That's the case why are you still around I mean that's his point do nothing but complain 24/7 I mean if the Cowboys weren't worth it anymore why are you spending extra time I mean you must have value in your time why are you using it just to complain about a product you no longer support because if you're still a Cowboys fan after all this knowing what you know then why are you still around i don't get it!!
Here's the problem with your philosophy explain to me why so many years have passed and yet Dallas is still in the top three in Super Bowl wins they're still number two overall in win percentage over their history they still are right now top 6IN regular season win percentage over the last decade I mean it seems like they're still filling the stadium up but other teams have not literally passed them yet guys who support the Cleveland Browns I see him come out in the snow their fan base literally hasn't even had division title since 1989 so what's your point?!?
I keep trying to explain how sports work it's reciprocal things will eventually circle back around because right now there's still only three teams in the NFL since 1990 because right now there's still only three teams in the NFL since 1989 that have three or more Super Bowl titles and that would be one of them the Dallas Cowboys how are they still in that group after all this time if it was so easy just stacking championships I mean literally it was the New England Patriots and now and I'm gonna end with this Kansas City Chiefs 'cause they're the new dynasty these are all dynasties these are teams that got on a roll and stayed on a roll for a significant amount of time they figured it all out it does come around eventually back around and that's why I'm bringing up the Kansas City Chiefs last they had a 56 year drought in Super Bowl wins that's twice as much almost right there are other teams that have zero Super Bowl appearances there's some that have no Super Bowl wins at all and like I said there are teams that struggle to even get in the playoffs the Dallas Cowboys have been in the playoffs 5 at the last eight years am I happy that they're not getting the championship games or Super Bowls no I'm not but I'm not gonna complain about it because I choose to be a fan and I understand what that means and I understand the history I understand the current situation I don't need to be told and reminded of a drought that's not even the worst in NFL history but far and by far not the worst in any sports...
And I would just add PS that the other 3 sport in our general DFW area which would be The Mavericks the Rangers and the stars only have 3 total titles ever like amongst all three together they have 3 Jerry has three I mean we keep making that a point of emphasis and I get it we need to get back to the NFC championship game some of them have been closer but the Texas Rangers up until 2023 has never won a championship and they're very rarely even competing for one they're usually pretty bad and yet somehow now they're being talked about as well look they have a title recently but Jerry doesn't know Jerry has three the other three teams have three you see the problem here and overall Jerry has three the old regime only had two and I realize they got back tomorrow championship games and lost but they got there I get the whole concept but that isn't winning Super Bowls Jerry has three Super Bowls he has some credit with a lot of us not that we support him but we support the Dallas Cowboys we're not going to sit 24 hours a day seven days a week and complain about something that's a choice...
Look I'm as frustrated as anyone else with my sports teams when they don't win it and they're not in it for a very long time this is not something I'm happy about but it's something I accept this is just what it is and someday we will be rewarded for our patience but in the mean time we're gonna sit here and defend the team because that's what's important not Jerry the team when people are just lifting their leg on the team 24 hours a day you're damn right you're gonna have responses like this from some of us..