The Make Up Your Mind or Leave Parcells thread

5Stars;1317150 said:
You cannot win! :rolleyes:

You and others that want him gone (I could'nt care less), or for him to make up his mind NOW...

If after the Seattle game, Parcells says "it's over, I'm outta here", then you guys would ridicule him for leaving without getting the job done!
He's a loser in your eyes...

If he announced NOW that he is coming back to stay as long as it takes to win a SuperBowl, then it would be, "Oh no! Not another more sorry years for the Cowboys with this lame duck coach"!
He's a loser in your eyes...

The moaning and groaning about Parcells is really getting ridiculous...because if he leaves and JJ hires someone that you don't like or want...
Then JJ is a loser for letting Parcells go...

Lots of spoiled brats around here!


Sure some people would have rejoiced if Bill had resigned right after the Seattle game, and some would be upset, same as if/when he announces his decision to return or leave.

There's no concensus here, and one's not going to be formed: we don't even agree among ourselves as to what's the most important thing to be fixed.

What's even more amusing than than the differences of opinion is the people that object to the opinions being posted because they're either tired of seeing the same thing or they violently disagree with the opinion. That is the curse of any message board.

So what would we talk about in the meantime? The draft? Free agency? No guarantee we'll like those choices either. Look at last year.

I wish Parcells had already made up his mind. If it takes 3 years or so to find out what a player has, and the team as a whole, then shouldn't the coach say: "I'm giving this thing four (or some other number) years, and if it's not working, that's it. Screw what everyone else thinks"?

And while BP comes off like that (ignoring outside reaction) a lot of the time, apparently he doesn't necessarily go forward with it. Or maybe he just likes jerking the fans and media around. Who knows for sure...

God forbid if next season is no improvement on this one, what will the excuses be? Probably much the same as this year.
zeromaster;1318295 said:
God forbid if next season is no improvement on this one, what will the excuses be? Probably much the same as this year.

I'm done with Parcells if that happens. Five years is enough to build, considering we kind of screwed ourselves with our overachieving 2003 performance. This year, with his defensive staff coordinating the defense, we'll see what's up. But this is the last chance. At least for me. If he can't do it, move on.
philo beddoe;1318239 said:
I am an OU fan. Good coaches lose good coordinators all the time. OU has managed to carry on. Stoops did a great job this year considering all the crap that got in his way: Rhett Bomar for starters. I don't EXPECT Stoops to come, nor do I really want to see him leave OU. But, if he decides to go pro, I hope it's in Dallas. I think he's a better option for this team than Bill Parcells. Mike Stoops was the co-defensive coordinator.

well, then you know they haven't been the same team since Mike S. left and haven't played to the same level on D now that they're relying solely on Venables. I'm not saying he'd be worse than what we have now, per se, just that he's lost some of his mystique since Mike left the program.
The thing that is bugging the hell out of me is ; MAKE A DECISION ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!! (i'm excited SP)

While most teams now are thinking about what there going to do next year with their team, He doesn't know if there's going to be a next year.:mad:

This indecision doesn't make me feel very comfortable on his mind set for The Team.
Pottsville Maroons;1318304 said:
well, then you know they haven't been the same team since Mike S. left and haven't played to the same level on D now that they're relying solely on Venables. I'm not saying he'd be worse than what we have now, per se, just that he's lost some of his mystique since Mike left the program.
Mike was/is a good coach. Was he the magic piece? Don't think so. Let's see where Arizona is in a couple of years. Bob Stoops brought OU out of the John Blake fiasco. he deserves much credit. OU had been down for years until B. Stoops signed on.
philo beddoe;1318326 said:
Mike was/is a good coach. Was he the magic piece? Don't think so. Let's see where Arizona is in a couple of years. Bob Stoops brought OU out of the John Blake fiasco. he deserves much credit. OU had been down for years until B. Stoops signed on.

Ok, but who were his OC and DC when he signed on? They deserve much credit, as well. That's all I'm saying.
Pottsville Maroons;1318370 said:
Ok, but who were his OC and DC when he signed on? They deserve much credit, as well. That's all I'm saying.

OK, then using this logic, Bill Parcells can't coach either. He hasn't done much since he lost Little Bill, right?
Here's a point to ponder, if he only won because of mumbles even though all reports are that he decides what to do during the games, not his coordinators, how then if he gets no credit for the wins, that was all his coordinators, can you logically blame him for the losses?
CanadianCowboysFan;1318394 said:
Here's a point to ponder, if he only won because of mumbles even though all reports are that he decides what to do during the games, not his coordinators, how then if he gets no credit for the wins, that was all his coordinators, can you logically blame him for the losses?

Well, I think it's a little bit deeper than that. With Little Bill, whom he had worked with for years, I think there was some trust and thus he allowed him some more leeway. With someone like say, Zimmy, a 4-3 guy who is learning the 3-4, I think Bill takes more of an iron hand. Or, maybe it's that with the NYG, he had Taylor, Carson, Marshall, et. al. on D and Purcells' more conservative system worked because of that. Little Bill and his theories have evolved, as have most innovative coordinators/coaches in the game today. The defense that NE now runs bears little resemblance to those old Giant teams (even the early Pat teams that BP oversaw).

At the end of the day, who knows why Parcells is no longer as successful as he used to be. Is he too old? No stellar assistants? Roster lacking talent? I really don't care, I've just had enough of the mediocrity. The reality is that in this NFL, particularly the NFC, sustained mediocrity is unacceptable. When teams come out of the woodwork all the time and compete, there are no excuses for another 9-7 year. If that happens again next year, can we all agree it might be time to move on? If he leads us to the "promised land," I will be deliriously happy, but I just don't see it right now. Until he gets us to the end of the season without a December collapse and a division championship and a playoff win, I will continue to be disappointed in his performance.
THis will make the haters happy..

Simms on Parcells: He's outta here
CBS' Phil Simms believes his old Giants coach will soon be an ex-Cowboys coach. That's what he just told a conference call of reporters who were questioning him on Sunday's AFC Championship game.
What does Simms base his belief on? Nothing that Parcells has told him. Just the gut feeling of an ex-NFL quarterback as he looks over the field.

Posted by Barry Horn at 2:31 PM (E-mail this entry) | Comments (0)
theebs;1318410 said:
THis will make the haters happy..

Simms on Parcells: He's outta here
CBS' Phil Simms believes his old Giants coach will soon be an ex-Cowboys coach. That's what he just told a conference call of reporters who were questioning him on Sunday's AFC Championship game.
What does Simms base his belief on? Nothing that Parcells has told him. Just the gut feeling of an ex-NFL quarterback as he looks over the field.

Posted by Barry Horn at 2:31 PM (E-mail this entry) | Comments (0)

Crap...Parcells will probably come back now just to make Simms look bad one more time.
Parcell would still be a great coach if he was ten years younger. I don't think the game has passed him by, but when you are 65 freaking years old, it is hard to put in the hard work needed. I think he wants to come back but doesn't know if he can physically hack it.
Spags is convienced that BP is returning as the Coach. Just listened to the Ranch Report from today and he stated that BP was at Valley Ranch, even with Dallas Froze over. Been to work every day since the season ended. So he is convinced that BP is returning.
Who Cares.......

I need new topics to read such as Gisele and Brady or more " Roy needs to drop 30 pounds threads".

The Tuna will be back regardless and Jerry could care less what anyone thinks unless its about his nose job
If BP does go, do you think JJ has anyone in mind or are going to go thru the yellow pages?????:(
sandtrapp;1318498 said:
If BP does go, do you think JJ has anyone in mind or are going to go thru the yellow pages?????:(

Well, Miami might be a good scale of what is out there. Miami is a cush job, great weather, owner that will spend what it takes to win, etc.. and they are getting the likes of Chan Gailey and Mike Shula to interview.. Another thing to remember is that after the rash of college coaches that left to go to the pros, the colleges have starting paying NFL salaries, coaches are not dying to get to the NFL like they were several years ago. IF BP leaves,, i am scared of who we would get to come in this year.
Cowboy4ever;1318464 said:
Spags is convienced that BP is returning as the Coach. Just listened to the Ranch Report from today and he stated that BP was at Valley Ranch, even with Dallas Froze over. Been to work every day since the season ended. So he is convinced that BP is returning.

I see all of these reports about how much time Parcells spends at Valley Ranch, but I want to know is ...what the hell is he actually doing? Surfing internet porn? Divising ways to make next season the most mediocre of them all? For all of the time he supposedly spends at the Ranch, you really cant see any proof of it on gameday.
JustSayNotoTO;1318511 said:
I see all of these reports about how much time Parcells spends at Valley Ranch, but I want to know is ...what the hell is he actually doing? Surfing internet porn? Divising ways to make next season the most mediocre of them all? For all of the time he supposedly spends at the Ranch, you really cant see any proof of it on gameday.

My guess is that right now, he is pouring over scouting reports of both FA's and Draftees. Also doing some player eval work on film to see what we need to address and how to best go about it. OR,, his heat is not working and he just wants a warm place to take a nap.. not sure which at this point.
theebs;1318410 said:
THis will make the haters happy..

Simms on Parcells: He's outta here
CBS' Phil Simms believes his old Giants coach will soon be an ex-Cowboys coach. That's what he just told a conference call of reporters who were questioning him on Sunday's AFC Championship game.
What does Simms base his belief on? Nothing that Parcells has told him. Just the gut feeling of an ex-NFL quarterback as he looks over the field.

Posted by Barry Horn at 2:31 PM (E-mail this entry) | Comments (0)

It was also Pat Summerall's opinion that Bill was gone after the Eagles Game without speaking to BP.

Be prepared for anything, but I think it will come during Super Bowl Week.
aikemirv;1318054 said:
So he has to have an answer as to why some players are not playing up to their potential. Is that what you are saying, HE has to know WHY.

That is a lot to ask.

To know why they are not taking their responsibility of first to the flat seriously.

To why a guy like Burnett sits in limbo land and does not cover the TE like he should.

I bet everyone would like to know the answer to that.

You can blame some of that on coaching if you want, but they can only do so much to keep players focused and sometimes no matter what they do, the players are still not focused.

I remember Julius saying how unfocused the guys were on Christmas day and were worried about tickets for families and everything else. I guess that is the coaches fault too.

One game can be excused, however our defense was LAST IN THE NFL the last 4-5 weeks of the season. If you dont believe me go look up the stats, we were the 32nd ranked unit like all of December in most of the important defensive categories.

One game can be blamed on players, a month is on the coaching staff.

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