Twitter: The NFL is doing fine


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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The stadium brings in something like $900M/year in revenue. NFL revenues are nice, but Jerry's cash cow is that stadium. He doesn't sweat not getting a SB, because he doesn't need it.

Of course it is. Have you heard the story behind why he hired Parcels? It had nothing to do with trying to win games or super bowls.


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Except that as a fan, you are the one paying for all of it. Maybe you don’t buy tickets or jerseys directly but you still pay the bill.
I just watch on Sundays and I guess I pay somewhere along the line, just like I pay for uninsured motorist with higher insurance rates.
Things beyond my control.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Players are still just trying to put food in the table for their families.


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The stadium brings in something like $900M/year in revenue. NFL revenues are nice, but Jerry's cash cow is that stadium. He doesn't sweat not getting a SB, because he doesn't need it.

Show me one owner who financially sweats not getting a super bowl? Every single owner rakes in the money regardless if they win a super bowl or not. Not one of those owners 'needs' a super bowl to financially survive.

Most of these owners were businessmen before they became owners. Their businesses are booming right now. Jerry made huge money on oil and gas alone this year.

These owners are sweating how they will get 1000 stadium workers to come back when the government is paying more to stay unemployed. Sweating if the fans will come back to the stadium and spend money like drunken sailors. Sweating if viewership will fall. Sweating if their free farm league, college football, will survive or if they have to finance a minor league like baseball. Sweating whether congress/courts will pull their special anti-trust gig. Sweating whether they should sell the team while the price is high or hold.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Of course it is. Have you heard the story behind why he hired Parcels? It had nothing to do with trying to win games or super bowls.
Keep on hating. I told you that’s all you do and every one of your posts proves me right. Thank you.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Show me one owner who financially sweats not getting a super bowl? Every single owner rakes in the money regardless if they win a super bowl or not. Not one of those owners 'needs' a super bowl to financially survive.

Most of these owners were businessmen before they became owners. Their businesses are booming right now. Jerry made huge money on oil and gas alone this year.

These owners are sweating how they will get 1000 stadium workers to come back when the government is paying more to stay unemployed. Sweating if the fans will come back to the stadium and spend money like drunken sailors. Sweating if viewership will fall. Sweating if their free farm league, college football, will survive or if they have to finance a minor league like baseball. Sweating whether congress/courts will pull their special anti-trust gig. Sweating whether they should sell the team while the price is high or hold.
Every owner wants a Super Bowl. Not only because they are mostly competitive and want bragging rights with other owners but they also want the financial windfalls.


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Every owner wants a Super Bowl. Not only because they are mostly competitive and want bragging rights with other owners but they also want the financial windfalls.

There are things in life I 'want.' There are things in life I 'need.' Those things are not necessarily the same, and often are different. I spoke of owners and needing a super bowl, not wanting a super bowl.

As a fan, I 'want' a super bowl victory. As a fan, I do not 'need' a super bowl victory. You are mixing apples and oranges.


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players ok sure

you forgot the rest of the overhead? coaches salary's? stadium, offices , insurance, transportation, utilities, practice fields, ATT, uniforms, employees, etc etc

i assume you never ran business and simply forgot where big chink of gross incomes goes to before you get down to actual NET,,

im betting the field crew costs ie lawn and upkeep is more then any one of our salary's,,

And??? Do you realize how much Jerry makes in advertising money? And all of the other revenue he gets from merchandise and anything that happens at the stadium. Jerry has absolutely no risk at all. Owning an NFL team is easy money. You literally have zero risk and have a huge ROI. This misconception that owners assume all the risk is a load of garbage. The players assume all the risk, literally with their bodies and long term physical and mental consequences. As long as you have enough capital to own a team, you have an easy meal ticket.


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Look at all that sweet sweet cash. These types of stories are my favorite cuz nothing revs my motor like another mans wealth. Yummy


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
There are things in life I 'want.' There are things in life I 'need.' Those things are not necessarily the same, and often are different. I spoke of owners and needing a super bowl, not wanting a super bowl.

As a fan, I 'want' a super bowl victory. As a fan, I do not 'need' a super bowl victory. You are mixing apples and oranges.
No you are ignoring reality. Owners want to win period. The majority of them are extremely competitive. Not to mention winning means more profits.


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Get off the phone and make something of yourself instead of peaking over the fence and complaining about other people's come-up.