a rapist, a criminal, or perhaps the worst thing they could possibly become: a hero in the eyes of the world who champions these various negative expressions (singer with a negative outlook/rapper who celebrates crime, drug use, hate towards the different or police themselves/bigot politician that would speak against a race, sex, religious belief/athlete whose negative actions off the field of play are shouted from the rooftops/police officer who racially profiles and has an automated fear-response to seeing a person of different race and acts with overt or passive aggression as a result).

As has been stated by many, what these protest and boycotts lack is an offered and acceptable solution. Like it or not, above is your only solution. Whether or not our nation applies it (which I doubt) is beside the point. Because if we can all at least recognize that the above is the only solution, maybe (just maybe) we can collectively (at least) agree that we American’s still have it pretty good as compared to most of the world, agree that we aren’t perfect but thank God we aren’t who we were as a country in yesteryears, and maybe we can just agree to disagree and get back to watching and enjoying football as one big national family.

Good food for thought.

Personally, I feel no need to have the Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, or any other non-sports references before a game.
If the team is in consensus, they should do that as a unit in the privacy of their locker room.

I don't watch a sporting event to get reminded of patriotism or spiritual connections; there are much better venues for that, and frankly, it's personal.

BTW, I served in the Army during the Vietnam War, and I'm a Christian.
And I'm proud to live in a country where people are free to serve and believe any way they want.
I just wonder if we've really ever had "liberty and justice for all".
There's nothing to be got. We're back at square 1. I think that the flag and anthem ceremony is special because I believe that the USA is special. It's special because it guarantees freedoms and rights that other political systems don't want it citizens to have. The USA military mans the wall between them and us and your friend volunteered to man the wall. You, on the other hand believe there is some wizard war profiteers behind the screen making money by constantly starting new conflicts, with the complicity of whatever political party happens to be in charge, and that these guys must be some kind of stupid not to see it otherwise why volunteer to go into harms way. sucks to be you.
The Constitution's version of "freedom of speech" pertains more to government.
People do not just generically have freedom of speech anywhere and any way they choose.
That's a misconception.
Yes I believe our politicians have a financial interest in keeping us in perpetual war. You don't? Do you understand how campaign finance works and how the military industrial complex has to make sure its war contractors need to keep justifying and spending our money? Look up the latest multi billion dollar nuclear submarine we just bought.... Why are we spending billions on a nuclear sub when we have never needed to utilize the other 62 nuclear subs we already have? We have an estimated 7k nuclear weapons....if we had the desire to nuke anyone we already have 7k weapons to we really need more? About 20 nuclear weapons launched would end life on earth. So why keep making them?
So who is our enemy? Why are we spending trillions of dollars fighting against countries so poor they don't even own a tank, a missile, or an airplane?

You need to open your eyes and see the big picture.
Please provide us where you got all those stats. That's an ominous message you are conveying.
Please provide us where you got all those stats. That's an ominous message you are conveying.
Nukes to end life on earth

USS Delaware Sub Cost

How many nuclear weapons do we have?

I stand corrected. We have 71 nuclear subs.
We have never launched a nuke from a single one. Yet we keep spending billions making more. Why?

You should know by now that I don't pull stats and info from my rear. If I am saying it then its true.
Nukes to end life on earth

USS Delaware Sub Cost

How many nuclear weapons do we have?

You should know by now that I don't pull stats and info from my rear. If I am saying it then its true.
I appreciate your reply. Now, please excuse me while I study these links. Thank you.
My idea is that we should listen to the feelings of fellow Americans and consider their views, life experiences, and feelings. I believe in the end we are better for this. I believe closing our mind to the pain of others does nothing to make us stronger as a country. We are uncomfortable with others perspectives and many of us would rather shut our eyes and ears instead of showing human empathy and decency. We should stop trying to interpret someone elses intent and for once talk about it..

This boycott and shutting ourselves away from things we are not comfortable with is troubling to me. Our current president (regardless of your political party) is not setting the right example for our children. He should be teaching to communicate with each other in times of differences and conflict. Instead he is handling the NFL situation like he is handling North Korea. Instead of trying to talk like a tough guy how about sitting down and talking about issues and differences. Both situations have the ability to blow up in his face.
AND I think your attitude is part of the problem. Clearly left of center and thus not able to recognize reality.
Nukes to end life on earth

USS Delaware Sub Cost

How many nuclear weapons do we have?

I stand corrected. We have 71 nuclear subs.
We have never launched a nuke from a single one. Yet we keep spending billions making more. Why?

You should know by now that I don't pull stats and info from my rear. If I am saying it then its true.
It is really simple. Mutual Assured Destruction.

That is why both sides never got near the trigger (despite what some claim in 1983 that has been pretty much debunked).

Simplistic emotional responses like yours have no basis in the real world.
It is really simple. Mutual Assured Destruction.

That is why both sides never got near the trigger (despite what some claim in 1983 that has been pretty much debunked).

Simplistic emotional responses like yours have no basis in the real world.
So once again you can debunk nothing I say. You resort to insults to make up for your lack of insight or facts.
AND I think your attitude is part of the problem. Clearly left of center and thus not able to recognize reality.
Instead of disputed, proving or debating my points you repeat a goofy statement that proves your lack of intellect.
Simple solution is for these owners to just have the normal everyday employer employee talk. In normal business the one who pays the salaries makes the rules. Why don't these owners just say " Once you put on that uniform u r representing my business, I want u to stand for the national anthem". Seems pretty simple to me. Why are these players any different from you and I? My employer IBM would never allow me to make any political statement at the front door. Why is this any different?
My idea is that we should listen to the feelings of fellow Americans and consider their views, life experiences, and feelings. I believe in the end we are better for this. I believe closing our mind to the pain of others does nothing to make us stronger as a country. We are uncomfortable with others perspectives and many of us would rather shut our eyes and ears instead of showing human empathy and decency. We should stop trying to interpret someone elses intent and for once talk about it..

This boycott and shutting ourselves away from things we are not comfortable with is troubling to me. Our current president (regardless of your political party) is not setting the right example for our children. He should be teaching to communicate with each other in times of differences and conflict. Instead he is handling the NFL situation like he is handling North Korea. Instead of trying to talk like a tough guy how about sitting down and talking about issues and differences. Both situations have the ability to blow up in his face.
What boycott? These players are being paid and they are in their company uniforms. Boycott, if they really had any balls would be refusing to play due to their perceived social injustices. How was Oboma at sitting down and talking about issues and differences? All these kids today now need safe spaces after 8 years of Oboma, terrible terrible example he set for our children.
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