The nerve is officially firing***merged***


The Boognish
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not even talking about fuzzy. i got enough reasons to disagree with him before any of this hit.

it all has to do with people sitting in here getting mad cause their opinions have been proven incorrect in the course of time. maybe next time don't get so emotionally inundated with how you "feel" to let that make you want to shape life to your views, not your views to life.

now - i would also say - you can speculate away all you want but why do people then get mad when they speculate incorrectly? that's all.

wow. i was wrong and the dude is recovering. guess i got more research to do or wait for more info before i make my decisions...

now that would be a valid response to being wrong.

all this butt-hurt is amazing to me when NO ONE HERE had his medical records to go by and were just...speculating. i 100% agree it's fun and why we gather and talk about such things. but to get upset and take it personal?

some people need to let go of their insecurities and grow up.

The facts I laid out are not speculation.

That last bit you should attempt some introspection regarding considering you cannot even address me directly.


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The process how the muscle innervates in particular when the old pathways breakdown.

In short I was looking for potential complications that might lead to a partial recovery or worse for him.

I found two things. 1 was when scar tissue formed in the axonal canal or whatever it is called.

The other had to do with the muscle not innervating properly and that came down to old pathways not being viable and new pathway formation being problematic. What exactly the problem was was confusing.

My family member PhD said that the muscle does not innervate well after a substantial amount of time has passed. How long that while is is not clear but sounds like at least 1.5-2 years. At least that is what I remember.


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Nice info.
So the nerve needs to reach roughly where the ankle is?
I have been wondering about the time difference between reach the muscles responsible for dorsiflexion and the muscules responsible for lifting the toes?
Does it look like about 6 inches - 12 inches to you?
If so, how long would you think Jaylon started to have some motor neuron connection with the muscles responsbiel for dorsiflexion?

lol I just want to verify if it appears Jaylon started to have some motor neuron connection ~Oct or so - matching his magical tweets.

In order to innervate those two muscles I listed, a little bit further down (distal) from the ankle.

Do you mean the time difference in healing between the nerve's branches to the muscles in the lower leg vs. muscles in the foot? If so, axonal growth and regeneration are limited by the rate of slow axonal transport. Slow axonal transport occurs at the rate of ~1mm/day. So just take the site of nerve injury and the distance between that and the muscles it innervates to estimate how long it would take to reestablish motor control (assuming the nerve is able to regrow).

I'm just speculating here, but he would first receive his ability to dorsiflex from the nerve regenerating and synapsing with the muscles responsible for that in the lower leg (calf area). The extra growth needed to reach the foot would take longer, but would provide more motor control.


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In order to innervate those two muscles I listed, a little bit further down (distal) from the ankle.

Do you mean the time difference in healing between the nerve's branches to the muscles in the lower leg vs. muscles in the foot? If so, axonal growth and regeneration are limited by the rate of slow axonal transport. Slow axonal transport occurs at the rate of ~1mm/day. So just take the site of nerve injury and the distance between that and the muscles it innervates to estimate how long it would take to reestablish motor control (assuming the nerve is able to regrow).

I'm just speculating here, but he would first receive his ability to dorsiflex from the nerve regenerating and synapsing with the muscles responsible for that in the lower leg (calf area). The extra growth needed to reach the foot would take longer, but would provide more motor control.

They said the nerve needed to grow 6 inches to reach the muscles that provide dorsiflexion.
I figure that is less than halfway down the lower leg.
So would that not mean another 8 months or so to grow the rest of the way to around where the ankle is?
Another question is if the branch of the nerve that connects to the muscle that provide dorsiflexion is a different branch that connects to the muscles that lift the toes?

If so, this would 'prove' within a decent confidence level, that the FO really held out on us that Jaylon likely got the initial connection around Sept or so when the magical tweets started.


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I was thinking more of a bear with no hair.



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If you read How to Win Friends and Influence People, it talks about how if you confront someone and point out they are wrong directly, they hate you for it. I find that is much more true for men than it is for women but they are not wrong.
So you had to read a book to figure out how to make friends? I bet you're fun at parties bro