*** The Official Garrett Watch Thread ***

Sarek---- i agree..it is so nauseating ....this is why cowboys cannot win....they are disfunctional from top to bottom
How are you feeling my good friend?
Ready for some changes?
Anything you'd rather over other... things?
Corso--you worse nightmare is about to happen....they are keeping the Clapper after all
My dear, sweet GORICO.
That is not happening.
Patience, although it should be lacking right about now, is a virtue.
I would be worried that Garrett is staying after tomorrow. I still feel Jerry wants the NFL spotlight all to himself tomorrow.
If Garrett were returning as head coach, Jerry would just say so like he has most years for the past nine.
I would be worried that Garrett is staying after tomorrow. I still feel Jerry wants the NFL spotlight all to himself tomorrow.
Jerrah might be a covert Cowboy hater. That's the only thing that makes sense
5 stages of grief. Stage 1 denial. That’s what we’re in. “He would’ve said Jason is still Garrett by now!” And “he’ll be gone by the 14th!” Just admit it guys. He’s going to be here next year. Damn :facepalm:

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