The O.J. Simpson Trial


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Here's a couple of poor quality pics I took of OJ and Nicole Brown at the Leonard/Hearns fight at Caesars Palace in Vegas in Sept of 1981. They were sitting in front of me with Kareem Abdul Jabbar. You can barely make them out to Kareem's right in the second photo. The pics came out so poorly I almost tossed them away but glad I kept them. I get the creeps every time I look at the first photo because that was probably the position both were in when OJ took the knife to her throat.



Actually she was laying on the ground and he grabbed her by the hair and put that Bruno Magli shoe on her back and then proceeded to nearly decapitate her. They found his bloody shoe print on the her back.


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I don't know Man.....I think people understood it but the verdict was as much about the "rage" and sending a message about the system than it was about guilt or innocense.

You may be right, but the first person convicted using DNA evidence was in 1988, six years prior to the murder. That was before Law and Order, NCIS, CSI where the average person gets to actually hear about what this evidence means as opposed to being told what is by an expert.


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Here's a couple of poor quality pics I took of OJ and Nicole Brown at the Leonard/Hearns fight at Caesars Palace in Vegas in Sept of 1981. They were sitting in front of me with Kareem Abdul Jabbar. You can barely make them out to Kareem's right in the second photo. The pics came out so poorly I almost tossed them away but glad I kept them. I get the creeps every time I look at the first photo because that was probably the position both were in when OJ took the knife to her throat.



On a lighter note that pic you have of Aikman and Buck with the Beatle-esque wigs are comedy gold.:laugh:


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I don't think OJ did it himself, but he well could have had it done. The prosecution screwed the pooch. When you have the man that invented DNA evidence examination say "something isn't right" and the lead detective plead the fifth when asked if he planted evidence, you should lose the case.

I dont think that is correct. The way I understand it is that Once you are on the stand, you cannot pick and choose what questions you plead the 5th. So the defense team knew what they were doing especially with the mentally challenged jurors that were on the case. If you plead the fifth for the things you need to plead the 5th too, and if the attorney then ask you if you killed your mom before you walked in the courtroom even though she is alive and well, you have to plead the 5th for that as well. So after answering questions about the 5th, that question about planting evidence was just a planted question knowing he had to claim the 5th.

Ferman wasnt a racist. It Judge Ito who thought he was Mr Hollywood judge that had no idea how to handle the courtroom. Who can forget the defense team bringing something up against Judge Itos wife and he sat there and almost bawled because someone thought ill will of her.

That whole trial was a joke but Judge Ito was the ringleader of not being able to hold it together.


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Ferman wasnt a racist. It Judge Ito who thought he was Mr Hollywood judge that had no idea how to handle the courtroom. Who can forget the defense team bringing something up against Judge Itos wife and he sat there and almost bawled because someone thought ill will of her.

Let me start by saying, I can't imagine a scenario where that much physical evidence was present and OJ did not do the deed himself and even go as far as saying I have not met Fuhrman before and would not definitively say he is racist without having met him, but there is something seriously wrong with him saying "Yeah we work with ******* and gangs. You can take one of these *******, drag 'em into the alley and beat the *** out of them and kick them. You can see them twitch. It really relieves your tension." He went on to say "we had them begging that they'd never be gang members again, begging us." He said that he would tell them, "You do what you're told, understand, ******?"


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It was a drop in a bucket, IMHO. Those flames have been burning for decades and still flares up to this day. #BLM

#BLM only in case where law enforcement officers are involved. In reality, young black kids are being murdered every day in their neighborhoods by other young people of the same color. It's the ugly side and the real issue that no one wants to talk about. Just politicize Ferguson when the real issues are within the same community but, unfortunately, that doesn't grab the attention of the race baiters who fuel the flames for their own gain. That's unfortunate.


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You may be right, but the first person convicted using DNA evidence was in 1988, six years prior to the murder. That was before Law and Order, NCIS, CSI where the average person gets to actually hear about what this evidence means as opposed to being told what is by an expert.

The day the verdict was read, I was working in a multi-story law enforcement facility in New York which housed hundreds of investigators of various rank, including detectives. When word got out that they had reached a verdict, everyone in the facility found the nearest radio and just listened; I've never heard that building so quite and it was really kind of eerie. In any event, when the verdict was announced, you could hear the building erupt into cheers as the minority officers celebrated the verdict while the other officers just sat their stunned in disbelief. These folks knew the importance of DNA evidence. Many of them had used it and everyone in that building thought he'd get convicted but the reaction when OJ was acquitted still sticks with me to this day. These were law enforcement officers....split right down racial lines in a job where the only color, up to that point, was always blue.

At the end of the day, folks were looking for a reason to acquit and a jerk like Ferhman gave it to them. He lied on the stand and he damaged the reputation of good people whom the public should be able to trust.


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#BLM only in case where law enforcement officers are involved. In reality, young black kids are being murdered every day in their neighborhoods by other young people of the same color. It's the ugly side and the real issue that no one wants to talk about. Just politicize Ferguson when the real issues are within the same community but, unfortunately, that doesn't grab the attention of the race baiters who fuel the flames for their own gain. That's unfortunate.

I don't want to turn this thread political, but I do find it odd that many default to using black on black crime as a reason to diminish the importance of calling out police brutality and claim that no one wants to talk about, when that is factually incorrect. It is talked about and many of the same people who get accused of not caring about it, hold summits on this very issue. It's important, and it is talked about and it also has nothing to do with the issue BLM is trying to bring to light.


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They didn't tamper or plant anything.

your probably right, there was so much evidence pointing at OJ, that they didn't need to. however, when asked if he ever fabricated evidence, Furhman pleaded the fifth, if he wants someone to blame for a murderer getting off, he should blame himself, not prosecutors or the judge.


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your probably right, there was so much evidence pointing at OJ, that they didn't need to. however, when asked if he ever fabricated evidence, Furhman pleaded the fifth, if he wants someone to blame for a murderer getting off, he should blame himself, not prosecutors or the judge.

Again, he plead the fifth because he previously plead the fifth. It was a set up question. Because he had previously plead the fifth, that was the only answer he could give. You cannot pick and choose what questions you will answer. If they asked him about quarterbacking the cowboys he would have to plead the fifth.


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I see. So I'm assuming you agreed with the verdict then?

It doesn't matter if I agreed with the verdict. I accepted the juries decision and didn't riot for 3 days. Burning down the neighborhood does solve anything.


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#BLM only in case where law enforcement officers are involved. In reality, young black kids are being murdered every day in their neighborhoods by other young people of the same color. It's the ugly side and the real issue that no one wants to talk about. Just politicize Ferguson when the real issues are within the same community but, unfortunately, that doesn't grab the attention of the race baiters who fuel the flames for their own gain. That's unfortunate.

We finally agree on something. I couldn't have said it better.


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Again, he plead the fifth because he previously plead the fifth. It was a set up question. Because he had previously plead the fifth, that was the only answer he could give. You cannot pick and choose what questions you will answer. If they asked him about quarterbacking the cowboys he would have to plead the fifth.

so what did he plead the fifth to? obviously something criminal, even if it had nothing to do with the case, I would still say the brown/goldman family should blame him just as much as the lawyers and judge.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I don't think OJ did it himself, but he well could have had it done.

Had OJ had someone else do it then whoever it was must have had it in for him because every shred of evidence that was left behind from the size 12 Bruno Magli shoe print to the blood evidence in OJ's Bronco and residence pointed directly at OJ. The first thing OJ would have done when he got off was hunt down whoever he had do the crime and kill them for leaving a trail back to him. lol


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Had OJ had someone else do it then whoever it was must have had it in for him because every shred of evidence that was left behind from the size 12 Bruno Magli shoe print to the blood evidence in OJ's Bronco and residence pointed directly at OJ. The first thing OJ would have done when he got off was hunt down whoever he had do the crime and kill them for leaving a trail back to him. lol

Lucky for OJ the Keystone cops botched the investigation.