CFZ The interesting similarities between Don Meredith and Dak Prescott


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BUT I think the real Dak bots think this but are too gutless to say it
Not a fair comparison. Homey is in rarefied air as far as QB. Of course you would take him over Prescott. But Prescott is right in the mix with the other 31 quarterbacks in this league.

CT Dal Fan

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In January of 1969, at the age of 31, Don Meredith, the Dallas Cowboys’ first “star” QB shocked the sports world by announcing his retirement. I was 10 years old at the time and remember being shocked that Meredith did that. But much like the current Cowboys QB, Meredith had become unpopular with fans for not getting it done in the playoffs and after numerous injuries he felt his time was up.

In fact, I find it very interesting how similar the situation is today in 2024 to what happened after the Cowboys 1968 early exit from the playoffs

Don Meredith had led those 60s Cowboys from expansion team awful to making the playoffs 3 straight years including two heartbreaking losses to GB in the conference championship games in 1966 at the Cotton Bowl and in the Ice Bowl at Lambeau in 1967. Meredith’s last playoff game in 1968 ended in an embarrassing 31-20 loss to the browns in the first round.

Despite having a very good regular season record as a starter, Meredith ended up 1-3 in the playoffs, his one playoff win being a first round win against the Browns in ‘67 at the Cotton Bowl. In 1968, the Cowboys were 12-2, division winners, had made the playoffs 3 straight years, and looked like they were primed to go to another conference championship game. Then disaster struck in the first round and Meredith became the most polarizing guy wearing a star on his helmet.

Sound familiar?

Look at the similarities between Dak and Don Meredith:
  • In 2023, Dak was second team All Pro. In Meredith’s last season in ‘68, he was second team All Pro.
  • Meredith led the Cowboys to three straight playoff appearances - 1966, ‘67 and ‘68. But they only won one playoff game in those 3 years. Dak has led the Cowboys to the playoffs 3 straight years, winning only one wild card game in the 2022 season.
  • Dak has been an overall excellent QB in the regular season the last 3 seasons, going 32-14 (Cooper Rush was 4-1 in that period when Dak was hurt). Meredith was 26-9 his last 3 seasons as a starter, but again 1-3 in the playoffs.
I don’t think Dak will do what Meredith did at the end of the 1968 season and announce his retirement. There’s too much money on the table for him compared to DM’s day. But if I were in Dak’s shoes, I would want to be traded. Meredith realized that despite it certainly not being all on him that those late 60s Cowboys couldn’t get it done, he did realize that the target on his back would only get larger.

Once the fan base turns on a QB, it becomes extremely difficult for that QB to push the restart button every season. I am NOT one of those that think all we need is a new QB and things will be rosy again. Dak is not as bad as way too many here think. But I do believe like Don Meredith came to realize, sometimes your period as QB of the Cowboys runs out. If I was #4 I would be looking for a new address.
I wasn't born until 1978 but I read a lot of books on the Cowboys. And to add to your point about Meredith/Prescott, there is a striking similarity to the Cowboys from 1966-70 and the Cowboys of 2021-now.

During that time the Cowboys were mockingly referred to as "Next Year's Champions". They would always come up just short in the postseason. In fact, there was even a narrative in place that those Dallas teams beat up on bad opponents and could not beat the good teams. During the late '60s the Giants, Washington, Eagles, and Cardinals were bad. And before re-alignment, the expansion Saints and Falcons briefly shared a division with Dallas.

The Cowboys beat up those teams on a regular basis and then fell short in the postseason. While I did not live through that time period, to me it sounds eerily similar to what is happening to the Cowboys right now- albeit in an era where social media rules. Imagine what the narrative on Meredith would be if something like this forum existed in the '60s.


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I am no history major and I believe you know much much more about the history of the Cowboys that I do. I believe back then the playoffs basically started in the championship games and ended in the super bowl. Just making the playoffs was going further than Dak ever has. It was basically the equivalent of Dak losing to Mahomes every year in the championship game or the super bowl. I would love Dak if he did that. As it stands he throws up all over himself in the wild card round. Nice try on the comparison but not valid IMHO.

Plus as you say if Don made 40 million per year he would have played for as long as possible. Definitely no comparison there.
Then you never really read anything about Don Meredith. You seem to have this bedrock belief that its ALWAYS about the money despite steady examples over the years that is not always true.


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In January of 1969, at the age of 31, Don Meredith, the Dallas Cowboys’ first “star” QB shocked the sports world by announcing his retirement. I was 10 years old at the time and remember being shocked that Meredith did that. But much like the current Cowboys QB, Meredith had become unpopular with fans for not getting it done in the playoffs and after numerous injuries he felt his time was up.

In fact, I find it very interesting how similar the situation is today in 2024 to what happened after the Cowboys 1968 early exit from the playoffs

Don Meredith had led those 60s Cowboys from expansion team awful to making the playoffs 3 straight years including two heartbreaking losses to GB in the conference championship games in 1966 at the Cotton Bowl and in the Ice Bowl at Lambeau in 1967. Meredith’s last playoff game in 1968 ended in an embarrassing 31-20 loss to the browns in the first round.

Despite having a very good regular season record as a starter, Meredith ended up 1-3 in the playoffs, his one playoff win being a first round win against the Browns in ‘67 at the Cotton Bowl. In 1968, the Cowboys were 12-2, division winners, had made the playoffs 3 straight years, and looked like they were primed to go to another conference championship game. Then disaster struck in the first round and Meredith became the most polarizing guy wearing a star on his helmet.

Sound familiar?

Look at the similarities between Dak and Don Meredith:
  • In 2023, Dak was second team All Pro. In Meredith’s last season in ‘68, he was second team All Pro.
  • Meredith led the Cowboys to three straight playoff appearances - 1966, ‘67 and ‘68. But they only won one playoff game in those 3 years. Dak has led the Cowboys to the playoffs 3 straight years, winning only one wild card game in the 2022 season.
  • Dak has been an overall excellent QB in the regular season the last 3 seasons, going 32-14 (Cooper Rush was 4-1 in that period when Dak was hurt). Meredith was 26-9 his last 3 seasons as a starter, but again 1-3 in the playoffs.
I don’t think Dak will do what Meredith did at the end of the 1968 season and announce his retirement. There’s too much money on the table for him compared to DM’s day. But if I were in Dak’s shoes, I would want to be traded. Meredith realized that despite it certainly not being all on him that those late 60s Cowboys couldn’t get it done, he did realize that the target on his back would only get larger.

Once the fan base turns on a QB, it becomes extremely difficult for that QB to push the restart button every season. I am NOT one of those that think all we need is a new QB and things will be rosy again. Dak is not as bad as way too many here think. But I do believe like Don Meredith came to realize, sometimes your period as QB of the Cowboys runs out. If I was #4 I would be looking for a new address.
There's a big difference.
Meredith was battling, taking hits while making plays, and kept the Cowboys in the game until the very end in each of those big games- even leading.
Dak plays in the touch football version of the NFL and chokes every time the pressure is on.
The only similarities are that they both have/had two arms, two legs, and a body.
Even the mind of Meredith was different. He was a leader on the field; Dak leads in the interviews.


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Mahomes is the best quarterback in the NFL and already considered a top 5 quarterback of all time. I would love to see the post that said that. I mean you Dak haters just need to find a new team and stop making up stuff.
No one has ever said it. They just use that as a talking point to prove that people who like Dak are crazy lol.


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Dandy Don was a much better actor. Much better
I disagree.
Merideth had the physical ability to be an outstanding football HS; but his temperament and will pushed him to become a college All-American, onto being in the pros.


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In January of 1969, at the age of 31, Don Meredith, the Dallas Cowboys’ first “star” QB shocked the sports world by announcing his retirement. I was 10 years old at the time and remember being shocked that Meredith did that. But much like the current Cowboys QB, Meredith had become unpopular with fans for not getting it done in the playoffs and after numerous injuries he felt his time was up.

In fact, I find it very interesting how similar the situation is today in 2024 to what happened after the Cowboys 1968 early exit from the playoffs

Don Meredith had led those 60s Cowboys from expansion team awful to making the playoffs 3 straight years including two heartbreaking losses to GB in the conference championship games in 1966 at the Cotton Bowl and in the Ice Bowl at Lambeau in 1967. Meredith’s last playoff game in 1968 ended in an embarrassing 31-20 loss to the browns in the first round.

Despite having a very good regular season record as a starter, Meredith ended up 1-3 in the playoffs, his one playoff win being a first round win against the Browns in ‘67 at the Cotton Bowl. In 1968, the Cowboys were 12-2, division winners, had made the playoffs 3 straight years, and looked like they were primed to go to another conference championship game. Then disaster struck in the first round and Meredith became the most polarizing guy wearing a star on his helmet.

Sound familiar?

Look at the similarities between Dak and Don Meredith:
  • In 2023, Dak was second team All Pro. In Meredith’s last season in ‘68, he was second team All Pro.
  • Meredith led the Cowboys to three straight playoff appearances - 1966, ‘67 and ‘68. But they only won one playoff game in those 3 years. Dak has led the Cowboys to the playoffs 3 straight years, winning only one wild card game in the 2022 season.
  • Dak has been an overall excellent QB in the regular season the last 3 seasons, going 32-14 (Cooper Rush was 4-1 in that period when Dak was hurt). Meredith was 26-9 his last 3 seasons as a starter, but again 1-3 in the playoffs.
I don’t think Dak will do what Meredith did at the end of the 1968 season and announce his retirement. There’s too much money on the table for him compared to DM’s day. But if I were in Dak’s shoes, I would want to be traded. Meredith realized that despite it certainly not being all on him that those late 60s Cowboys couldn’t get it done, he did realize that the target on his back would only get larger.

Once the fan base turns on a QB, it becomes extremely difficult for that QB to push the restart button every season. I am NOT one of those that think all we need is a new QB and things will be rosy again. Dak is not as bad as way too many here think. But I do believe like Don Meredith came to realize, sometimes your period as QB of the Cowboys runs out. If I was #4 I would be looking for a new address.
how can you compare Dak to Meredith? first of all no salary cap, and more importantly Meredith had us in the championships games. Dak hasn't been able to get to no NFC Championship, and with a loaded roster, and now we're supposed to reset the QB market with this loser? I don't think so, you are right about one thing, the fans turned on Don and have turned on Dak.


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BUT I think the real Dak bots think this but are too gutless to say it
Man they are probably scared you will find them and "Straighten them out" imagine calling people gutless on an internet


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Laundry wasn't a real motivator for his players and Don just wasn't having fun in the end and called it a day.
No big bucks back then as most players had off-season jobs to stay above water.
True talent at QB and a great leader of men!