The new Official Greg Hardy legal/ethics/morality/suspension thread

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The Boognish
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What's he doing with these assault guns he reportedly threw her on top of? That's tank Johnson alarms right there. I'm not going to go real in depth because I made my feelings on the Cowboys and the NFL known yesterday as it pertains to these issues.

He lives in Charlotte not Chicago. The judge ordered he turn in his guns.


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Not to ignore the seriousness of domestic violence.

But I have asked a few female friends of mine about these cases.

First question: How bad of a "monster" is Ray Rice, when the girl he hit, went on to devote her life to him?


How do you explain a woman who was beat by a man, taking money in exchange for her silence? Wouldn't any decent, "Honest" woman want to ensure that the man who beat her, wouldn't be able to do this to her or any other woman, again ?
Instead of getting......................Money?

They don't really have an answer? Isn't the issue of Domestic Violence greater then their particular bank account or happiness?

First, Ray Rice was a monster on that night. A drunken enraged monster that night, yes he was.

Second. I said it before and I will say it again. If you are with a loser and stay with a loser than you too are more often than not a loser.
Also, sadly money talks in this world. I mean watch this video:

Now after all that the two of them, not just Nicole but her lawyer who spoke out so strongly both took the payday and went away.


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The cops cataloged a dime size bruise on her arm. there is a tweet incourt follow along of the bench trial over at the charlotte observer. the judge references pictures from the ER which she relates to being able to see bruising too.

I think Hardy meets the standard for assault. He did not really hurt her but its obvious that he was being physically menacing and threatened her at the very least. I think the misdemeanor was appropriate.

What I don't get is why the girl gets off free. She threw the shoe and hit him in the face. He had a cut under his eye. Two days before he left his house and stayed somewhere else. The police arrived as he was leaving. The cops described her as ranting and trying to block his car from leaving, and kicking the car door as he left. It was drug fueled but that certainly is not a pass.

I don't really know what people are trying to accomplish with their outrage over the misdemeanor. I see no predatory behavior on his part.

so they were both in the wrong. thanks. yeah he should be punished. so should she.


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There is no evidence or acknowledgement of a settlement by either party. Ms Holder was an uncooperative witness from the very beginning. She didn't show for the restraining order hearing the day after the incident and had to be dragged to the first hearing. Just because she didn't show for the jury trial doesn't mean she was bought off.

I don't even recall hearing about a civil suit to begin with, let alone a settlement. It is possible there was an agreement, but it would be confidential and could not legally keep her from pursuing the criminal charges. That would be a crime by itself. The fact that the DA mentioned a settlement as the reason for dropping the charges was very unprofessional. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

Watch the video I just posted. He basically said they were going to go after a civil suit and then they got paid off. The DA even said they tried to contact her lawyer and could not when trying to contact anyone and everyone for the second trial.


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The cops cataloged a dime size bruise on her arm. there is a tweet incourt follow along of the bench trial over at the charlotte observer. the judge references pictures from the ER which she relates to being able to see bruising too.

I think Hardy meets the standard for assault. He did not really hurt her but its obvious that he was being physically menacing and threatened her at the very least. I think the misdemeanor was appropriate.

What I don't get is why the girl gets off free. She threw the shoe and hit him in the face. He had a cut under his eye. Two days before he left his house and stayed somewhere else. The police arrived as he was leaving. The cops described her as ranting and trying to block his car from leaving, and kicking the car door as he left. It was drug fueled but that certainly is not a pass.

I don't really know what people are trying to accomplish with their outrage over the misdemeanor. I see no predatory behavior on his part.
Defense maintained that bruising was from hitting him. I would guess that if either tried to escort her out that also could have caused bruising. The manager I believe did try that.

But Hardy’s attorney, Chris Fialko, questioned Holder’s story and asked, “You got bruises from punching Mr. Hardy?”


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Watch the video I just posted. He basically said they were going to go after a civil suit and then they got paid off. The DA even said they tried to contact her lawyer and could not when trying to contact anyone and everyone for the second trial.

That is not proof. You talk like you have read the documents.


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i dont want anything but the way you make it sound its godzilla versus tinkerbell. tinkerbell would be cut in half if it went down the way she said it did.

Ok. So if there was video of all this you would be ok with it? He threw her necklace down the toilet and then slammed the toilet on her arm as she tried to retrieve it. Thats ok. Did he really need to break her arm to convince you?


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That is my point. Root for the Cowboys and root for him to produce for us but for those who are trying to justify his actions just stop. You look and sound silly.

I don't believe anyone here is trying to justify anything. What is being said is that this whole case is complicated and is not black and white. There is a gray area where both are at fault, most likely. You, I, and everyone else has no idea what happened exactly the night of the incident so to make judgements and claim absolutes is disingenuous at best.


The Boognish
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Watch the video I just posted. He basically said they were going to go after a civil suit and then they got paid off. The DA even said they tried to contact her lawyer and could not when trying to contact anyone and everyone for the second trial.

He did no such thing. He mentioned that they they were exploring all their options including civil litigation and then went to thank the press for respecting their privacy. You can deduce that since he is exploring the option that it means there is no such agreement because the two notions are mutually exclusive.

You then go on to literally demonize people war propaganda style and insult by association. Thanks for the contribution.


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He did no such thing. He mentioned that they they were exploring all their options including civil litigation and then went to thank the press for respecting their privacy. You can deduce that since he is exploring the option that it means there is no such agreement because the two notions are mutually exclusive.

You then go on to literally demonize people war propaganda style and insult by association. Thanks for the contribution.

It's common sense. She disappeared and so did her lawyer. Don't be naive.


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I don't believe anyone here is trying to justify anything. What is being said is that this whole case is complicated and is not black and white. There is a gray area where both are at fault, most likely. You, I, and everyone else has no idea what happened exactly the night of the incident so to make judgements and claim absolutes is disingenuous at best.

Fuzzylumpkin is trying to justify it and is failing miserably


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Were you just hoping no one would watch the video? Incredible.

Maybe you need to watch it again..........notice how the lawyer says what a great victory it was against such a big star and then they couldn't find him for the second trial. Come on man, 1+1=2


The Boognish
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Maybe you need to watch it again..........notice how the lawyer says what a great victory it was against such a big star and then they couldn't find him for the second trial. Come on man, 1+1=2

Wow are you trying to get me to insult you? :laugh:

How you doing man? you doing alright this evening?


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You spoke falsely. You have no credibility. Back to ignore you go.

I am so sorry I am not producing the signed agreement between Greg and Nicole. Just because it is not documented doesn't mean it didn't happen because it did. It's pretty obvious to EVERYBODY ELSE.


The Boognish
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